Abridged C.V. of J.A.P. Heesterbeek (first name: Hans)
Born: 6-12-1960
Nationality: Dutch
University education
MSc Phytopathology (Wageningen, with honours, 1986)
MSc Mathematics (University of Amsterdam, with honours, 1988)
PhD mathematical biology. Title of thesis: R0 (University of Leiden, 1992)
September 2020-present: Chair of the Committee for Research Integrity of Utrecht University
November 2001-present: Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
April 2016-December 2019: Acting head of department of Animals in Science and Society, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
November 2017-August 2018 + Juli 2013-April 2014: Acting head of department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
April 2011-December 2019: Head of department of Farm Animal Health, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
April-October 2001: Head, Centre for Biometry (Biometris) Wageningen
May 1994 – October 2001: Senior Researcher, Centre for Biometry, Wageningen
July-December 1993: Postdoctoral fellow Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
January-June 1993: Postdoctoral fellow Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge
May 1991 – April 1992: Lecturer, Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Leiden (part time)
October 1988 – December 1992: Junior researcher (PhD-position), Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam
August 1986 – September 1988: Research assistant, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Amsterdam
Personal research grants: Vici laureate Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO/ZonMw 2005-2010 (personal research grant 1.3 M€)
Academic activities (selection):
Chair of the Open Competition grant program of the Medical Research Council (ZonMw), 2020-present
Member of the council for animal affairs (RDA), 2016-2024
Chair (2014 – 2018) of the Utrecht University focal area Foundations of Complex Systems together with Professor Henk Stoof
Chair (2013-2019) of the VIDI committee of ZonMw
Chair (2009-2013) of the Utrecht University focal area Epidemiology together with Professor Carl Moons (UMCU)
Chair (2011-2014) of the ‘Advisory Board on Scientific Research’ of the Board of Directors of Utrecht University
Editor-in-chief and founding editor Epidemics, together with Professor Neil Ferguson (Imperial College London), 2008-2019
Editor Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2009-present
Scientific conference organisation:
Chair with various others of the biannual series of conferences Epidemics (2023, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011)