Scholarly publications
Ligthart, RAM., Coinon, C., Desplanque, L., Wallart, X.
, & Swart, I. (2024).
Vertical and lateral manipulation of single Cs atoms on the semiconductor InAs(111)A.
SciPost Physics,
16(4), Article 096. Moes, J. R., Vliem, J. F., Monteiro Campos de Melo, P., Wigmans, T. C., Botello-Méndez, A. R., Mendes, R. G., Brenk, E. F. V.
, Swart, I., Licerán, L. M., Stoof, H., Delerue, C., Zanolli, Z., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2024).
Characterization of the Edge States in Colloidal Bi2Se3 Platelets.
Nano Letters,
24(17), 5110–5116. 2023
Scholarly publications
Kempkes, S. N., Capiod, P., Ismaili, S., Mulkens, J.
, Eek, L., Swart, I., & Morais Smith, C. (2023).
Compact localized boundary states in a quasi-1D electronic diamond-necklace chain.
Quantum Frontiers,
2(1). Kempkes, S. N., Capiod, P., Ismaili, S., Mulkens, J.
, Swart, I., & Smith, C. M. (2023).
Compact localized boundary states in a quasi-1D electronic diamond-necklace chain. (1 ed.) (pp. 1-19). arXiv. 2022
Scholarly publications
Freeney, S. E., Slot, M. R., Gardenier, T. S., Swart, I., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2022).
Electronic Quantum Materials Simulated with Artificial Model Lattices.
ACS Nanoscience Au,
2(3), 198-224. Herrera, M. A. J.
, Kempkes, S. N., De Paz, M. B., García-Etxarri, A.
, Swart, I., Smith, C. M., & Bercioux, D. (2022).
Corner modes of the breathing kagome lattice: Origin and robustness.
Physical Review B,
105(8), Article 085411., M. J. J., Fischer, F. R., Crommie, M. F.
, Swart, I., & Jacobse, P. H. (2022).
Charge transport in topological graphene nanoribbons and nanoribbon heterostructures.
Physical Review B,
105(11), Article 115424. 2021
Scholarly publications
Capiod, P., Van Der Sluijs, M., De Boer, J.
, Delerue, C., Swart, I., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2021).
Electronic properties of atomically coherent square PbSe nanocrystal superlattice resolved by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy.
32(32), 1-14. Article 325706. Kempkes, S. N., Slot, M. R., Freeney, S. E., Zevenhuizen, S. J. M., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Swart, I., & Smith, C. M. (2021).
Author Correction: Design and characterization of electrons in a fractal geometry.
Nature Physics,
17(9), 1066-1067. 2020
Scholarly publications
Gardenier, T. S., Van Den Broeke, J. J., Moes, J. R., Swart, I., Delerue, C.
, Slot, M. R., Smith, C. M., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2020).
P orbital flat band and dirac cone in the electronic honeycomb lattice.
ACS Nano,
14(10), 13638-13644. Freeney, S. E., Van Den Broeke, J. J., Harsveld Van Der Veen, A. J. J.
, Swart, I., & Morais Smith, C. (2020).
Edge-Dependent Topology in Kekulé Lattices.
Physical Review Letters,
124(23), Article 236404 . 2019
Scholarly publications
Scheuerer, P., Patera, L. L., Simbürger, F., Queck, F.
, Swart, I., Schuler, B., Gross, L., Moll, N., & Repp, J. (2019).
Charge-Induced Structural Changes in a Single Molecule Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Physical Review Letters,
123(6)., O., D'Hondt, P., Knijff, L.
, Freeney, S. E., Junqueira, F., Moriarty, P.
, & Swart, I. (2019).
Scanning tunneling state recognition with multi-class neural network ensembles.
Review of Scientific Instruments,
90(10), Article 103704., B. P.
, Van Der Heijden, N. J., Kachel, S. R., Franke, M., Krug, C. K., Greulich, K. K., Ruppenthal, L., Müller, P., Rosenow, P., Parhizkar, S., Bocquet, F. C., Schmid, M., Hieringer, W., Maurer, R. J., Tonner, R., Kumpf, C.
, Swart, I., & Gottfried, J. M. (2019).
Molecular Topology and the Surface Chemical Bond: Alternant Versus Nonalternant Aromatic Systems as Functional Structural Elements.
Physical Review X,
9(1), Article 011030., S. N., Slot, M. R., van den Broeke, J. J., Capiod, P., Benalcazar, W. A.
, Vanmaekelbergh, D., Bercioux, D.
, Swart, I., & Morais Smith, C. (2019).
Robust zero-energy modes in an electronic higher-order topological insulator.
Nature Materials,
18(12), 1292-1297. Slot, M. R., Kempkes, S. N., Knol, E. J., Van Weerdenburg, W. M. J.
, Van Den Broeke, J. J., Wegner, D.
, Vanmaekelbergh, D., Khajetoorians, A. A.
, Morais Smith, C., & Swart, I. (2019).
P-Band Engineering in Artificial Electronic Lattices.
Physical Review X,
9(1), Article 011009. Jacobse, P. H., Simonov, K. A.
, Mangnus, M. J. J., Svirskiy, G. I., Generalov, A. V., Vinogradov, A. S., Sandell, A., Mårtensson, N., Preobajenski, A. B.
, & Swart, I. (2019).
One Precursor but Two Types of Graphene Nanoribbons: On-Surface Transformations of 10,10’-dichloro-9,9’-bianthryl on Ag(111).
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
123(14), 8892-8901. 2018
Scholarly publications
Kempkes, S. N., Slot, M. R., Freeney, S. E., Zevenhuizen, S. J. M., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Swart, I., & Smith, C. M. (2018).
Design and characterization of electrons in a fractal geometry.
Nature Physics,
15(2), 127–131. van der Burgt, J. S.
, Geuchies, J. J., van der Meer, B., Vanrompay, H., Zanaga, D., Zhang, Y.
, Albrecht, W., Petukhov, A. V., Filion, L., Bals, S.
, Swart, I., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2018).
Cuboidal Supraparticles Self-Assembled from Cubic CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
122(27), 15706-15712.
Scholarly publications
Schulz, F.
, Jacobse, P. H., Canova, F. F.
, Van Der Lit, J., Gao, D. Z.
, Van Den Hoogenband, A., Han, P.
, Klein Gebbink, R. J. M., Moret, M. E., Joensuu, P. M.
, Swart, I., & Liljeroth, P. (2017).
Precursor Geometry Determines the Growth Mechanism in Graphene Nanoribbons.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
121(5), 2896-2904., P. H., Kimouche, A., Gebraad, T., Ervasti, M.
, Thijssen, J. M., Liljeroth, P., & Swart, I. (2017).
Electronic components embedded in a single graphene nanoribbon.
Nature Communications,
8(1), Article 119. Slot, M. R., Gardenier, T. S., Jacobse, P. H., van Miert, G. C. P., Kempkes, S. N., Zevenhuizen, S. J. M., de Morais Smith, C., Vanmaekelbergh, D., & Swart, I. (2017).
Experimental realization and characterization of an electronic Lieb lattice.
Nature Physics,
13(7), 672-676. Folkertsma, E., Van Der Lit, J., Di Cicco, F.
, Lutz, M., Klein Gebbink, R. J. M., Swart, I., & Moret, M. (2017).
Combination of Scanning Probe Microscopy and Coordination Chemistry: Structural and Electronic Study of Bis(methylbenzimidazolyl)ketone and Its Iron Complex.
ACS Omega,
2(4), 1372-1379. 2016
Scholarly publications
Hapala, P., Svec, M., Stetsovych, O.
, van der Heijden, N. J., Ondracek, M.
, van der Lit, J., Mutombo, P.
, Swart, I., & Jelinek, P. (2016).
Mapping the electrostatic force field of single molecules from high-resolution scanning probe images.
Nature Communications,
7, Article 11560. der Heijden, N. J., Hapala, P., Rombouts, J. A.
, van der Lit, J., Smith, D., Mutombo, P., Švec, M., Jelinek, P.
, & Swart, I. (2016).
Characteristic Contrast in Δfmin Maps of Organic Molecules Using Atomic Force Microscopy.
ACS Nano,
10(9), 8517-8525. Jacobse, P. H., van den Hoogenband, A., Moret, M. E., Klein Gebbink, R. J. M., & Swart, I. (2016).
Aryl Radical Geometry Determines Nanographene Formation on Au(111).
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition,
55(42), 13052-13055. van der Heijden, N. J., Smith, D., Calogero, G.
, Koster, R. S., Vanmaekelbergh, D. A. M., van Huis, M. A., & Swart, I. (2016).
Recognizing nitrogen dopant atoms in graphene using atomic force microscopy.
Physical Review B,
93(24), Article 245430. van der Lit, J., Marsman, J. L.
, Koster, R. S., Jacobse, P., den Hartog, S., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Klein Gebbink, B., Filion, L., & Swart, I. (2016).
Modeling the Self-Assembly of Organic Molecules in 2D Molecular Layers with Different Structures.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
120(1), 318-323. Article 120. van der Lit, J., Cicco, F., Hapala, P., Jelinek, P.
, & Swart, I. (2016).
Submolecular Resolution Imaging of molecules by Atomic Force Microscopy:The influence of the Electrostatic Force.
Physical Review Letters,
116, Article 096102. 2015
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Hämäläinen, S. K.
, van der Heijden, N. J., van der Lit, J., den Hartog, S.
, Liljeroth, P., & Swart, I. (2014).
Intermolecular Contrast in Atomic Force Microscopy Images without Intermolecular Bonds.
Physical Review Letters,
113(18), Article 186102., M. P., Hamalainen, S. K., Liljeroth, P., & Swart, I. (2014).
Sample Corrugation Affects the Apparent Bond Lengths in Atomic Force Microscopy.
ACS Nano,
8(3), 3006-3014. Boneschanscher, M. P., Evers, W. H., Geuchies, J. J., Altantzis, T., Goris, B.
, Rabouw, F. T., van Rossum, S. A. P., van der Zant, H. S. J., Siebbeles, L. D. A., Van Tendeloo, G.
, Swart, I., Hilhorst, J., Petukhov, A. V., Bals, S.
, & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2014).
Long-range orientation and atomic attachment of nanocrystals in 2D honeycomb superlattices.
344(6190), 1377-1380. 2013
Scholarly publications
van der Lit, J., Boneschanscher, M. P., Vanmaekelbergh, D., Ijas, M., Uppstu, A., Ervasti, M., Harju, A.
, Liljeroth, P., & Swart, I. (2013).
Suppression of electron-vibron coupling in graphene nanoribbons contacted via a single atom.
Nature Communications [E],
4, Article 2023. Albrecht, F., Neu, M., Quest, C.
, Swart, I., & Repp, J. (2013).
Formation and Characterization of a Molecule-Metal-Molecule Bridge in Real Space.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
135(24), 9200-9203., M., Ervasti, M., Uppstu, A.
, Liljeroth, P., van der Lit, J., Swart, I., & Harju, A. (2013).
Electronic states in finite graphene nanoribbons: Effect of charging and defects.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics,
88(7), Article 075429., S. K., Boneschanscher, M. P., Jacobse, P. H., Swart, I., Pussi, K., Moritz, W., Lahtinen, J.
, Liljeroth, P., & Sainio, J. (2013).
Structure and local variations of the graphene moire on Ir(111).
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics,
88(20), Article 201406. Uhlmann, C.
, Swart, I., & Repp, J. (2013).
Controlling the Orbital Sequence in Individual Cu-Phthalocyanine Molecules.
Nano Letters,
13(2), 777-780.íček, N.
, Swart, I., Niedenführ, J., Meyer, G., & Repp, J. (2013).
Symmetry Dependence of Vibration-Assisted Tunneling.
Physical Review Letters,
110(13), 1-5. Article 136101.
Scholarly publications
Swart, I., Sonnleitner, T., Niedenfuhr, J., & Repp, J. (2012).
Controlled Lateral Manipulation of Molecules on Insulating Films by STM.
Nano Letters,
12(2), 1070-1074. Boneschanscher, M. P., van der Lit, J., Sun, Z., Swart, I., Liljeroth, P., & Vanmaekelbergh, D. (2012).
Quantitative Atomic Resolution Force Imaging on Epitaxial Graphene with Reactive and Nonreactive AFM Probes.
ACS Nano,
6(11), 10216-10221. 2011
Scholarly publications
Swart, I., Sonnleitner, T., & Repp, J. (2011).
Charge State Control of Molecules Reveals Modification of the Tunneling Barrier with Intramolecular Contrast.
Nano Letters,
11(4), 1580-1584. Sonnleitner, T.
, Swart, I., Pavlicek, N., Poellmann, A., & Repp, J. (2011).
Molecular Symmetry Governs Surface Diffusion.
Physical Review Letters,
107(18), Article 186103., I., Gross, L.
, & Liljeroth, P. (2011).
Single-molecule chemistry and physics explored by low-temperature scanning probe microscopy.
Chemical Communications,
47(32), 9011-9023. Sun, Z., Boneschanscher, M. P., Swart, I., Vanmaekelbergh, D., & Liljeroth, P. (2011).
Quantitative Atomic Force Microscopy with Carbon Monoxide Terminated Tips.
Physical Review Letters,
106(4), Article 046104. 2010
Scholarly publications
Liljeroth, P., Swart, I., Paavilainen, S., Repp, J., & Meyer, G. (2010).
Single-Molecule Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Ligand Complexes by Low-Temperature STM.
Nano Letters,
10(7), 2475-2479. 2009
Scholarly publications
de Smit, E., Swart, I., Creemer, J. F., Karunakaran, C., Bertwistle, D., Zandbergen, H. W.
, de Groot, F. M. F., & Weckhuysen, B. M. (2009).
Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of the Reduction Behavior of a Single Catalyst Particle.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,
48(20), 3632-3636. Sun, Z., Swart, I., Delerue, C., Vanmaekelbergh, D., & Liljeroth, P. (2009).
Orbital and Charge-Resolved Polaron States in CdSe Dots and Rods Probed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy.
Physical Review Letters,
102(19), Article 196401. 2008
Scholarly publications
de Smit, E., Swart, I., Creemer, J. F., Hoveling, G. H., Gilles, M. K., Tyliszczak, T., Kooyman, P. J., Zandbergen, H. W., Morin, C.
, Weckhuysen, B. M., & de Groot, F. M. F. (2008).
Nanoscale chemical imaging of a working catalyst by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy.
456(7219), 222-U39. Swart, I., Gruene, P., Fielicke, A., Meijer, G.
, Weckhuysen, B. M., & de Groot, F. M. F. (2008).
Molecular adsorption of H-2 on small cationic nickel clusters.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
10(37), 5743-5745. Swart, I., de Groot, F. M. F., Weckhuysen, B. M., Gruene, P., Meijer, G., & Fielicke, A. (2008).
H-2 adsorption on 3d transition metal clusters: A combined infrared spectroscopy and density functional study.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
112(6), 1139-1149. Stavitski, E., Kox, M. H. F., Swart, I., de Groot, F. M. F., & Weckhuysen, B. M. (2008).
In situ synchrotron-based IR microspectroscopy to study catalytic reactions in zeolite crystals.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,
47(19), 3543-3547. Swart, I., de Groot, F. M. F., Weckhuysen, B. M., Rayner, D. M., Meijer, G., & Fielicke, A. (2008).
The effect of charge on CO binding in rhodium carbonyls: From bridging to terminal CO.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
130(7), 2126-2127. 2007
Scholarly publications
Swart, I., Fielicke, A., Rayner, D. M., Meijer, G.
, Weckhuysen, B. M., & de Groot, F. M. F. (2007).
Controlling the Bonding of CO on Cobalt Clusters by Coadsorption of H2.
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,
46(28), 5317-5320. Swart, I., Fielicke, A., Redlich, B., Meijer, G.
, Weckhuysen, B. M., & de Groot, F. M. F. (2007).
Hydrogen-Induced Transition from Dissociative to Molecular Chemisorption of CO on Vanadium Clusters.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
129(9), 2516-2520. 2005
Scholarly publications
Szarko, JM., Song, JK., Blackledge, CW., Leone, G., Li, S., Zhao, Y., & Swart, I. (2005). Optical injection probing of single ZnO tetrapod lasers. Chemical Physics Letters, 404(1-3), 171-176.
Szarko, J. M., Song, J. K., Blackledge, C. W., Swart, I., Leone, S. R., Li, S., & Zhao, Y. (2005). Optical injection probing of single ZnO tetrapod lasers. ChemPhysChem, 404, 171-176.
Scholarly publications
Wuister, SF., Swart, A. N., van Driel, F., Hickey, SG., Donega, CD.
, & Swart, I. (2003).
Highly luminescent water-soluble CdTe quantum dots.
Nano Letters,
3(4), 503-507.