Scholarly publications
Li, Z., Lin, Y., Hooimeijer, P., Monstadt, J., & He, J. (Accepted/In press).
The communicative turn in planning? Examining community planner’s role as a third actor in Beijing, China.
151, Article 105785. Monstadt, J., Pilo, F., & van Gils, B. (Accepted/In press). Toward the next generation of urban heating systems? Governing multi-infrastructural solutions in Amsterdam. Urban Studies.
Punt, E., Monstadt, J., Frank, S.
, & Witte, P. (2025).
Business-as-unusual: exploring port stakeholders' time tactics for mediating recent disruptions at the Port of Rotterdam.
Time and Society. Advance online publication. Monstadt, J., & Saltzman, K. (2025).
How data centers have come to matter: Governing the spatial and environmental footprint of the “digital gateway to Europe”.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Advance online publication. 2024
Scholarly publications
He, J., Lin, Y., Hooimeijer, P., & Monstadt, J. (2024).
Informal participation in digital planning: How can third parties use social media to shift power relations in planning? Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,
114, Article 102193. Li, Z., Lin, Y., Hooimeijer, P., & Monstadt, J. (2024).
Hidden conflicts? Revealing power mechanisms in collaborative governance for redeveloping heritage districts: The case of Dashilar.
Journal of Urban Affairs. Advance online publication. Zhou, X., Lin, Y., Monstadt, J., Hooimeijer, P., Wang, S.
, & Liu, Z. (2024).
Examining collaborative planning processes and outcomes in urban regeneration: a deliberative turn in China? Urban Studies. Advance online publication. He, J., Lin, Y., Hooimeijer, P., & Monstadt, J. (2024).
Measuring social network influence on power relations in collaborative planning: A case study of Beijing City, China.
148, Article 104866. 2023
Scholarly publications
Punt, E., Monstadt, J., Frank, S.
, & Witte, P. (2023).
Navigating cyber resilience in seaports: challenges of preparing for cyberattacks at the Port of Rotterdam.
Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance,
25(4), 420-438. 2022
Scholarly publications
He, J., Lin, Y., Hooimeijer, P., & Monstadt, J. (2022). Measuring social network influence on power relations in collaborative planning in Beijing city, China.
Monstadt, J., Colen Ladeia Torrens, J.
, Jain, M., Macrorie, R., & Smith, S. (2022).
Rethinking the governance of urban infrastructural transformations: a synthesis of emerging approaches.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
55(4), 1-9. Article 101157. 2021
Scholarly publications
Engels, J. I., Frank, S., Gurevych, I., Heßler, M., Knodt, M.
, Monstadt, J., Nordmann, A., Oetting, A., Rudolph-Cleff, A., Rüppel, U., Schenk, G. J., & Steinke, F. (2021).
Transformation, Zirkulation, System of Systems: Für ein dynamisches Verständnis netzgebundener Infrastrukturen. TUprints.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Elsner, I.
, Monstadt, J., & Raven, R. P. J. M. (2019).
Decarbonising Rotterdam? Energy transitions and the alignment of urban and infrastructural temporalities.
City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action,
23(4-5), 646-657., J., & Schmidt, M. (2019).
Urban resilience in the making? The governance of critical infrastructures in German cities.
Urban Studies,
56(11), 2353–2371. 2018
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Engels, J. I., Janich, N., Monstadt, J., & Schott, D. (Eds.) (2017). Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung: Infrastrukturen, Akteure, Diskurse. (Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung). Campus Verlag.
Scholarly publications
Monstadt, J., & Scheiner, S. (2016).
Die Bundesländer in der nationalen Energie- und Klimapolitik: Räumliche Verteilungswirkungen und föderale Politikgestaltung der Energiewende.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung,
74(3), 179-197. 2015
Scholarly publications
Monstadt, J., & Wolff, A. (2015).
Energy transition or incremental change? Green policy agendas and the adaptability of the urban energy regime in Los Angeles. Energy Policy,
78(March), 213-224. Monstadt, J., & Schramm, S. (2015).
Changing sanitation infrastructure in Hanoi: hybrid topologies and the networked city. In O. Coutard, & J. Rutherford (Eds.),
Beyond the networked city: Infrastructure reconfigurations and urban change in the North and South. Routledge. 2014
Scholarly publications
Monstadt, J., & Scheiner, S. (2014).
Allocating greenhouse gas emissions in the German federal system: Regional interests and federal climate governance. Energy Policy,
74(11), 383–394. 2009
Scholarly publications
Monstadt, J. (2009).
Conceptualizing the political ecology of urban infrastructures: Insights from technology and urban studies. Environment and Planning A,
41(8), 1924-1942.