Prof. dr. ir. J.A.P. (Hans) Heesterbeek

Martinus G. de Bruingebouw
Yalelaan 7
Kamer MGB 1.032
3584 CL Utrecht

Prof. dr. ir. J.A.P. (Hans) Heesterbeek

Farm Animal Health
+31 30 253 1574

Highlighted publications

Selakovic, S., de Ruiter, P. C., & Heesterbeek, H. (2014). Infectious disease agents mediate interaction in food webs and ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281, Article 20132709.
Battiston, S., Farmer, J. D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A. G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C., Jaeger, C., May, R., & Scheffer, M. (2016). Complexity theory and financial regulation. Science, 351(6275), 818-9.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2020). Characterizing reservoirs of infection and the maintenance of pathogens in ecosystems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17, Article 20190540.
Matser, A. A., Hartemink, N. A., Heesterbeek, H., Galvani, A., & Davis, S. A. (2009). Elasticity analysis in epidemiology: an application to tick-borne infections. Ecology Letters, 12, 1298-1305.
Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., van de Koppel, J., Hoenderboom, G., Vos, A., Kaldeway, C., Berendse, F., & de Ruiter, P. C. (2007). Reconciling complexity with stability in naturally assembling food webs. Nature, 449(7162), 599-602.
Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.
Samia, N. I., Kausrud, K. L., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Ageyev, V. S., Begon, M., Chan, K. S., & Stenseth, N. C. (2011). Dynamics of the plague–wildlife–human system in Central Asia are controlled by two epidemiological thresholds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(35), 14527-14532.
Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2000). Mathematical Epidemiology of Infections Diseases: model building, analysis and interpretation. (Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology ed.) Wiley.
Reijniers, J., Davis, S. A., Begon, M., Heesterbeek, H., Ageyev, V. S., & Leirs, H. (2012). A curve of thresholds governs plague epizootics in Central Asia. Ecology Letters, 15, 554-560.
Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & de Ruiter, P. C. (2002). Stability in real food webs: weak links in long loops. Science, 296(5570), 1120-1123.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2003). A new method for estimating the effort required to control an infectious disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 270(1522), 1359-1364.
Funk, S., Nishiura, H. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Edmunds, W. J., & Checchi, F. (2013). Identifying Transmission Cycles at the Human-Animal Interface: The Role of Animal Reservoirs in Maintaining Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(1), 1-9. Article e1002855.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Britton, T. (2013). Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics. (Princeton series in theoretical and computational biology ed.) Princeton University Press.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Roberts, M. G. (2010). The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7, 873-885.
Heesterbeek, H., Anderson, R. M., Andreasen, V., Bansal, S., De Angelis, D., Dye, C., Eames, K. T. D., Edmunds, W. J., Frost, S. D. W., Funk, S., Hollingsworth, T. D., House, T., Isham, V., Klepac, P., Lessler, J., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Metcalf, C. J. E., Mollison, D., Pellis, L., ... Isaac Newton Institute IDD Collaboration (2015). Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health. Science, 347(6227), Article aaa4339.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2013). Characterizing the next-generation matrix and basic reproduction number in ecological epidemiology. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66, 1045-1064.
Davis, S. A., Trapman, J. P., Leirs, H., Begon, M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2008). The abundance threshold for plague as a critical percolation phenomenon. Nature, 454(7204), 634-637.
Roberts, M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2018). Quantifying the dilution effect for models in ecological epidemiology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(140), Article 0791.



Scholarly publications

Fabri, N. D., Heesterbeek, H., Cromsigt, J. P. G. M., Ecke, F., Sprong, H., Nijhuis, L., Hofmeester, T. R., & Hartemink, N. (2024). Exploring the influence of host community composition on the outbreak potential of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 15(1), Article 102275.


Scholarly publications

Vermeulen, C. J., Dijkman, R., de Wit, J. J. S., Bosch, B.-J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P. H., & van Schaik, G. (2023). Genetic analysis of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in vaccinated poultry populations over a period of 10 years. Avian Pathology, 52(3), 157-167.
Houben, R. M. A. C., van Maanen, K., Kemp-Symonds, J. G., Waller, A. S., Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M., & Heesterbeek, H. (2023). Estimation of the basic reproduction number for Streptococcus equi spp. equi outbreaks by meta-analysis of strangles outbreak reports. Equine Veterinary Journal, 55(3), 506-514.


Scholarly publications

Samia, N. I., Robicsek, A., Heesterbeek, H., & Peterson, L. R. (2022). Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus nosocomial infection has a distinct epidemiological position and acts as a marker for overall hospital-acquired infection trends. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-10. Article 17007.
IJsseldijk, L., Leopold, M., Begeman, L., Kik, M., Wiersma, L., Morell, M., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Jauniaux, T., Heesterbeek, H., & Gröne, A. (2022). Pathological findings in stranded harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) with special focus on anthropogenic causes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 1-19. Article 997388.
Fabri, N., Sprong, H., Heesterbeek, H., Ecke, F., Cromsigt, J., & Hofmeester, T. R. (2022). The circulation of Anaplasma phagocytophilum ecotypes is associated with community composition of vertebrate hosts. Ecosphere, 13(9), 1-13. Article e4243.
Rutten, P., Lees, M. H., Klous, S., Heesterbeek, H., & Sloot, P. (2022). Modelling the dynamic relationship between spread of infection and observed crowd movement patterns at large scale events. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-16. Article 14825.
Schoot Uiterkamp, M., Gösgens, M., Heesterbeek, H., van der Hofstad, R., & Litvak, N. (2022). The role of inter-regional mobility in forecasting SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(193), 1-17. Article 20220486.
Selakovic, S., Säterberg, T., & Heesterbeek, H. (2022). Ecological impact of changes in intrinsic growth rates of species at different trophic levels. Oikos, 2022(4), 1-8. Article e08712.
Dablander, F., Heesterbeek, H., Borsboom, D., & Drake, J. M. (2022). Overlapping timescales obscure early warning signals of the second COVID-19 wave. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 289(1968), 1-11. Article 20211809.


