Dr. J.M.M. (Monica) van de Ridder

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer F3.09
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. J.M.M. (Monica) van de Ridder

Educational Consultant/Trainer
Educational Development & Training
+31 (0)639303498

Over the course of the years working in different medical education settings (e.g. University Medical Center Utrecht, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Dordrecht, Spectrum Health (now Corewell Group, Grand Rapids (MI), and Michigan State University Grand Rapids (MI), USA) different faculty development courses have been developed. Topics marked with an asterisk*) are very suitable for a Grand Rounds or a retreat. All topics can be offered as a mini-lecture (10-15 mins), a 30 minute or 60 minute activity or a longer workshop (90-150 minutes) in which participants practice skills. Courses are offered online (zoom) or in person. Request for specific topics not on the list can also be made.

I. Clinical setting

1.       Supervising skills: 

We explore the different stages of the Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) Framework and how this affects supervision

2.       Clinical skills teaching:

We explore Peyton’s four step model to teach clinical skills and we discuss how it can be adjusted to different teaching situation.

3.       Bedside teaching (Inpatient): 

We explore the steps to create a bed-side teaching experience in which the whole team is involved and that is safe for both the learner and the patients 

4.       Teaching in ambulatory care (Outpatient): 

We explore techniques that are specifically applicable for teaching in busy ambulatory care settings, including one-minute precepting, effective incorporation of direct observation, and providing effective feedback efficiently.


II. Observation, Assessment and Feedback:

5.       Observation*: 

We explore the key-elements of a good observation: time commitment, focus, position, credibility, introduction to the patient, and the closing of the session.

6.       Feedback providing*: 

We explore how to give feedback in in a short amount of time, using Pendleton’s rules of giving feedback.

7.       Feedback receiving*: 

We explore how feedback is being processed and learner’s and teacher barriers that may enhance and prevent the message from coming across (emotions).

8.       Feedback seeking*: 

We explore how faculty and learners can enhance feedback seeking, and we teach five questions learners can ask to get more specific feedback.

9.       Feedback and emotions*:

We explore why emotions are often provoked by  providing and receiving feedback and we will explore what these emotions are, and how they affect our feedback conversations.

10.   Upward feedback*: 

We explore techniques that can be used for providing upward feedback, i.e., feedback to somebody who has a position higher in the hierarchy. Why is it difficult? How to make a cost-benefit analysis? What to do with the fear for retaliation? 

11.   Peer-to-peer feedback*:

We reflect on the specific characteristics of giving feedback to a peer or near-peer.  What is the difference between these conversations and upward or downward feedback? What are the opportunities and threats? 

12.   Video feedback*:

We explore the strength and the weaknesses of video-feedback and how it can be used in our daily practice.

13.   Five essential elements of feedback conversations*:

We explore which five elements should be present in each feedback conversation.

14.   Milestones & Evaluations (ACGME)*: 

We explore how the ACGME-milestones can help team-members to make formative and summative assessment of learners stronger.

15.   Workplace based assessment*: 

We explore the different tools that can be used to assess learners (medical student, residents and fellows) to assess the learners in the workplace, such as: Mini-CEX, 360-degree feedback, Skills observation, and feedback.

16.   Changing the feedback culture*:

A local feedback culture from the organization, department or unit affects the feedback processes that take place. What are different type of feedback cultures and how do they affect the feedback processes? How can feedback cultures be changed by both employers, employees and learners? 


III. Challenges in education

17.   Micromanagement*:

We explore the consequences of micromanagement for the learners, the team, the micromanager and the learning environment. 

18.   The struggling learner*:

We explore how the struggling learner can become visible, the different natures of learner’s struggles, how this can affect the team and other learners, and the next steps. 

19.   Teaching when time is limited*: 

We explore a variety of didactic techniques and the theory behind itof activities that can be performed in the clinical setting which are not time consuming

20.   Motivation*: 

We explore the concepts of internal and external motivation and the important elements contributing to motivation: relatedness, autonomy and competence.

21.   Engaging learners*: 

We explore adult learning, what is important for adults to be engage, and techniques that can be used for this.

22.   Creating a safe learning environment*:

We explore the four components of a learning environment and give suggestions how the learning environment can become more safe

23.   Difficult conversations*:

We explore the Behavior, Emotions, Effect, and Desired Behavior model to help us in preparing and being involved in a difficult conversation.


IV. Classroom teaching

24.   Teaching large groups: 

We explore the group dynamics, challenges and pitfalls when teaching a large group (N>20), and discuss activities to get participants involved.

25.   Teaching small groups: 

We explore the group dynamics, challenges and pitfalls when teaching a small group (N= 8-20), and discuss activities to get participants involved.

26.   Lecturing: 

We explore techniques to make your lectures interactive and how you can work during lectures on information processing in your learners.


V. General teaching techniques

27.   Learner-oriented teaching: 

We explore how you can guide the learner on the cognitive, affective and meta-cognitive level, while minimizing your involvement as a teacher.

28.   Micro teaching: 

We explore the snippets methods. How can you teach effectively for 15 minutes, using the ‘snippet’ format.

29.   Questioning: 

We explore the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy and discuss how to formulate questions that pertain to learners on different levels

30.   Presentation skills: 

We explore the basics of a good presentation: Set-Dialogue Closure, and the verbal and non-verbal elements when you are presenting.

31.   Goal setting*: 

We explore the challenges of setting an actionable goal for yourself and your learners using the SMART-model.

32.   Individual Learning Plan: 

We explore the benefits and use of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) from a faculty, resident and learning perspectives and show examples of ILP’s being used.

33.   Mentoring*: 

We explore the essential components necessary from both a mentor and mentee perspective to create a successful experience.

34.   Coaching learners:

We explore different techniques how learners can be coached in the clinical setting and beyond.

35.   Creativity in education:

We explore the benefits of creative elements in education: reflective writing, poetry and drawing.


VI. Teams

36.   Teambuilding*: 

We explore the Belbin roles. We will discuss what elements are strongly represented in a team and which ones are no present, we explore colleagues perception of team- members based on these roles. 

37.   Group dynamics*: 

We explore the different roles that exists in groups and how it can affect the group atmosphere.

38.   Team and diversity*: 

We explore how the different cultural and international backgrounds of faculty and trainees can affect education in a positive way and we explore five techniques to discuss these topics with faculty and trainees

39.   Managing change*: 

Leading change can be very difficult. In this session we explore the different phases in change and we discuss practical strategies that can be used for exploring, preparing and implementing change in department or education.


VII. Technology

40.   Teaching with zoom: 

We explore the interactive possibilities zoom offers to make teaching attractive with polls, break-out rooms and whiteboard.

41.   Interactive technology via zoom:

We explore interactive tools which can be used to improve learner’s zoom experience (padlet, wheel decide, and polls).


VIII. Medical Education Scholarship

42.   Low-hanging fruit in medical education*:

We explore different opportunities for publishing in medical education for beginners and those of us that are not so experienced in this area.

43.   How to start writing and keep going:

We explore different tools that can be helpful in academic writing: the speedwriter, pomodoro technique and, and the dangerous writing app.

44.   How to write a letter to the editor:

We explore the important element in writing a letter to the editor, and work on writing a first draft.

45.   Writing groups:

What are the benefits and downsides? What are good rules to use in writing groups? What are the functions of writing groups, what are different ways to organize them?