Ing. Isaura Wayop MSc

Clinical Infectiology
+31 30 253 4979

Isaura completed her veterinary training at Utrecht University in 2013 and started her career as veterinarian, primarily focused on ruminants and horses. In 2019, she took on a PhD program at Utrecht University and Wageningen University, focusing her research on implementing veterinary guidelines to enhance antimicrobial stewardship principles (VET-ENHANCE). This One Health project utilized multiple behavioral change frameworks to develop an intervention program for veterinarians and was successful in reducing antimicrobial use on pig farms. In addition to her research, Isaura lectured veterinary students, coordinated the Tropical Animal Health course, and joined a committee overseeing a project to evaluate the quality of Dutch veterinarians, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). Isaura is currently engaged in the European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI 2), co-leading Task 6.2 on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Animal Health. She continues her work as a lecturer and coordinator for various courses for both human and veterinary students and projects focused on antimicrobial stewardship and guideline development.