Scholarly publications

Scheurwater, J., Jorritsma, R., Nielen, M., Heesterbeek, H., van den Broek, J., & Aardema, H. (2021). The effects of cow introductions on milk production and behaviour of the herd measured with sensors. Journal of Dairy Research, 88(4), 374-380.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2021). Infection dynamics in ecosystems: on the interaction between red and grey squirrels, pox virus, pine martens and trees. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(183), 1-11. Article 20210551.
IJsseldijk, L., Hessing, S., Mairo, A., ten Doeschate, M. T. I., Treep, J., van den Broek, J., Keijl, G. O., Siebert, U., Heesterbeek, H., Gröne, A., & Leopold, M. (2021). Nutritional status and prey energy density govern reproductive success in a small cetacean. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-13. Article 19201.
van den Heuvel-Greve, M. J., van den Brink, A. M., Kotterman, M. J. J., Kwadijk, C. J. A. F., Geelhoed, S. C. V., Murphy, S., van den Broek, J., Heesterbeek, H., Gröne, A., & IJsseldijk, L. L. (2021). Polluted porpoises: Generational transfer of organic contaminants in harbour porpoises from the southern North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 796, 1-15. Article 148936.
Scheurwater, J., Hostens, M., Nielen, M., Heesterbeek, H., Schot, A., van Hoeij, R., & Aardema, H. (2021). Pressure measurement in the reticulum to detect different behaviors of healthy cows. PLoS One, 16(7), 1-13. Article e0254410.
Fabri, N. D., Sprong, H., Hofmeester, T. R., Heesterbeek, H., Donnars, B. F., Widemo, F., Ecke, F., & Cromsigt, J. P. G. M. (2021). Wild ungulate species differ in their contribution to the transmission of Ixodes ricinus-borne pathogens. Parasites & Vectors, 14(1), 1-15. Article 360.
Gösgens, M., Hendriks, T., Boon, M., Steenbakkers, W., Heesterbeek, H., van der Hofstad, R., & Litvak, N. (2021). Trade-offs between mobility restrictions and transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(175), 1-11. Article 20200936.
Ferraguti, M., Heesterbeek, H., Martínez-de la Puente, J., Jiménez-Clavero, M. Á., Vázquez, A., Ruiz, S., Llorente, F., Roiz, D., Vernooij, H., Soriguer, R., & Figuerola, J. (2021). The role of different Culex mosquito species in the transmission of West Nile virus and avian malaria parasites in Mediterranean areas. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 68(2), 920-930.


Scholarly publications

Thompson, R. N., Hollingsworth, T. D., Isham, V., Arribas-Bel, D., Ashby, B., Britton, T., Challenor, P., Chappell, L. H. K., Clapham, H., Cunniffe, N. J., Dawid, A. P., Donnelly, C. A., Eggo, R. M., Funk, S., Gilbert, N., Glendinning, P., Gog, J. R., Hart, W. S., Heesterbeek, H., ... Restif, O. (2020). Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 287(1932), Article 20201405.
IJsseldijk, L. L., ten Doeschate, M. T. I., Brownlow, A., Davison, N. J., Deaville, R., Galatius, A., Gilles, A., Haelters, J., Jepson, P. D., Keijl, G. O., Kinze, C. C., Olsen, M. T., Siebert, U., Thøstesen, C. B., van den Broek, J., Gröne, A., & Heesterbeek, H. (2020). Spatiotemporal mortality and demographic trends in a small cetacean: Strandings to inform conservation management. Biological Conservation, 249, Article 108733.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2020). Characterizing reservoirs of infection and the maintenance of pathogens in ecosystems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17, Article 20190540.
Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.


Scholarly publications

Karyanti, M. R., Uiterwaal, C. S. P. M., Hadinegoro, S. R., Jansen, M. A. C., Heesterbeek, J. A. P. H., Hoes, A. W., & Bruijning-Verhagen, P. (2019). Clinical Course and Management of Dengue in Children Admitted to Hospital: A 5 Years Prospective Cohort Study in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38(12), e314-e319.
Jansen, M. H. C., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Hoes, A. W., & Bruijning - Verhagen, P. C. J. L. (2019). Clinical course and management of dengue in children admitted to hospital: a 5-year prospective cohort study in Jakarta, Indonesia. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38(12), Article e314.


Scholarly publications

Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2018). Biodiversity and the ecology of infectious diseases. In R. S. Anderssen, P. Broadbridge, Y. Fukumoto, K. Kajiwara, M. Simpson, & I. Turner (Eds.), Agriculture as a Metaphor for Creativity in All Human Endeavors (pp. 13-20). Springer.
van der Goot, M. H., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Arndt, S. S., & van Lith, H. A. (2018). Increasing reliability of results from preclinical trials and animal studies: Zooming in on variation in adaptive response patterns within and between three mouse inbred strains. Abstract from "Making a Difference" - Veterinary Science Day 2018, Bunnik, Netherlands.
Roberts, M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2018). Quantifying the dilution effect for models in ecological epidemiology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15(140), Article 0791.
Wilschut, L. I., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Begon, M., de Jong, S. M., Ageyev, V., Laudisoit, A., & Addink, E. A. (2018). Detecting plague-host abundance from space: Using a spectral vegetation index to identify occupancy of great gerbil burrows. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 64, 249-255.
Selakovic, S., De Ruiter, P. C., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2018). Linking Ecology and Epidemiology: The Case of Infected Resource. In J. C. Moore, P. C. D. Ruiter, K. S. McCann, & V. Woltors (Eds.), Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems (pp. 384-405). Cambridge University Press [etc.].


Scholarly publications

Marini, G., Rosá, R., Pugliese, A., & Heesterbeek, H. (2017). Exploring vector-borne infection ecology in multi-host communities: a case study of West Nile virus. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 415, 58-69.


Scholarly publications

van Altena, C., Hemerik, L., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & De Ruiter, P. C. (2016). Patterns in intraspecific interaction strength and the stability of food webs. Theoretical Ecology, 9(1), 95-106.
Battiston, S., Farmer, D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C., Jaeger, C., May, R., & Scheffer, M. (2016). Financial complexity: Accounting for fraud--Response. Science, 352(6283), 302.
Battiston, S., Farmer, J. D., Flache, A., Garlaschelli, D., Haldane, A. G., Heesterbeek, H., Hommes, C., Jaeger, C., May, R., & Scheffer, M. (2016). Complexity theory and financial regulation. Science, 351(6275), 818-9.


Scholarly publications

Wilschut, L. I., Laudisoit, A., Hughes, N. K., Addink, E. A., de Jong, S. M., Heesterbeek, H. A. P., Reijniers, J., Eagle, S., Dubyanskiy, V. M., & Begon, M. (2015). Spatial distribution patterns of plague hosts: point pattern analysis of the burrows of great gerbils in Kazakhstan. Journal of Biogeography, 42(7), 1281-1292.
Heesterbeek, H., & Roberts, M. (2015). How mathematical epidemiology became a field of biology: a commentary on Anderson and May (1981) 'The population dynamics of micro parasites and their invertebrate hosts'. Philosophical transactions / Royal Society of London. Biological sciences, 370(1666), Article 20140307.
Buhnerkempe, M. G., Roberts, M. G., Dobson, A. P., Heesterbeek, H., Hudson, P. J., & Lloyd-Smith, J. O. (2015). Eight challenges in modelling disease ecology in multi-host, multi-agent systems. Epidemics, 10, 26-30.
Heesterbeek, H., Anderson, R. M., Andreasen, V., Bansal, S., De Angelis, D., Dye, C., Eames, K. T. D., Edmunds, W. J., Frost, S. D. W., Funk, S., Hollingsworth, T. D., House, T., Isham, V., Klepac, P., Lessler, J., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Metcalf, C. J. E., Mollison, D., Pellis, L., ... Isaac Newton Institute IDD Collaboration (2015). Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health. Science, 347(6227), Article aaa4339.


Scholarly publications

Selakovic, S., de Ruiter, P. C., & Heesterbeek, H. (2014). Infectious disease agents mediate interaction in food webs and ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281, Article 20132709.
Karyanti, M. R., Uiterwaal, C. S. P. M., Kusriastuti, R., Hadinegoro, S. R., Rovers, M. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Hoes, A. W., & Bruijning-Verhagen, P. (2014). The changing incidence of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Indonesia: a 45-year registry-based analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases [E], 14, Article 412.
Scolamacchia, F., van den Broek, J., Meiswinkel, R., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Elbers, A. R. W. (2014). Principal climatic and edaphic determinants of Culicoides biting midge abundance during the 2007–2008 bluetongue epidemic in the Netherlands, based on OVI light trap data. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 28(2), 143-156.


Scholarly publications

Wilschut, L. I., Addink, E. A., Heesterbeek, H., Heier, L., Laudisoit, A., Begon, M., Davis, S., Dubyanskiy, V. M., Burdelov, L. A., & de Jong, S. M. (2013). Potential corridors and barriers for plague spread in Central Asia. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12, Article 12:49.
Wilschut, L. I., Addink, E. A., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Dubyanskiy, V. M., Davis, S. A., Laudisoit, A., Begon, M., Burdelov, L. A., Atshabar, B. B., & de Jong, S. M. (2013). Mapping the distribution of the main host for plague in a complex landscape in Kazakhstan: An object-based approach using SPOT-5 XS, Landsat 7 ETM+, SRTM and multiple Random Forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 23, 81-94.
Santema, W. I., Rutten, V. P. M. G., Segers, R. P. A. M., Poot, J., Hensen, S., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Koets, A. P. (2013). Postexposure Subunit Vaccination against Chronic Enteric Mycobacterial Infection in a Natural Host. Infection and Immunity, 81(6), 1990-1995.
Cianci, D., van den Broek, J., Caputo, B., Marini, F., Della Torre, A., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Hartemink, N. A. (2013). Estimating Mosquito Population Size from Mark—Release—Recapture Data. Journal of Medical Entomology, 50(3), 533-542.
Funk, S., Nishiura, H. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Edmunds, W. J., & Checchi, F. (2013). Identifying Transmission Cycles at the Human-Animal Interface: The Role of Animal Reservoirs in Maintaining Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(1), 1-9. Article e1002855.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Britton, T. (2013). Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics. (Princeton series in theoretical and computational biology ed.) Princeton University Press.
Shuai, Z., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & van den Driessche, P. (2013). Extending the type reproduction number to infectious disease control targeting contacts between types. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 67(5), 1067-1082.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2013). Characterizing the next-generation matrix and basic reproduction number in ecological epidemiology. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66, 1045-1064.


