Hans Boeckler Stiftung (External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Chair)
1 Jan 2014 → 31 Dec 2017
Levensloopbeleid in NederlandJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
30 Nov 2007
, Netspar/CBP conference ‘Analysing the life-cycle policies'
Work Family reconciliation. In search of reliable statistics and meaningful indicatorsJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
13 Jun 2007
, RECWOWE conference Reconciling work and welfare in Europe
The rise of the adult worker model. Actual policies and the implications for gender equalityJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
8 Jun 2007
, Keynote speech at the ASE (Assocation for Social Economics) world conference
Towards a European Union Equality IndexJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
12 Apr 2007
, Royal Statistical Society/Lancester University, Seminar ‘Indicators and Statistics on gender equality
Workshop on ‘work/family/life balance: politics and policy issues in relation to gender equality’Janneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
29 Mar 2007
Social Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)(External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Chair)
1 Jan 2007 → …
CCS, Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek (External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Chair)
1 Jan 2007 → 31 Dec 2016
Developments in childcare services in the EUJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2006
, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Brussels)
startconferentie van het 5-jarige onderzoekprogramma ‘Levenslopen, sociale zekerheid en arbeidsmarkt’Janneke Plantenga (Organiser)
17 Nov 2006
Women’s and men’s experience in the European labour marketsJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
22 Oct 2006
, United States / European Union roundtable (Washington)
Arbeid en zorg in een activerende participatiemaatschappij. Op zoek naar een optimale verantwoordelijkheidsverdeling tussen overheid en sociale partnersJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
3 Oct 2006
, Praktijkatelier NWO (The Hague)
Wat vrouwen willen. Arbeidsmarktparticipatie en zorg tussen restricties en preferentiesJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2006
, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (The Hague)
The gender pay gap. Origins and policy responsesJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
22 May 2006
, Experts Conference Closing the Gender Pay Gap
Kindercentra, dagarrangementen en brede school: het economisch perspectiefJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2006
, Jaarcongres Brede School
Sprong in het diepe. Doorontwikkelen van sociale zekerheid en arbeidsmarktbeleidJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
15 Feb 2006
, TNO (Amersfoort)
Social Inclusion and Employment (External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Member)
SER (External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Member)
Review of Social Economy (Journal)Janneke Plantenga (Editor)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Member)
European Childcare StrategiesJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
, European Conference on the Socio-Economic aspects of childcare
De Kosten van Kinderopvang voor Werkgevers en WerknemersJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2004
, Kluwer Seminar
Economic Independence of WomenJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
5 Nov 2004
, Interparlementaire Conferentie NCEO (Den Haag)
The European Childcare Agenda. An Emperical Investigation into the effectiveness of the Open Method of coordination for National Child care policiesJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
28 Oct 2004
, EAEPA 2004 conference
The Barcelona Targets and the European Social ModelJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
21 Oct 2004
, Child care in an Changing World, CMK/MinSWZ (Grongingen)
Gastouderopvang in NederlandJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
17 Jun 2004
, Mo-Groep Conference on Family day care
Financing Life Courses PoliciesJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2004
, International Conference Life Courses Policies, SISWO/SCP
De Burgerpolis, de Sociale VerzekeringsbankJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
27 May 2004
, onbekend (Amsterdam)
De Barcelona-doelstelling in de KinderopvangJanneke Plantenga (Invited speaker)
31 Mar 2004
, Kintent (Tilburg)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Janneke Plantenga (Member)