Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (2009). Chow Forms, Chow Quotients and Quivers with Superpotential. In R. de Jeu, & J. D. Lewis (Eds.), Motives and Algebraic Cycles, a celebration in honour of Spencer J. Bloch (pp. 327-336). American Mathematical Society.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (2008). Fast computation of principal A-determinants by means of dimezmodels; an introduction through three concrete examples. In Oberwolfbach Report (pp. 2567-2570). European Math. Soc. Publishing House.
Stienstra, J. (2008). Computation of principal A-determinants through dimer dynamics. In M-H. Saito, S. Hosono, & K. Yoshioka (Eds.), New developments in algebraic geometry, integrable systems and mirror symmetry (RIMS, Kyoto, 2008) (pp. 349-369). Mathematical Society of Japan.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (2007). GKZ Hypergeometric Structures. In R. P. Holzapfel, A. M. Uludag, & M. Yoshida (Eds.), Arithmetic and Geometry Around Hypergeometric Functions (pp. 313-371). Birkhäuser Verlag.
Golyshev, V. V., & Stienstra, J. (2007). Fuchsian Equations of Type DN. Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 1(2), 323-346.
Stienstra, J. (2007). Motives from Diffraction. In J. Nagel, & C. Peters (Eds.), Algebraic Cycles and Motives, part 2 (pp. 340-359). Cambridge University Press.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (2006). Crystals, quivers and dessins d'enfants. In Oberwolfach Reports (pp. 279-281). European Mathematical Society Publishing House.
Stienstra, J. (2006). Hypergeometric Systems in two Variables, Quivers, DImers and Dessins d'Enfants. In N. Yui, H. Verrill, & C. F. Doran (Eds.), Modular Forms and String Duality (pp. 125-161). American Mathematical Society.
Stienstra, J. (2006). Mahler measure, Eisenstein series and dimers. In N. Yui, S-T. Yau, & J. D. Lewis (Eds.), Mirror Symmetry V (pp. 151-158). American Mathematical Society.
Stienstra, J. (2006). Mahler measure variations, Eisenstein series and instanton expansions. In N. Yui, S-T. Yau, & J. D. Lewis (Eds.), Mirror Symmetry V (pp. 139-150). American Mathematical Society.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (2001). Ordinary Calabi-Yau-3 Crystals. In N. Yui, & J. Lewis (Eds.), Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry (pp. 255-271). American Mathematical Society.
Stienstra, J. (2001). The Ordinary Limit for Varieties over Z[x_1, . . . ,x_r]. In N. Yui, & J. Lewis (Eds.), Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry (pp. 273-305). American Mathematical Society.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J. (1998). Resonant Hypergeometric Systems and Mirror Symmetry. In M-H. Saito, & Y. Shimizu (Eds.), Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry [Proceedings of the Taniguchi Symposium 1997] (pp. 412-452). World Scienctific.
Hosono, S., Saito, M-H., & Stienstra, J. (1998). On the Mirror Symmetry Conjecture for Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-Folds. In M-H. Saito, & Y. Shimizu (Eds.), Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry [Proceedings of the Taniguchi Symposium 1997] (pp. 194-235). World Scienctific.
Professional publications
Stienstra, J. (1997). Resonance in Hypergeometric Systems related to Mirror Symmetry. In K. Oguiso (Ed.), (informele) Proceedings van een conferentie over algebraïsche meetkunde (pp. 1-8). Universiteit Tokyo.
Scholarly publications
Stienstra, J., & Beukers, F. (1985).
On the Picard-Fuchs equation and the formal brauer group of certain elliptic K3-surfaces.
Mathematische Annalen,
271(2), 269-304. 1984
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications