Prof. dr. Johan Bolhuis

Prof. dr. Johan Bolhuis

Experimental Psychology
+31 30 253 5404



A method For Automatic (Partial)Sleep Deprivation In SongbirdsJ.J. Bolhuis (Presenter)
6 May 2019
, European Birdsong Meeting 2019


Evolution cannot explain how minds workJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
15 Nov 2013
Twitter evolution. Brains for birds and brats.Johan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
14 Nov 2013
Evolution cannot explain how minds work & Twitter evolutionJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
14 Nov 2013
Sir Gabriel Horn Memorial LectureJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
26 Mar 2013
, sponsored by the British Neuroscience Association, Cambridge Neuroscience Seminair, Cambridge University (Cambridge)
In memoryJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
26 Mar 2013
, Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar


Evolution cannot explain how minds workJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
12 Dec 2012
, Symposium 'The Adapted Mind - 20 years on'. (Gent, Belgium)
Workshop Animal Communication and Language Evolution. Evolang congressJohan Bolhuis (Organiser)
13 Mar 201216 Mar 2012
Tripartite evolution in birdsong and spoken languageJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
13 Mar 2012
, Guest lecture at Tokyo Evolutionary Linguistics Forum, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Birdson and spoken language: Similarities and differencesJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
13 Mar 2012
, Invited lecture at Workshop 'Animal Communication and Language Evolution', EvoLang (Evolution of Language) congress
PLoS One (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
BioEssays (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Behavioural Processes (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Animal Biology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Scientific Organising Committee (External organisation)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2011 → …
PLoS One (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
BioEssays (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Animal Biology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Twitter evolution: Birdsong, speech & languageJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
15 Apr 2010
, Invited speaker at Evolang 8 & Studium Generale, Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht)
Boundaries and forces in behavioral evolutionJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2010
, Invited speaker at Gordon Research Conference
Invited speaker at 11th EMBL/EMBO Science & Society conference, The DIfference between the Sexes - From Biology to Behaviour. European Molecular BIology LaboratoryJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
Ethology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Evolution & Cognition: Darwin meets TinbergenJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
30 Oct 2009
, Guest lecture at School of Psychology in St. Andrews (St. Andrews, UK)
Evolution & Cogniton: Darwin meets TinbergenJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
9 Oct 2009
, Guest lecture, Departement des Sciences Biologiques, Unversité de Québec à Montreal (Montreal, Québec, Canada)
Ethology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Singing and the brain. Neural mechanisms of birdsong memoryJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
24 Nov 2008
, Invited lecture at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Singing and the brain. Neural mechanisms of birdsong memoryJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
21 Nov 2008
, Invited lecture at the University of Maryland (Baltimore, MD, USA)
Localized neuronal activation in the budgerigar brain related to the strength of learning of human wordsJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
19 Nov 2008
, Society for Neuroscience Congress
Immediate early gene expression in the auditory forebrain of juvenile zebra finches in response to familiar and unfamiliar songJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
18 Nov 2008
, Society for Neuroscience Congress
Singing and the brain. Neural mechanisms of birdsong memoryJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 2008
, Invited lecture at City College (New York, NY, USA)
Neural dissociation between vocal production and auditory recognition memory in both songbirds and humansJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
12 Mar 2008
, Evolang, 7th Evolution of Language Conference
Ethology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Animal Biology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Gaze following in monkeys is modulated by facial expressionsJohan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
15 Aug 2007
, XXXth International Ethology Conference


'Singing in the brain: mechanisms of bird song learning'Johan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
25 Sept 2002
, Symposium 'Learning Processes' Groninger Biologen Club (Groningen)
'Bird song, memory, and the brain'Johan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
16 Sept 2002
, Symposium en cursus (Boedapest (Hongnarije))
Internationaal Symposium van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Dierkundige VerenigingJohan Bolhuis (Organiser)
26 Jul 2002
'Singing in the brain: neural mechanisms of birdsong learning'Johan Bolhuis (Invited speaker)
15 Jan 2002
, Gastlezing (Oldenburg (Duitsland))
wetenschappelijk (Event)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2002 → …
, wetenschappelijk
wetenschappelijk (Event)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2002 → …
, wetenschappelijk
Netherlands Journal of Zoology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2002 → …
Developmental Psychobiology (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Behavioural Processes (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)
Animal Behaviour (Journal)Johan Bolhuis (Editor)


Koninklijke Nederlandse Dierkundige Vereniging (External organisation)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2001 → …


Gedragsbiologie (External organisation)Johan Bolhuis (Member)
2000 → …