Iris Engelhard has been professor of Clinical Psychology since 2008. She leads an innovative research program addressing academic and clinical questions about post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders. In this way, she contributes to more knowledge and understanding about the causes and treatments of these disorders. With her approach, Engelhard bridges the gap between basic science and clinical practice, thereby aiming to improve mental health.
Engelhard leads the Experimental Psychopathology Lab Utrecht, and is affiliated with Altrecht. She is a registered Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (Cognitieve Gedragstherapeut VGCTt®) and licensed Health Care psychologist. She teaches in the Clinical Psychology program and the Social and Health Research master. She is a member of the Open Science Community Utrecht. She is also confidential advisor Scientific Integrity at Utrecht University.
Engelhard obtained her PhD at Maastricht University (2002) and was a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University. She is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and a member of the Dutch-Flemish collaborative research program Experimental Psychopathology. She received awards and grants, including VENI, VIDI, and VICI grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Reseach (NWO) and a TOP grant from ZONMW.