Scholarly publications

Reijniers, J., Davis, S. A., Begon, M., Heesterbeek, H., Ageyev, V. S., & Leirs, H. (2012). A curve of thresholds governs plague epizootics in Central Asia. Ecology Letters, 15, 554-560.
Severins, M., Klinkenberg, D., & Heesterbeek, H. (2012). How selection forces dictate the variant surface antigens used by malaria parasites. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9, 246-260.
Schmid, B. V., Jesse, M., Wilschut, L. I., Viljugrein, H., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2012). Local persistence and extinction of plague in a metapopulation of great gerbil burrows, Kazakhstan. Epidemics, 4, 211-218.
Maas, M., Keet, D. F., Rutten, V. P. M. G., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Nielen, M. (2012). Assessing the impact of feline immunodeficiency virus and bovine tuberculosis co-infection in African lions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279, 4206-4214.


Scholarly publications

Galsworthy, S. J., Hoye, B., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Klaassen, M., & Klinkenberg, D. (2011). Effects of Infection-Induced Migration Delays on the Epidemiology of Avian Influenza in Wild Mallard Populations. PLoS One, 6(10), Article e26118.
Graveland, H., Wagenaar, J. A., Bergs, K., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Heederik, D. J. J. (2011). Persistence of Livestock Associated MRSA CC398 in Humans Is Dependent on Intensity of Animal Contact. PLoS One, 6(2), Article e16830.
Jesse, M., Mazzucco, R., Dieckman, U., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Metz, J. A. J. (2011). Invasion and Persistence of Infectious Agents in Fragmented Host Populations. PLoS One, 6(9), Article e24006.
Hollingworth, T. D., Klinkenberg, D., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Anderson, R. M. (2011). Mitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza A: Balancing Conflicting Policy Objectives. PLoS Computational Biology, 7(2), e1001076.
Hartemink, N. A., Vanwambeke, S. O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Rogers, D. J., Morley, D., Pesson, B., Davies, C., Mahamdallie, S., & Ready, P. (2011). Integrated Mapping of Establishment Risk for Emerging Vector-Borne Infections: A Case Study of Canine Leishmaniasis in Southwest France. PLoS One, 6(8), Article e20817.
Jesse, M., & Heesterbeek, H. (2011). Divide and conquer? Persistence of infectious agents in spatial metapopulations of hosts. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 275, 12-20.
van Essen, G. J., Vernooij, J. C. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Anjema, D., Merkus, D., & Duncker, D. J. (2011). Cardiovascular performance of adult breeding sows fails to obey allometric scaling laws. Journal of Animal Science, 89, 376-382.
Samia, N. I., Kausrud, K. L., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Ageyev, V. S., Begon, M., Chan, K. S., & Stenseth, N. C. (2011). Dynamics of the plague–wildlife–human system in Central Asia are controlled by two epidemiological thresholds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(35), 14527-14532.
Keawcharoen, J., van den Broek, J., Bouma, A., Tiensin, T., Osterhaus, A. D., & Heesterbeek, H. (2011). Wild Birds and Increased Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Infl uenza (H5N1) among Poultry, Thailand. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17(6), 1016-1022.


Scholarly publications

Lievaart, J. J., Barkema, H. W., van den Broek, J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Kremer, W. D. J. (2010). Prediction of the herd somatic cell count of the following month using a linear mixed effect model. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(1), 234-241.
Havelaar, A. H., van Rosse, F., Bucura, C., Toetenel, M. A., Haagsma, J. A., Kurowicka, D., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Speybroeck, N., Langelaar, M. F. M., van der Giessen, J. W., Cooke, R. M., & Braks, M. A. H. (2010). Prioritizing emerging zoonoses in The Netherlands. PLoS One, 5(11), e13965.
Graveland, H., Wagenaar, J. A., Heesterbeek, H., Mevius, D. J., van Duijkeren, E., & Heederik, D. (2010). Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398 in veal calf farming: Human MRSA carriage related with animal antimicrobial usage and farm hygiene. PLoS One, 5(6), Article e10990.
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Roberts, M. G. (2010). The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7, 873-885.
Nishiura, H. M., Chowell, G., Heesterbeek, H., & Wallinga, J. (2010). The ideal reporting interval for an epidemic to objectively interpret the epidemiological time course. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 7(43), 297-307.
Nishiura, H. M., Hoye, B., Klaassen, M., Bauer, S., & Heesterbeek, H. (2010). How to find natural reservoir hosts from endemic prevalence in a multi-host population: A case study of influenza in waterfowl. Epidemics, 1, 118-128.
Kamphuis, C., Mollenhorst, H., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Hogeveen, H. (2010). Detection of clinical mastitis with sensor data from automatic milking systems is improved by using decision-tree induction. Journal of Dairy Science, 93, 3616-3627.
Velkers, F. C., Swinkels, W. J. C., Rebel, J. M. J., Bouma, A., Daemen, A. J. J. M., Klinkenberg, D., Boersma, W. J. A., Stegeman, J. A., de Jong, M. C. M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2010). Effect of Eimeria acervulina infection history on the immune response and transmission in broilers. Veterinary Parasitology, 173(3-4), 184-192.


Scholarly publications

Hartemink, N. A., Purse, B. V., Meiswinkel, R., Brown, H. E., de Koeijer, A., Elbers, R., Boender, G. J., Rogers, D. J., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2009). Mapping the basic reproduction number (R0) for vector-borne diseases: A case study on bluetongue virus. Epidemics, 1(3), 153-161.
Nishiura, H. M., Klinkenberg, D., Roberts, M., & Heesterbeek, H. (2009). Early Epidemiological Assessment of the Virulence Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Case Study of a Influenza Pandemic. PLoS One, 4(8), 6852.
de Roos, A. M., Galic, N., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2009). How resource competition shapes individual life history for nonplastic growth: ungulates in seasonal food environments. Ecology, 90(4), 945-960.
van Essen, G. J., Vernooij, J. C. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Anjema, D., Merkus, D., & Duncker, D. J. (2009). Does cardiovascular performance of modern fattening pigs obey allometric scaling laws? Journal of Animal Science, 87, 1991-1997.
Matser, A. A., Hartemink, N. A., Heesterbeek, H., Galvani, A., & Davis, S. A. (2009). Elasticity analysis in epidemiology: an application to tick-borne infections. Ecology Letters, 12, 1298-1305.


Scholarly publications

Davis, S. A., Trapman, J. P., Leirs, H., Begon, M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2008). The abundance threshold for plague as a critical percolation phenomenon. Nature, 454(7204), 634-637.
Hartemink, N. A., Randolph, S. E., Davis, S. A., & Heesterbeek, H. (2008). The basic reproduction number for complex disease systems: defining Ro for tick-borne infections. American Naturalist, 171(6), 743-754.
van Boven, M., Klinkenberg, D., Pen, I., Weissing, F. J., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2008). Self-interest versus group-interest in antiviral control. PLoS One, 3(2), 1558-1558.
Jesse, M., Ezanno, P., Davis, S. A., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2008). A fully coupled, mechanistic model for infectious disease dynamics in metapopulation: Movement and epidemic duration. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 254, 331-338.


Scholarly publications

Severins, M., Klinkenberg, D., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Effects of heterogeneity in infection-exposure history and immunity on the dynamics of a protozoan parasite. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 4(16), 841-849.
Lievaart, J. J., Barkema, H. W., Kremer, W. D. J., van den Broek, J., Verheijden, J. H. M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Effects of Herd Characteristics, Management Practices, ans Season on Different Categories of the Hers Somatic Cell Count. Journal of Dairy Science, 90, 4137-4144.
van Boven, R. M., Koopmans, M., Du Ry van Beest Holle, M., Meijer, A., Klinkenberg, D., Donnelly, C. A., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Detecting emerging transmissibility of avian influenza virus in human households. PLoS Computational Biology, 3(7), 1394-1404.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Model-consistent estimation of the basic reproduction number from incidence of an emerging infection. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 55, 803-816.
Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Roberts, M. G. (2007). The type-reproduction number T in models for infectious disease control. Mathematical Biosciences, 206, 3-10.
van den Broek, J., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Nonhomogeneous birth and death models for epidemic outbreak data. Biostatistics, 8(2), 453-467.
Geenen, P. L., van der Meulen, J., Bouma, A., Engel, B., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & de Jong, M. C. M. (2007). Classification of temporal profiles of F4+ E.coli shedding ans faecal dry matter in experimantal post-weaning diarrhoea of pigs. Epidemiology and Infection, 135, 1000-1009.
Hartemink, N. A., Davis, S. A., Reiter, P., Hubálek, Z., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2007). Importance of bird-to-bird transmission for the establishment of west nile virus. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 7(4), 575-584.
Thompson, P. N., van der Werff, J. H. J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & van Arendonk, J. A. M. (2007). The CHRNE 470del20 mutation causing congenital myasthenic syndrome in South African Brahman cattle: Prevalence, origin, and association with performance traits. Journal of Animal Science, 85, 604-609.
Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., van de Koppel, J., Hoenderboom, G., Vos, A., Kaldeway, C., Berendse, F., & de Ruiter, P. C. (2007). Reconciling complexity with stability in naturally assembling food webs. Nature, 449(7162), 599-602.
Klinkenberg, D., & Heesterbeek, H. (2007). A model for the dynamics of a protozoan parasite within and between successive host populations. Parasitology, 134, 949-958.
Elbers, A. R. W., Mintiens, K., Staubach, C., Gerbier, G., Meiswinkel, R., Hendrikx, G., Backx, A., Conraths, F. J., Meroc, E., Ducheyne, E., Gethmann, J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Declerq, K., Unger, F., & Stegeman, A. (2007). Bluetongue virus serotype 8 epidemic in North-Western Europe in 2006: preliminary findings. In Proceedings of the meeting of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive MedicineSVEPM, (pp. 232-245)


Scholarly publications

Klinkenberg, D., Fraser, C., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2006). The effectiveness of contact tracing in emerging epidemics. PLoS One, 1(1), e12.
Gummow, B., van den Broek, J., Kirsten, W. F. A., Botha, C. J., Noordhuizen, J. P. T., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2006). The assessment of biomarkers in sentinel cattle for monitoring vanadium exposure. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8, 445-455.
Gummow, B., Kirsten, W. F. A., Gummow, R. J., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2006). A stochastic model for estimating intake of vanadium by beef cattel used as sentinels. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 76, 167-184.
Mariner, J. C., McDermott, J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Thomson, G., & Martin, S. (2006). A model of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia transmission dynamics in East Africa. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 73(1), 55-74.
Thompson, P., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & van Arendonk, J. A. M. (2006). Changes in disease gene frequency over time with different genotypic fitness and various. Journal of Animal Science, 84(10), 2629-2635.
Matthews, L., Low, J. C., Gally, D. L., Pearce, M. C., Mellor, D., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Chase-Topping, M., Naylor, W., Shaw, D. J., Reid, S. W. J., Gunn, G. J., & Woolhouse, M. E. J. (2006). Heterogeneous shedding of Escherichia coli 0157 in cattle and its implications for control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(3), 547-552.
Safan, M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Dietz, K. (2006). The minimum effort required to eradicate infections in models with backward bifurcation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 53(4), 703-718.
Mariner, J. C., McDermott, J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Thomson, G., Roeder, P., & Martin, S. (2006). A heterogeneous population model for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia transmission and control in pastoral communities of East Africa. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 73(1), 75-91.


Scholarly publications

Ezanno, P., van Schaik, G., Weber, M. F., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). A modeling study on the sustainability of a certification-and-monitoring program for paratuberculosis in cattle. Veterinary Research, 36(5-6), 811-26.
Gummow, B., Botha, C. J., Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). The public health implications of farming cattle in areas with high background concentrations of vanadium. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 72, 281-290.
Mariner, J. C., McDermott, J., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Catley, A., & Roeder, P. (2005). A model of lineage-1 and lineage-2 rinderpest virus transmission in pastoral areas of East Africa. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 69(3-4), 245-263.
Klinkenberg, D., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). A simple model for the within-host dynamics of a protozoan parasite. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 272(1563), 593-600.
Tsai, P. S., Nielen, M., van der Horst, G. T. J., Colenbrander, B. A., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Fentener-van Vlissingen, J. M. (2005). The effect of DNA repair defects on reproductive performance in Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) mouse models: an epidemiological approach. Transgenic Research, 14, 845-857.
van Gerwe, T. J. W. M., Bouma, A., Jacobs-Reitsma, J. W., van den Broek, J., Klinkenberg, D., Stegeman, J. A., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). Campylobacter transmission in experimental broiler flocks. In Proceedings of the meeting of the SVEPM (pp. 259-267).
Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). The law of mass-action in epidemiology: a historical perspective. In K. Cuddington, & B. Beisner (Eds.), Ecological Paradigms lost: routes of theory change (pp. 81-105). Academic Press Inc..
van Gerwe, T. J. W. M., Bouma, A., Jacobs-Reitsma, W. F., van den Broek, J., Klinkenberg, D., Stegeman, J. A., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2005). Quantifying transmission of Campylobacter spp. among broilers. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(10), 5765-5770.


Scholarly publications

de Koeijer, A., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Schreuder, B., Oberthur, R., Wilesmith, I., van Roermund, H. J. W., & de Jong, M. C. M. (2004). Quantifying BSE control by calculating the basic reproduction ratio Ro for the infection among cattle. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 48(1), 1-22.
Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Diekmann, O., & Metz, J. A. J. (2004). De Wiskundige Kat, De Biologische Muis en de Jacht op Inzicht: Verkenningen op het grensvlak van wiskunde en biologie. Epsilon Uitgevers.
Trapman, J. P., Meester, R. W. J., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2004). A branching model for the spread of infectious animal diseases in varying environments. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 49(6), 553-576.
Gummow, B., Kirsten, W., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M. (2004). The use of beef cattle within the vanadium mining industry for in situ monitoring of complex metal exposures. In Conference on the Environment


Scholarly publications

Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & Dobson, A. (2003). Modeling the effect of fertility control on elephant population dynamics. In B. E. A. Colenbrander (Ed.), Proc Workshop Managing African Elephant Population (pp. 39-43). Office of International Cooperation.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2003). A new method for estimating the effort required to control an infectious disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 270(1522), 1359-1364.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2003). [Mathematical Models in Epidemiology], in [Mathematical Sciences]. In J. Filar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) []
Halachmi, I., Adan, Y. B. F., van de Wald, J., van Beek, P., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2003). Designing the optimal robotic milking barn by applying a queuing network approach. Agricultural Systems, 76(2), 681-696.


