Prof. dr. J.P. (Jan) Hogendijk

Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
3584 CD Utrecht

Prof. dr. J.P. (Jan) Hogendijk

Emeritus Professor
Mathematical Modeling

For all publications see my personal website



Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2023). A Little Known Paper by Professor Fuat Sezgin on the Meridian Instrument of Ibn al-Haytham. In M. Cüneyt Kaya, N. Özdemir, & G. Aksoy (Eds.), The second international Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium on History of Science in Islam Proceedings Book: 7-9 October 2021 (pp. 139-146). Istanbul University Press.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2023). Friese wiskunde en het digitale tijdperk: de strijd tussen Pibo Gualtheri en Jan Beerntsen (1612-1613). Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 24(2), 91-94.
Hogendijk, J. (2023). Wiskunde en sterrenkunde in de traditionele Islam. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 89(3), 12-15.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2022). Two treatises by Ibn al-Haytham on the meridian line, translated from the edition by Fuat Sezgin. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 23, 149-184.


Scholarly publications

Blasjo, V. N. E., & Hogendijk, J. P. (2018). On Translating Mathematics. Isis, 109(4), 774-781.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2018). Three instruments for finding the direction and distance to Mecca; European cartography or Islamic astronomy? Rawaq: History and Heritage (Qatar), (5), 22-31.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2017). A mathematical classification of the contents of an anonymous Persian compendium on decorative patterns. In G. Necipoglu (Ed.), The arts of ornamental geometry: a Persian compendium on similar and complementary interlocking figures (pp. 145-162). (Studies and Sources in Islamic Art and Architecture, supplements to Muqarnas; Vol. 13). Brill.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2017). Ta`rif-e nesbat bar paye-ye tafriq-e do sawiyeh dar riyaziyyat-e dowre-ye Eslami: (Persian). Mirath-e Elmi, 5(2), 45-65.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2017). Redeneren met figuren als Euclides. Vakidioot, 16-17(3), 24-25.


Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2016). Riyaziyyat-e mahz dar tamaddon-e Eslami. Miras-e Elmi, 4(2), 5-15.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2016). Chapters on Ceva's Theorem, Continued Proportion, Alhazen's Problem, Muhyi al-Din's recension of the Elements. In V. J. Katz (Ed.), Sourcebook in the Mathematics of Medieval Europe and North Africa (pp. 483-493, 497-502). Princeton University Press.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2015). Motale`at-e gharbi darbare-ye karha-ye Kushyar-e Gilani. Nashr-e Rizayi, 4, 1-19.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2015). Al-Biruni on the computation of primary progression (tasyir). In C. Burnett, & D. G. Greenbaum (Eds.), From Masha'allah to Kepler. Theory and practice in medieval and renaissance astrology (pp. 279-307). Sophia Centre Press.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2015). Yvonne Dold-Samplonius (20 May 1937- 16 June 2014). Historia Mathematica, 42(1), 1-4.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2014). Book review of: Glen van Brummelen, Heavenly Mathematics: the forgotten art of spherical trigonometry, Princeton/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Isis, 105(1), 207-208.
Hogendijk, J. (2014). Al-Qabisi's treatise on the distances and sizes of the celestial bodies: edition and translation. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 20-21, 169-233.
Hogendijk, J. (2014). Al-Saghani's treatise on the distances, volumes and surfaces of the fixed stars. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 20-21, 1-29.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2013). Mathematics and geometric ornamentation in the medieval Islamic world. In R. Latata (Ed.), European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, 2-7 July 2012, Proceedings (pp. 727-741). European Mathematical Society, Publishing House.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2013). Motale`e-ye moqate`-e makhruti dar dowre-ye Eslami. Miras-e Elmi, 2, 86-98.
Casulleras, J., & Hogendijk, J. P. (2013). Progressions, Rays and Houses in Medieval Islamic Astrology: A Mathematical Classification. Suhayl, 11, 33-102.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2013). More Archimedean than Archimedes: a new trace of Abū Sahl al-Kūhī’s Work in Latin. In N. Sidoli, & G. V. Brummelen (Eds.), From Alexandria, through Baghdad : Surveys and Studies in the Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Sciences in Honor of J.L. Berggren (pp. 259-274). Springer.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (2013). Het wiskundig sonnet van Advaita. Vakidioot, 12-13(3), 10.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2012). Book review of Apollonius de Perge, Coniques, ed. R. Rashed, M. Decorps-Foulquier, M. Federspiel, Berlin-New York, 2008-2010, 7 vols. Mathematical reviews, j01004, j01009-01013, MR2828442.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). Anne-Marie Vlasschaert (ed.) Le Liber mahameleth: ´Edition critique et commentaires . Franz Steiner Verlag, 2010. Boethius Band 60. 613 p., prijs D 74. ISBN 9783515092388. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 13(1), 64-65.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). Book review of Theodosius, De Habitationibus: Arabic and Latin translations, Muenchen 2011. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 19, 399-400.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). Mathematics and geometric ornamentation in the medieval Islamic world. Newsletter / European Mathematical Society, 86, 37-43.
Bagheri, M., Hogendijk, J. P., & Yano, M. (2012). Kûshyâr ibn Labbân Gîlânî's treatise on the distances and sizes of the celestial bodies. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 19, 77-120.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). Book review of Paul Kunitzsch, Richard Lorch, Theodosius Sphaerica: Arabic and Medieval Latin translation, Stuttgart 2010. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 19, 397-399.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). Asrar-e qebleh-namaha-ye Esfahan. Miras-e Elmi, 1, 21-35.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2012). De erfenis van Pythagoras. In K. Blom, & D. Klingens (Eds.), Getallen : Euclides Special 2012 (pp. 17-22). (Euclides; No. jg 87, april 2012). Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2011). Book review: Thabit ibn Qurra. On the sector-figure and related texts. Mathematical reviews, 2011, i:01003.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2011). Middeleeuwse islamitische geometrische ornamentiek. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 12(4), 253-258.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2011). De zonnecirkel. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 30(4), 12-17.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2011). Enkele achtergronden van de middeleeuws Islamitische geometrische ornamentiek. In J. Wiegerinck (Ed.), Symmetrie: vakantiecursus 2011 (pp. 33-46). (CWI-syllabus; No. 61). CWI.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2010). The scholar and the fencing master: The exchanges between Joseph Justus Scaliger and Ludolph van Ceulen on the circle quadrature (1594-1596). Historia Mathematica, 37(3), 345-375.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2010). Book review: Arianna Borrelli. Aspects of the Astrolabe: “Architectonica Ratio” in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Europe. Stuttgart 2008. Isis, 100, 900-901.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2010). Book review: H. Kranz, W. Oberschelp, Mechanisches Memorieren und Chiffrieren um 1430 : Johannes Fontanas Tractatus de instrumentis artis memorie, Stuttgart, 2009. Mathematical reviews, MR2531390.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2010). Van Ceulen tegen de wiskunde van Scaliger. Euclides, 86(3), 108-110.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2010). Lijfrentes in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 11(2), 138-144.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2009). Over echte en fictieve personen in de Herschepping van de Wereld van Floris Cohen: Ibn al-Haytham, al-Toesi, al-Kepler en al-Galilei. Studium, 2(3), 133-140.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2009). Al-Kashi's determination of pi to 16 decimals in an old manuscript. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 18(2009), 73-152.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2009). Arabische astrologie en Westeuropese wiskunde. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 10(3), 191-196.
Hogendijk, J. (2009). Lijfrentes in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. In J. Aarts (Ed.), Tel uit je winst: wiskunde in geld en spelen: Vakantiecursus 2009 (Vol. CWI-Syllabi 59, pp. 91-101). CWI.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (2009). De Utrecht-Zij. In M. van Egmond, B. Jaski, & H. Mulder (Eds.), Bijzonder onderzoek: een ontdekkingstocht door de bijzondere collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht (pp. 144-147). Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht.
Hogendijk, J. (2009). Ludolf van Ceulen en zijn boek Vanden Circkel: schermutselingen rond het getal pi. In J. Bos, & E. Geleijns (Eds.), Boekenwijsheid: Drie eeuwen kennis en cultuur in 30 bijzondere boeken (pp. 13-20). Walburg Pers.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2009). Iranian Mathematics in the Netherlands in the 17th Century. In M. Gosselink, & D. J. Tang (Eds.), Iran and the Netherlands: Interwoven through the ages (pp. 161-166). Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn and Co's Uitgeversmaatschappij.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2008). Book reviews of R. Rashed, Les mathematiques infinitesimales du IXe au XIe siecle, London: Al-Furqan Foundation, 5 vols. (1993-2008). Mathematical reviews, [2000i:01012, 2000k:01010, 2003c:01011, 2003e: 01008, 2008m:01005].
Hogendijk, J. P. (2008). Two beautiful geometrical theorems by Abu Sahl Kuhi in a 17th century Dutch translation. Iranian Journal for the History of Science, 6, 1-36.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2008). The introduction to geometry by Qusta ibn Luqa: Translation and Commentary. Suhayl, 8, 163-221.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2008). Boekbespreking: De Archimedes Codex: De geheimen van een opzienbarende palimpsest ontsluierd. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 27(3), 20-21.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2008). Ancient and modern secrets of Isfahan. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 9(2), 121.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2007). Similar mathematics in different cultures: Jamshid al-Kashi and Ludolph van Ceulen on the determination of pi. In F. Daelmans (Ed.), Mélanges offerts à Hossam Elkhadem par ses amis et élèves (pp. 189-203)
Hogendijk, J. P. (2007). A new look at the barber's astrolabe in the Arabian Nights. In S. A. Vrolijk, & J. P. Hogendijk (Eds.), O ye Gentlemen: Arabic Studies on Science and Literary Culture in Honour of Remke Kruk (pp. 65-76). Brill.
Hogendijk, J. P., & Vrolijk, A. (Ed.) (2007). O ye Gentlemen: Arabic Studies on Science and Literary Culture in Honour of Remke Kruk. (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Text and studies ed.) Brill.


Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2006). Indiase en Arabische wiskunde. In M. Keestra (Ed.), Een cultuurgeschiedenis van de wiskunde (pp. 81-100). Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2006). Het rekenwonder van het Rapenburg. Eureka, 3(12), 15-17.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2006). Lees Euclides! Euclides, 81, 171-173.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (2006). De geboorte van de complexe getallen. Vakidioot, 2005-2006(3).
Hogendijk, J. P. (2006). Geschenken uit het Oosten. De Cascade, 3, 50-56.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2005). Book review: R. Morelon, A. Hasnawi, De Zenon d'Elee a Poincare, Recueil d'Etudes en hommage a Roshdi Rashed, Leuven 2004, and two other works. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 62(5-6).
Hogendijk, J. P. (2005). Applied mathematics in Eleventh Century Al-Andalus: Ibn Mu`adh al-Jayyani and his computation of astrological houses and aspects. Centaurus, 47(2), 87-114. 10.1111/j.1600-0498.2005.470201.x

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2005). Geschenken uit het Oosten. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 6(4), 280-286.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2005). Taqdim al-i`tidalayn (precession of equinoxes). In G. Haddad Adel (Ed.), Daneshame-ye jahan-e Eslam (Encyclopaedia of the World of Islam) (pp. 768-771). Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2005). De Sleutel tot de Rekenkunde van al-Kashi. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 6(1), 32-39.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2005). ta`dIl al-zamAn (equation of time). In G. Haddad Adel (Ed.), Daneshame-ye jahan-e Eslam (Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam (pp. 294-296). Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (2005). Omar Khayyam, wiskundige en wijnkenner. In Almanak 2004-2005: Fata Morgana (pp. 142-146). Studievereniging A-Eskwadraat.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2004). Book review: M. Folkerts, Essays on early medieval mathematics: the Latin tradition, Aldershot: Variorum, 2003. Suhayl, 4, 422-424.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). Ideals and Realities in Ibn al-Haytham's Mathematical Oeuvre. Early Science and Medicine, 9(1), 37-43.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). The lost geometrical parts of the Istikmal of Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud (11th century) in the redaction of Ibn Sartaq (14th century): An Analytical Table of Contents. Archives Internationales d'Histoires des Sciences, 53, 19-34.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P., & Qasemlu, F. (2004). tarbi`-e dayira (quadrature of the circle). In G. Haddad Adel (Ed.), Daneshname-ye jahan-e Eslam (Encyclopaedia of the World of Islam) (pp. 9-11). Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). Wiskunde en Islamitische kunst: werk in uitvoering. Euclides, 79(4), 135-137.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). ta.d`if-e moka``ab (duplication of the cube). In G. Haddad Adel (Ed.), Daneshname-ye jahan-e Eslam (Encyclopaedia of the world of Islam (pp. 470-471). Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). Vedic mathematics and the calculations of Guru Tirthaji. Pi in the Sky, 8, 24-27.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). De Vedische wiskunde en de berekeningen van Goeroe Tirthaji. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 23(3), 49-52.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2004). Structuur en schoonheid in de Sleutel tot de rekenkunde van al-Kashi (ca. 1425). In M. Bakker (Ed.), Vakantiecursus 2004: Structuur in schoonheid (pp. 111-123). Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J., & Sabra, A. I. (Ed.) (2003). The enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives. MIT Press.
Hogendijk, J. P. (Ed.), & Sabra, A. I. (2003). The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives. MIT Press.
Berggren, J. L., & Hogendijk, J. P. (2003). The Fragments of Abu Sahl al-Kuhi's Lost Geometrical Works in the Writings of al-Sijzi. In C. Burnett, J. P. Hogendijk, K. Plofker, & M. Yano (Eds.), Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree (pp. 605-669). Brill.
Burnett, C., Hogendijk, J. P., Plofker, K., & Yano, M. (2003). Studies in the History of the Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree. (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science ed.) Brill.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2003). Book review: D.A. King, World-Maps for finding the direction and distance to Mecca, Leiden 1999. Historia Mathematica, 30, 85-87.
