Communications specialist, online editor, press officer

As a communications consultant and press officer I support the researchers and staff of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance.
Next to that, I also support the Future of Work research group of Institutions for Open Societies, which as other researchers on board (Sociology, Psychology, IT,..._

My main goal is to showcase the research that is being done within Utrecht University

I write and publish:

  • news items
  • interviews
  • background story's
  • anouncements of lectures, conferences, PhD defenses
  • newsletters
  • press releases

I can provide you with:

  • webpages for events 
  • podcasts
  • video's (animation or other)
  • infographics
  • PR for your project and contacts to journalist

My main responsibility is the content of the corporate website of the entire faculty, the websites of it's three departements and all of it's research groups. 

Internal communication is also one of my tasks, I write for Intranet, write newsletters and can upload news in the screens in the buildings of the faculty.