Scholarly publications
Leger, M., Arsenijevic, J., & Bosma, N. (2024). The role and effectiveness of non-formal training programmes for entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
Scholarly publications
Njagi, P., Groot, W.
, Arsenijevic, J., Dyer, S., Mburu, G., & Kiarie, J. (2023).
Financial costs of assisted reproductive technology for patients in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.
Human Reproduction Open,
2023(2), 1-17. Article hoad007.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Sattarova, U., Groot, W.
, & Arsenijevic, J. (2021).
Student and tutor satisfaction with problem-based learning in azerbaijan.
Education Sciences,
11(6), 1-18. Article 288., P., Groot, W.
, & Arsenijevic, J. (2021).
Impact of household shocks on access to healthcare services in Kenya: a propensity score matching analysis.
BMJ Open,
11(9), 1-10. Article e048189.
Scholarly publications
Ruijer, E., & Arsenijevic, J. (2020).
Access to Healthcare in the Netherlands. In S. T. Gooden (Ed.),
Global Equity in Administration: Nervous Areas of Governments (1 ed.). Routledge. Njagi, P., Groot, W.
, Arsenijevic, J., Dyer, S., Mburu, G., & Kiarie, J. (2020).
Economic costs of infertility care for patients in low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol.
BMJ Open,
10(11), Article e042951., P.
, Arsenijevic, J., & Groot, W. (2020).
Decomposition of changes in socioeconomic inequalities in catastrophic health expenditure in Kenya.
PLoS One,
15(12 ), Article e0244428.
Scholarly publications
Arsenijevic, J. (2018).
Understanding variations in catastrophic health expenditure, its underlying determinants and impoverishment in Sub-Saharan African countries: a scoping reviewreview.
Systematic Reviews ,
7, Article 136. Arsenijevic, J. (2018).
Does household help prevent loneliness among the elderly? An evaluation of a policy reform in the Netherlands.
BMC Public Health,
18, Article 1104. Arsenijevic, J. (2018).
Lifestyle differences between older migrants and non-migrants in 14 European countries using propensity score matching method.
International Journal of Public Health,
63, 337–347. 2017
Scholarly publications
Jakovljevic, M. M.
, Arsenijevic, J., Pavlova, M., Verhaeghe, N., Laaser, U., & Groot, W. (2017).
Within the triangle of healthcare legacies: comparing the performance of South-Eastern European health systems.
Journal of Medical Economics,
20(5), 483-492., J., & Groot, W. (2017).
Physical activity on prescription schemes (PARS): do programme characteristics influence effectiveness? Results of a systematic review and meta-analyses.
BMJ Open,
7(2), e012156. 2016
Scholarly publications
Arsenijevic, J., Pavlova, M., Rechel, B., & Groot, W. (2016).
Catastrophic Health Care Expenditure among Older People with Chronic Diseases in 15 European Countries.
PLoS One,
11(7), e0157765. Arsenijevic, J., Groot, W., Tambor, M., Golinowska, S., Sowada, C., & Pavlova, M. (2016).
A review of health promotion funding for older adults in Europe: a cross-country comparison.
BMC Health Services Research,
16 Suppl 5, 288. Tambor, M., Pavlova, M., Golinowska, S.
, Arsenijevic, J., & Groot, W. (2016).
Financial incentives for a healthy life style and disease prevention among older people: a systematic literature review.
BMC Health Services Research,
16 Suppl 5, 426.
Scholarly publications
Arsenijevic, J., Pavlova, M., & Groot, W. (2015).
Social Protection in Health Care and Vulnerable Population Groups in Serbia.
Frontiers in Public Health,
3, 194. 2014
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Arsenijevic, J., Pavlova, M., & Groot, W. (2013).
Out-of-pocket payments for public healthcare services by selected exempted groups in Serbia during the period of post-war healthcare reforms.
International Journal of Health Planning and Management,
29(4), 373-98.