Scholarly publications

Randolph, S. E., Chemini, C., Furlanello, C., Genchi, C., Hails, R. S., Hudson, P. J., Jones, LD., Medley, G. F., Norman, R., Rizzoli, A., Smith, G., Woolhouse, M. E. J., Grenfell, B. T., Heesterbeek, H., & Dobson, A. P. (2002). The ecology of tick-borne infections in wildlife reservoirs. In P. Hudson (Ed.), The ecology of wildlife diseases Oxford University Press.
Swinton, J., Woolhouse, M. E. J., Begon, M., Dobson, A. P., Ferroglio, E., Grenfell, B. T., Guberti, V., Hails, R., Heesterbeek, H., Roberts, M., White, P., & Wilson, K. (2002). Microparasite transmission and persistence. In P. Hudson (Ed.), The ecology of wildlife diseases (pp. 83-101). Oxford University Press.
Tompkins, D., Dobson, A. P., Arneberg, P., Begon, M., Cattadori, I., Greenman, J., Heesterbeek, H., Hudson, P. J., Newborn, D., Pugliese, A., Rizzoli, A., Rosá, R., Rosso, F., & Wilson, K. (2002). Parasites and host population dynamics. In P. Hudson (Ed.), The ecology of wildlife diseases (pp. 45-62). Oxford University Press.
de Jong, M. C. M., Bouma, A., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). Modelling transmission: mass action and beyond. Trends in ecology & evolution, 17(2), 64.
Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). A brief history of Ro and a recipe for its calculation. Acta Biotheoretica, 50(3), 189-204.
Mertens, S. K., van den Bosch, F., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). Weed populations and crop rotations: exploring dynamics of a structured periodic system. Ecological Applications, 12(4), 1125-1141.[1125:WPACRE]2.0.CO;2
Ebbinge, B., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Ens, B. J., & Goedhart, P. W. (2002). Density dependent population limitation in Dark-bellied Brent Geese. Avian science, 2(2), 63-75.
Neutel, A. M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., & de Ruiter, P. C. (2002). Stability in real food webs: weak links in long loops. Science, 296(5570), 1120-1123.
Fulford, G. R., Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). The metapopulation dynamics of an infectious disease: a case study of tuberculosis in possums. Theoretical Population Biology, 61, 15-29.
Dietz, K., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2002). Daniel Bernoulli's epidemiological model revisited. Mathematical Biosciences, 180(1-2), 1-21.


Scholarly publications

Etienne, R., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2001). Rules of thumb for conservation of metapopulations based on a stochastic winking patch model. American Naturalist, 158, 389-407.
Hudson, P. J., Rizzoli, A., Grenfell, B. T., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2001). The ecology of Wildlife Diseases. Oxford University Press.


Scholarly publications

Halachmi, I., Adan, IJBF., van der Wal, J., Heesterbeek, H., & van Beek, P. (2000). The design of robotic dairy barns using closed queuing networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 124, 437-446.
Etienne, R. S., & Heesterbeek, H. (2000). On optimal size and number of reserves for metapopulation persistence. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 203, 33-50.
Dietz, K., & Heesterbeek, H. (2000). Bernoulli was ahead of modern epidemiology. Nature, 408(6812), 513-514.
Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (2000). Mathematical Epidemiology of Infections Diseases: model building, analysis and interpretation. (Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology ed.) Wiley.


Scholarly publications

Agur, S., Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., Kimmel, M., Milner, F., Cushing, J., Gyllenberg, M., Jagers, P., Kostova, T., & Mode, C. J. (1999). Epidemiology, cellular automata, and evolution: Preface. Mathematical Biosciences, 156(1-2), v-viii.
Agur, S., Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., Kimmel, M., Milner, F., Cushing, J., Gyllenberg, M., Jagers, P., Kostova, T., & Mode, C. J. (1999). Deterministic models with applications in population dynamics and other fields of biology: Preface. Mathematical Biosciences, 157(1-2), v-viii.
Agur, S., Cushing, J., Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Heesterbeek, J. A. P., Jagers, P., Kimmel, M., Kostova, T., & Milner, F. (1999). Epidemiology, cellular automata, and evolution. Part I: Selected papers from the Conference on Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biological Interaction (DESTOBIO '97) held in Sofia, August 28-31, 1997. (Math. Biosci. ed.) Elsevier.


Scholarly publications

Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. (1998). A simple parasite model with complicated dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 37(3), 272-90.


Scholarly publications

Barbour, A., Heesterbeek, H., & Luchsinger, C. (1996). Thresholds and initial growth rates in a model of parasitic infection. Annals of Applied Probability, 6, 1045-1074.
Heesterbeek, H., & Dietz, K. (1996). The concept of R0 in epidemic theory. Statistica Neerlandica, 50, 89-110.
Lord, CC., Woolhouse, M. E. J., Heesterbeek, H., & Mellor, PS. (1996). Vector-borne diseases and the basic reproduction number: a case study of African Horse sickness. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 10, 19-28.