Rosenfeld, B. A., & Hogendijk, J. P. (2003). A mathematical treatise written in the Samarqand observatory of Ulugh Beg. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 15(2002/3), 25-65.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2003). The geometrical problems of Nu`aim ibn Muhammed ibn Musa. SCIAMVS, 4, 59-136.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). The Burning Mirrors of Diocles: Reflections on the Methodology and Purpose of the History of Pre-Modern Science. Early Science and Medicine, 7, 181-197.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). The Surface Area of the Bicylinder and Archimedes' Method. Historia Mathematica, 29(2), 199-202.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). Two Editions of Ibn al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics. Historia Mathematica, 29(3), 247-265.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). Ta'this-e Neirizi dar gharb (The Influence of al-Nayrizi in the West). In M. Bagheri (Ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Fadl ebn-e Hatem Neirizi, 27-28 Mehr 1378 (pp. 61-87). Center of Publications of the University of Shiraz.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). Antyphairetic Ratio Theory in Medieval Islamic Mathematics. In Y. Dold-Samplonius, & e.a. (Eds.), From China to Paris: 2000 Years Transmission of Mathematical Ideas (pp. 187-202). (Boethius; No. 46). Franz Steiner Verlag.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (2002). Het mysterie van de Mekkawijzers van Isfahan. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 22(2), 27-34.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2001). Book review: Ruediger Arnzen, Abu'l-`Abbas al-Nayrizis Exzerpte aus (Ps.-?)Simplicius' Kommentar zu den Definitionen, Postulaten und Axiomen in Euklid's Elementa I, Koeln-Essen 2003. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 14, 321-322.
Hogendijk, J. (2001). Book review: R. Rashed, Geometrie et dioptrique au Xe siecle: Ibn Sahl, al-Quhi et Ibn al-Haytham, Paris 1993. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 14, 265-270.
Hogendijk, J. (2001). Book review: R. Rashed, H. Bellosta, Ibrahim ibn Sinan, Logique et Geometrie, Leiden 2000. Historia Mathematica, 28(2), 136-139.
Hogendijk, J. (2001). Book review: F. Sezgin, ed., Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy, Frankfurt 1997-2001, 101 vols. Historia Mathematica, 28(2), 135-136.
Hogendijk, J. (2001). Book review: S. Cuomo, Pappus of Alexandria and the mathematics of late antiquity, Cambridge 2000. Mnemosyne, 54(2), 233-235.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2001). The Contributions by Abu Nasr ibn Iraq and al-Saghani to the Theory of Seasonal Hour Lines on Astrolabes and Sundials. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 14, 1-30.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2001). The Geometrical Works of Abu Sa`id al-Darir al-Jurjani. SCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences, 2, 47-74.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2001). C.J. Scriba en P. Schreiber. 5000 Jahre Geometrie: Geschichte, Kulturen, Menschen. Berlijn: Springer-Verlag, 2001. 596 p., prijs DM 69,– ISBN 3-540-67924-3. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5, 2(4), 363-364.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (2000). Book review: Menso Folkerts, die aelteste lateinische Schrift ueber das indische Rechnen nach al-Hwarizmi, Muenchen 1997. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 13, 376-378.
Hogendijk, J. (2000). Al-Nayrizi's own proof of Euclid's parallel postulate. In Sic itur ad astra. Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften. Festschrift fuer den Arabisten Paul Kunitzsch, (pp. 252-265). Harrassowitz.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Introduction. In F. Sezgin (Ed.), Al-Sijzi, Abu Sa`id Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Abdaljalil, Collection of Geometrical Works (majmu`a min rasa'il handasiyya) (pp. 5-19). (Series C: Facsimile Editions; No. 64). Institut fur Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wiss..
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Ta'thir-e Neirizi dar gharb (The Influence of al-Nayrizi in the West. In Proceedings of the Conference on Fadl ebn-e Hatem Neirizi (pp. 61-87). Center of Publications of the University of Shiraz.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Traces of the Lost "Geometrical Elements" of Menelaus in Two Texts of al-Sijzi. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 13, 129-164.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Al-Nayrizi's Mysterious Determination of the Azimuth of the Qibla at Baghdad. SCIAMVS: Sources and Commentaries in Exact Sciences, 1, 49-70.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (2000). Boekbespreking: Denis Guedj, De Stelling van de pagagaai, roman over de geschiedenis van de wiskunde, Amsterdam 1998. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 19(4), 27-28.
Hogendijk, J. (2000). Boekbespreking: Apostolos Doxiadis, Oom Petros en het vermoeden van Goldbach, Amsterdam 2000. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 20(2), 43.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Chapter: Islamic Mathematics. In J. W. Dauben, & A. C. Lewis (Eds.), The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present: A Selective Annotated Bibliography American Mathematical Society.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Maankalender, paasdatum en het jaar 2000. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 19(4), 4-6.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (2000). Pythagoras en de wiskunde. Vakidioot, 2000-2001(1), 8-11.
Hogendijk, J. P. (2000). Het rekenwonder van Samarkand. Impact, 14, 14-15.


