I have been working as a junior lecturer since September 2021. I teach in a diverse set of courses part of the Global Sustainability Sciences Bachelor programme. I undertake a wide range of teaching activities such as giving lectures and tutorials, supervising students during their bachelor theses, tutoring first year's students and coördinating the course Policy Evaluation & Design. My teaching approach is based on my broad qualitative and quantitative background, as well as experienced gained through the programme Orientation on Teaching and Training from WUR.
My research focuses on justice issues linked to sustainability transitions. I have a background in nutrition & health and sustainable development with a focus on international development studies. I am interested in a political ecology perspective, exploring how economic and power relations drive environmental change, and place justice, human rights and environmental sustainability at the forefront. I have applied this perspective to the topics of food systems, deforestation (of the Amazon Rainforest), new sorts of businesses (i.e. B Corporations), and currently to my study within the ReSET project of the energy transition in the Netherlands.
Other Activities
I currently act as a Junior Teacher Coördinator within the Coopernicus Institute.