Scholarly publications

Heesterbeek, H., & Roberts, M. (1995). Threshold quantities for infectious diseases in periodic environments. Journal of Biological Systems, 3, 779-787.
Roberts, M. G., & Heesterbeek, J. A. (1995). The dynamics of nematode infections of farmed ruminants. Parasitology, 110(4), 493-502.
Heesterbeek, H., & Roberts, M. (1995). Threshold quantities for helminth infections. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 33, 415-434.
Heesterbeek, H., & Roberts, M. (1995). Mathematical models for microparasites of wildlife. In B. Grenfell (Ed.), Ecology of infectious diseases in natural populations (pp. 90-122). Cambridge University Press [etc.].
Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, H., & Metz, J. A. J. (1995). The legacy of Kermack and McKendrick. In D. Mollison (Ed.), Epidemic models: their structure and relation to data (pp. 95-115). Cambridge University Press [etc.].
de Jong, M. C. M., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, H. (1995). How does transmission of infection depend on population size? In D. Mollison (Ed.), Epidemic models: their structure and relation to data (pp. 84-94). Cambridge University Press [etc.].


Scholarly publications

Greiner, G., Heesterbeek, H., & Metz, J. A. J. (1994). A singular perturbation theorem for evolution equations and time-scale arguments for structured population models. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2, 435-459.
de Jong, M. C. M., Diekmann, O., & Heesterbeek, H. (1994). The computation of R0 for discrete-time epidemic models with dynamics heterogeneity. Mathematical Biosciences, 119, 97-114.


Scholarly publications

Dietz, K., Heesterbeek, J. A., & Tudor, D. W. (1993). The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases. Part 2. Effects of variable HIV infectivity. Mathematical Biosciences, 117(1-2), 35-47.
Roberts, M., & Heesterbeek, H. (1993). Bluff your way in epidemic models. Trends in Microbiology, 1, 343-348.
Heesterbeek, H., & Metz, J. A. J. (1993). The saturating contact rate in marriage and epidemic models. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 31, 529-539.


Scholarly publications

Diekmann, O., Dietz, K., & Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (1991). The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases: I. theoretical considerations. Mathematical Biosciences, 107(2), 325-339.


Scholarly publications

Heesterbeek, J. A. P. (1990). On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 28, 365-382.


Scholarly publications

Thieme, H. R., & Heesterbeek, J. A. (1989). How to estimate the efficacy of periodic control of an infectious plant disease. Mathematical Biosciences, 93(1), 15-29.


Scholarly publications

Heesterbeek, H., & Zadoks, J. (1987). Modelling pandemics of quarantine pests and diseases. Crop Protection, 6, 211-221.

Publications before 2001:

  • Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & J.C. Zadoks (1987): Modelling pandemics of quarantine pests and diseases: problems and perspectives. Crop Protection, 6, 211-221 (also available in Chinese translation).
  • Thieme, H.R. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1989): How to estimate the efficacy of control of an infectious plant disease. Math. Biosci., 93, 15-29.
  • Diekmann, O., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & J.A.J. Metz (1990): On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations. J. Math. Biol., 28, 365-382.
  • Diekmann, O., Dietz, K. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1991): The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases. Part 1: theoretical considerations. Math. Biosci, 107, 325-339.
  • Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & J.A.J. Metz (1993): The saturating contact rate in marriage and epidemic models. J. Math. Biol., 31, 529-539.
  • Dietz, K., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & D.W. Tudor (1993): The basic reproduction ratio for sexually transmitted diseases. Part 2: effects of variable HIV-infectivity. Math. Biosci, 117, 35-47.
  • Roberts, M.G. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1993): Bluff your way in epidemic models. Trends in Microbiology, 1, 343-348.
  • Diekmann, O., De Jong, M.C.M. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1994): The computation of R0 for discrete-time epidemic models with dynamic heterogeneity. Math. Biosci, 119, 97-114.
  • Greiner, G., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & J.A.J. Metz (1994): A singular perturbation theorem for evolution equations and time-scale arguments for structured population models. Can. Appl. Math. Quart., 2, 435-459.
  • Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & M.G. Roberts (1995): Threshold quantities for helminth infections. J. Math. Biol., 33, 415-434.
  • Roberts, M.G. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1995): The dynamics of nematode infections of farmed ruminants. Parasitology, 110, 493-502.
  • Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & M.G. Roberts (1995): Threshold quantities for infectious diseases in periodic environments. J. Biol. Systems, 3, 779-787.
  • Lord, C.C., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & P.S. Mellor (1996): Vector-borne diseases and the basic reproduction number: a case study of African Horse Sickness. Med. Vet. Entomol., 10, 19-28.
  • Dietz, K. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1996): Some historical aspects of epidemic theory. Bulletin International Statistical Institute, 50th session contributed papers, 1, 282-283.
  • Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & K. Dietz (1996): The concept of R0 in epidemic theory. Statistica Neerlandica, 50, 89-110 (50th anniversary volume, by invitation).
  • Barbour, A.D., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & C. Luchsinger (1996): Thresholds and initial growth rates in a model of parasitic infection. Annals of Appl. Prob., 6, 1045-1074.
  • Roberts, M.G. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (1998): A simple parasite model with complicated dynamics. J. Math. Biol., 37, 272-290.
  • Halachmi, I., Adan, I.J.B.F., Van der Wal, J., Heesterbeek, J.A.P. & P. van Beek (2000): The design of robotic dairy barns using closed queuing networks. Euro J. Oper. Res., 124, 437-446.
  • Etienne, R.S. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (2000): On optimal size and number of reserves for metapopulation persistence. J. Theor. Biol., 203, 33-50.
  • Dietz, K. & J.A.P. Heesterbeek (2000): Bernoulli was ahead of modern epidemiology. Nature, 408, 513-514 (very short note).