Scholarly publications

Luckey, P., & Hogendijk, J. P. (1999). Die Schrift des Ibrahim b. Sinan b. Thabit über die Schatteninstrumente. Übersetzt und erlaütert von Paul Luckey (Phil. Diss. Tübingen, 1941), (Arabische Texte) herausgegeben von Jan P. Hogendijk. (Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy). Institute fuer Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1999). Boekbespreking: Elaheh Kheirandish, The Arabic version of Euclid's Optics, New York 1998. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 4, 17, 285-286.
Hogendijk, J. (1999). Boekbespreking: Marjolein Kool, Die conste vanden getale: een studie over Nederlandstalige rekenboeken uit de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw, Hilversum 1999. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 18(4), 10-12.
Hogendijk, J. (1999). Book 1 of Jan de Witt's Elementa Curvarum Linearum. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 4, 17, 453-463.
Hogendijk, J., & Parshall, K. (1999). Thoughts and thanks of the outgoing editors. Historia Mathematica, 26(4), 311-313.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (1998). L'étude des sections coniques dans la tradition Arabe. In Actes du 3ème colloque Maghrebin sur les Mathematiques Arabes (pp. 147-158).
Hogendijk, J. P. (1998). Resalehaye riyazi wa-nujumi-ye Mahani (The mathematical and astronomical works of al-Mahani). Rushd. Amuzish-i riyazi, 52(1998), 7-15.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (1998). "Al-Khwarizmi". Pythagoras : Wiskundetijdschrift voor jongeren, 2(38), 4-5.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1998). Kargahi darbare-ye kashikari-ye Irani (A workshop on Iranian mosaics). Farnud, (1377), 7-13.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1998). Pazuheshhaye akhir payramun-e ta'rikh-e riyaziyat wa nojum dar tamaddon-e Islami (gharnehaye dowwom ta nohom hijri) (Current studies in the history of mathematics and astronomy in Islamic civilization). Nashr-e Rizayi, 9(2), 43-52.


Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1997). Articles: Abu Ja`far al-Khazin, Al-Mu'taman ibn Hud, Conics, Mathematics in Islam, Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi, Ya`qub ibn Tariq. In H. Selin (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (pp. 5-6, 145-146, 638-640, 1393-1396, 2002-2003, 2341). Kluwer / Springer.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1997). Negahi beh riyaziat dar Isbaniya dawre-ye Islami. Nashr-e Rizayi, 43-49.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1997). Algorismi's rekenboekje compleet. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 1997(1), 30-31.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (1997). Hypatia. Pythagoras : Wiskundetijdschrift voor jongeren, 37(1), 4.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1996). Book review: F.J. Ragep, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Memoir on Astronomy, New York 1993. Annals of Science, 53(1), 99-100.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Al-Mu'taman's simplified lemmas for solving "Alhazen's problem". In J. Casulleras, & J. Samso (Eds.), From Baghdad to Barcelona: Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet (Vol. 1, pp. 59-101). (Anuari de Filologia XIX (1996) B-2; No. 1). Universidad de Barcelona.
Bagheri, M., & Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Al-Sijzi's treatise on geometrical problem solving, Kitab fi Tashil al-Subul li-Istikhraj al-Ashkal al-Handasiya. Translated and annotated by Jan P. Hogendijk. With the Arabic text and a Persian translation by Muhammad Bagheri. Fatemi Publishing Co.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Transmission, transformation and originality: the relation of Arabic to Greek geometry. In F. Jamil Ragep, & S. Ragep (Eds.), Tradition, Transmission and Transformation: Proceedings of two conferences on pre-modern science held at the University of Oklahoma (pp. 31-64). (Collection de Travaux de l'Academie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences; Vol. 37). Brill.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Which version of Menelaus' Spherics was used by al-Mu'taman ibn Hud in his Istikmal? In M. Folkerts (Ed.), Mathematische Probleme im Mittelalter - der lateinische und arabische Sprachbereich (pp. 17-44). (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien; No. 10). Harrassowitz Verlag.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Een workshop over Iraanse mozaïeken. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 16(2), 38-42.
Parshall, K. H., & Hogendijk, J. P. (1996). Editorial: The history of mathematics, the history of science, mathematics and Historia Mathematica. Historia Mathematica, 23, 1-5.

Popularising publications

Hogendijk, J. (1996). 4000 jaar wiskunde. Vakidioot, 1996-1997(1), 6-8.

Other output

Bos, H. J. M. (Author), & Hogendijk, J. P. (Author). (1996). Faros. Performance, .


