Senior Policy Officer and Lecturer, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University
2020 - Present
Executive Policy Officer and Team Manager, Graduate School of Life Sciences & School of Pharmacy at Utrecht University
2019 - 2020
Secretary to the board, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Utrecht University
2008 – 2019
Associate Professor, Utrecht University
1997 – December 2009 (12 years)
University Lecturer in image processing and 3D modelling.
Researcher in image processing, especially medical image registration, and computer vision, especially multiple view geometry.
Postdoctoral fellow, Image Sciences Institute
1996 – 1997 (1 year)
Researching image registration of brain images for the benefit of epilepsy patients
Jong Docenttalent prijs (Best young lecturer award), 2000, Utrecht University
PhD, Utrecht University, medical image processing
1992 – 1996
MSc (Ir.), Delft University of Technology, MSc (Ir.), mathematics
1987 – 1992