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1995). Book review: R. Rashed, Optique et Mathematiques. Recherches sur l'histoire de la pensee scientifique en arabe, Aldershot: Variorum, 1992. Archives Internationales d'Histoires des Sciences, 45, 351-353.
Hogendijk, J. (1995). Mathematics in medieval Islamic Spain. In S. D. Chatterji (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, August 3-11, 1994, Zuerich (Vol. 2, pp. 1568-1580). Birkhaüser.
Hogendijk, J. (1995). Al-Mu'taman ibn Hud, 11th-century king of Saragossa and brilliant mathematician. Historia Mathematica, 22(1), 1-18.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1995). Kegelsneden in de Griekse oudheid. In Vakantiecursus kegelsneden en kwadratische vormen (Vol. Syllabus 40, pp. 1-14). CWI.
Hogendijk, J. (1995). De wortels van de algebra. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 15(2), 41-48.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1994). The qibla table in the Ashrafi Zij. In A. von Gotstedter (Ed.), Ad Radices. Festband zum fuenfzigjaehrigen Bestehen des Instituts fuer Geschiechte der Naturwissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main (pp. 81-94). Franz Steiner Verlag.
Hogendijk, J. (1994). Pure mathematics in Islamic civilization. In I. Grattan-Guinness (Ed.), Companion Encyclopaedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences (Vol. 1, pp. 70-79). Routledge.
Hogendijk, J. (1994). An Arabic text on the comparison of the five regular polyhedra: Book XV of the Revision of the Elements by Muhyi al-Din al-Maghribi. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 8, 133-233.
Hogendijk, J. (1994). Four constructions of two mean proportionals between two lines in the Book of Perfection Istikmal of al-Mu'taman. Journal for the history of Arabic science, 10, 13-29.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1994). B.L. van der Waerden's detective work in ancient and medieval mathematical astronomy. Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 4, 12, 145-158.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1993). Book review: H.L.L. Busard, M. Folkerts, Robert of Chester's (?) redaction of Euclid's Elements, the so-called Adelard II version, Basel 1992. Centaurus, 36(1), 86-88.
Hogendijk, J., & Folkerts, M. (Ed.) (1993). Vestigia Mathematica: Studies in medieval and early modern mathematics in honour of H.L.L. Busard. Rodopi.
Hogendijk, J. (1993). The Arabic version of Euclid's On Division. In M. Folkerts, & J. P. Hogendijk (Eds.), Vestigia Mathematica. Studies in medieval and early modern mathematics in honour of H.L.L. Busard (pp. 143-162). Rodopi.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1993). Al-malik al-muhandis al-Mu'taman ibn Hud wa-mu'allafuhu kitab al-istikmal. Cahier du seminaire Ibn al-Haytham sur l'histoire des mathematiques Arabes, 3, 9-23.
Hogendijk, J. (1993). Middeleeuws Islamitische methoden voor de bepaling van de richting van Mekka. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 12(4), 45-52.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1992). Book review: B. Elsner, Apollonius Saxonicus: Die Restitution eines verlorenen Werkes des Apollonius von Perga durch Joachim Jungius, Woldeck Weland und Johannnes Mueller, Goettingen 1988. Isis, 83(4), 665-666.
Hogendijk, J. (1992). G.J. Toomer, Apollonius, Conics, Books V to VII. The Arabic translation. New York 1990. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 7, 285-287.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1992). Bibliography of publications of Ahmad Salim Saidan (1914-1991) on the history of mathematics and astronomy in medieval Islamic civilization, and list of medieval Arabic texts published by him. Historia Mathematica, 19(4), 439-443.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1991). The geometrical parts of the Istikmal of Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud (11th century). An analytical table of contents. Archives Internationales d'Histoires des Sciences, 41, 207-281.
Hogendijk, J. (1991). Al-Khwarizmi's table of the "sine of the hours'' and the underlying sine table. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan, 42, 1-12.
Hogendijk, J. (1991). Desrgues' Brouillon Project and the Conics of Apollonius. Centaurus, 34(1), 1-43.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1991). Bibliography of the scientific books and articles of E.M. Bruins (1909-1990). Historia Mathematica, 18(4), 383-389.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1990). Book review: G. Strohmaier, Al-Biruni in den Garten der Wissenschaft, Leipzig 1988. Centaurus, 33(1), 95-96.
Hogendijk, J. (1990). Book review: Kh. Jaouiche, La theorie des paralleles en pays d'Islam, Paris: Vrin, 1986. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 6, 273-275.
Hogendijk, J. (1990). A medieval Arabic treatise on mensuration by Qadi Abu Bakr. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 6, 130-150.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1990). Boekbespreking: G.J. Toomer, Apollonius, Conics V to VII, New York 1990. Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap, 33, 289-290.
Hogendijk, J. (1990). Boekbespreking: B.B. Hughes, Robert of Chester's Latin translation of al-Khwarizmi's al-Jabr, Stuttgart 1989. Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap, 33, 163.
Hogendijk, J. (1990). Over de geschiedenis van de cijfers. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 10(2), 10-12.
Hogendijk, J. (1990). Babylonische astronomie: een vergeten hoofdstuk uit de geschiedenis van de wiskunde. In F. van der Blij (Ed.), Kaleidoscoop van de wiskunde 1: Van Priemgetal tot Populatiegenetica (pp. 161-180). Epsilon Uitgaven.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1989). Book review: D.A. King, A survey of the scientific manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library, Winona Lake 1986. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 109, 698-699.
Hogendijk, J. (1989). Book review: J.L. Berggren, Episodes in the mathematics of medieval Islam, New York 1986. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 109, 697-698.
Hogendijk, J. (1989). Book review: R. Morelon, Thabit ibn Qurra, Oeuvres d'astronomie, Paris 1987. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 5, 274-279.
Hogendijk, J. (1989). Book review: R. Rashed, Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi, Oeuvres Mathematiques, Paris 1986. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 5, 279-282.
Hogendijk, J. (1989). New findings of Greek geometrical fragments in the Arabic tradition. In Symposium Graeco-Arabicum II: Akten des Zweiten Symposium Graeco-Arabicum, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum 3.-5. Maerz 1987 (pp. 22-24). (Archivum Graeco-Arabicum; Vol. 1). B.R. Gruener.
Hogendijk, J. (1989). Two tables from an Arabic astronomical handbook for the Mongol viceroy of Tibet. In E. Leichty (Ed.), A scientific humanist. Studies in memory of Abraham Sachs (pp. 233-242). (Occasional publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund; Vol. 9)..
Hogendijk, J. (1989). The mathematical structure of two Islamic astrological tables for `Casting the Rays'. Centaurus, 32(2), 171-202.
Hogendijk, J., & Brentjes, S. (1989). Notes on Thabit ibn Qurra and his rule for amicable numbers. Historia Mathematica, 16(4).
Hogendijk, J. (1989). Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi on the number of positive roots of cubic equations. Historia Mathematica, 16(1), 69-85.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1989). Het Brouillon Project van Desargues. In A. Grootendorst (Ed.), Vakantiecursus 1989: Wiskunde in de gouden eeuw. (Vol. Syllabus 25, pp. 123-142). CWI.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1988). Le roi-geometre al-Mu'taman ibn Hud et son livre de la perfection. In Actes du premier colloque sur l'histoire des mathematiques arabes. (pp. 51-66). Maison des livres.
Hogendijk, J. (1988). Book review: R. Rashed, Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi, Oeuvres Mathematiques, Paris 1986. Centaurus, 31(3), 315-316.
Hogendijk, J. (1988). The treatise on geometry in Al-Hindi's Problems of Philosophy. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 4, 19-32.
Hogendijk, J. (1988). New light on the lunar visibility table of Ya`qub ibn Tariq. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 47(2), 95-104.
Hogendijk, J. (1988). On Euclid's lost Porisms and its Arabic traces. Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche, 93, 93-115.
Hogendijk, J. P. (1988). Three Islamic Lunar Crescent Visibility Tables. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 19, 29-44.

Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1988). Occulte wiskunde. Nieuwe Wiskrant, 7(3), 35-44.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1987). Book review: Kh. Jaouiche, La theorie des paralleles en pays d'Islam. Centaurus, 30(3), 293-294.
Hogendijk, J. (1987). Abu'l-Jud's answer to a question of al-Biruni concerning the regular heptagon. In D. King, & G. Saliba (Eds.), From Deferent to Equant: a volume of studies in the ancient and medieval near East in honor of E.S. Kennedy (Vol. 500, pp. 175-183). (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; Vol. 500)..
Hogendijk, J. (1987). Observations on the icosahedron in Euclid's Elements. Historia Mathematica, 14(2), 175-177.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1986). Introduction. In F. Sezgin (Ed.), F. Sezgin, ed. The Book of Algebra, Kitab al-Jabr wa l-muqabala, by Abu Kamil Shuja` ibn Aslam, Reproduced from Ms. 379, Kara Mustafa Pasa Collection, Beyazit Library, Istanbul (Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science. Series C: Facsimile Editions; Vol. 24). Institute fuer Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften.
Hogendijk, J. (1986). Book review: Ali A. al-Daffa and John J. Stroyls, Studies in the Exact Sciences in Medieval Islam. The British journal for the philosophy of science, 37(4), 516-520.
Hogendijk, J. (1986). Arabic traces of lost works of Apollonius. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 35, 187-253.
Hogendijk, J. (1986). Discovery of an 11th-century geometical compilation: the Kitab al-Istikmal of al-Mu'taman ibn Hud, king of Saragossa. Historia Mathematica, 13(1), 43-52.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1985). Book review: Alireza Djafari Naini, Geschichte der Zahlentheorie im Orient im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung persischer Mathematiker, Braunschweig 1982. Historia Mathematica, 12(3), 295-296.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Book review: H. Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient, Berlin 1984. Centaurus, 28(3), 331-332.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Book review: J. Sesiano, Book IV to VII of Diophantus' Arithmetica in the Arabic translation attributed to Qusta ibn Luqa. Historia Mathematica, 12(1), 82-85.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Diocles and the geometry of curved surfaces. Centaurus, 28(3), 169-184.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Al-Kuhi's construction of an equilateral pentagon in a given square. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 1, 100-144.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Thabit ibn Qurra and the pair of amicable numbers 17296, 18416. Historia Mathematica, 12(3), 269-273.
Hogendijk, J. (1985). Ibn al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics. (Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences; Vol. 7). Springer.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J., & Langermann, T. (1984). A hitherto unknown Hellenistic treatise on the regular polyhedra. Historia Mathematica, 11(4), 325-326.
Hogendijk, J. (1984). Greek and Arabic constructions of the regular heptagon. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 30(3-4), 197-330.


Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1983). Boekbespreking: Ivo Schneider, Archimedes. Darmstadt 1979. Euclides, 59, 190.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1982). Rearranging the Arabic mathematical and astronomical manuscript Bankipore 2468. Journal for the history of Arabic science, 6(1-2), 133-159.


Scholarly publications

Hogendijk, J. (1981). How trisections of the angle were transmitted from Greek to Islamic geometry. Historia Mathematica, 8(4), 417-438.


Professional publications

Hogendijk, J. (1980). Twee vertellingen over pi. Euclides, 55(9), 395-408.