

The ILS labsIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2023
, Language Sciences Day


Are Dutch posture verbs lexical or functional elements?Iris Mulders (Presenter)
16 Apr 2021
, Language Science & Digital Humanities Day


The many ways to stand, lie, and sit (with Loes Koring)Iris Mulders (Speaker)
31 Jan 2020
, Grote Taaldag 2020
Posture Verbs ProcessingIris Mulders (Speaker)
31 Jan 2020
, Grote Taaldag 2020


Tutorial Eyetracking: ReadingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
17 Apr 2019
, Emlar XV


Tutorial Eyetracking: ReadingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2018
, Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research EMLAR XIV


Tutorial Eyetracking: ReadingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2017
, Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research EMLAR XIII


Tutorial Eye-tracking: readingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
20 Apr 2016
EMLAR XIIIris Mulders (Organiser)
2016 → …


Lab tourIris Mulders (Participant)
10 Dec 2015
GALA 2015Iris Mulders (Participant)
10 Sept 2015
Tutorial Eye-tracking: ReadingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
16 Apr 2015


Linking words to objects: Does it matter how much you like the speaker?I.C.M.C. Mulders (Invited speaker)
22 Apr 2014
, NYU (New York City)
Tutorial Eye-tracking: ReadingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
14 Apr 2014
, Emlar X (Utrecht University)


Referential communication: Does it matter how much you like the speaker?I.C.M.C. Mulders (Invited speaker)
4 Sept 2013
, 5th Experimental Pragmatics conference (XPRAG)
Linking words to objects: Does it matter how much you like the speaker?I.C.M.C. Mulders (Invited speaker)
12 Apr 2013
, 6th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society
Incremental focus: evidence from eye movements in the visual world paradigmIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
23 Mar 2013
, 1th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (Tenerife, Spain)
Reference resolution: Does it matter how much you like the speaker?I.C.M.C. Mulders (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2013
, 11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (Tenerife, Spain)
Practicalities around conducting an experimentIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
30 Jan 2013
, Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research (EMLAR) IX (Utrecht)


Tutorial Eye Tracking: Reading 2Iris Mulders (Invited speaker)
2 Feb 2012
, EMLAR VIII (Utrecht)
Tutorial Eye Tracking: Reading 1Iris Mulders (Invited speaker)
1 Feb 2012
, EMLAR VIII (Utrecht)


Eye-tracking in language processingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
, Lot Summerschool


Eye-trackingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2006
, Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research (EMLAR) III (Utrecht)
Processing sentences with neutral and marked stressIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 2006
, The ninth symposium on logic and language (LoLa 9) (Besenyőtelek, Hungary)
Processing sentences with neutral and marked stressIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
23 Feb 2006
, Syntax in Winter (Tilburg)
Processing sentences with neutral and marked stressIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
23 Jan 2006
, Workshop on the processing cost of complex computations
Rondleidingen eye-tracking labIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2006
, Ca 6 vakgerichte demonstraties voor verschillende groepen


Workshop ' Eye-tracking'Iris Mulders (Invited speaker)
17 Nov 2005
, EMLAR II (Utrecht)


Phase theory in sentence processingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
17 May 2004
, Tools in Linguistic Theory (Budapest)


What Can Eye Movement of Non-Brain-damaged Adults Tell Us About Pronoun Resolution in Child Language and Agrammatism?Iris Mulders (Invited speaker)
23 Jun 2003
, Nineteenth International Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 19
workshopIris Mulders (Organiser)
21 Jun 2003
Pronoun resolution in principle B and ECM constructions: Preliminary results from head-mounted eye-trackingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2003
, CUNY (Cambridge, MA, USA (MIT))
Transparent parsing: phases in sentence processingIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2003
, IAP Workshop on EPP and Phases
Onderzoeksinstituut (Event)Iris Mulders (Member)
, Onderzoeksinstituut


The framework of Minimalist InquiriesIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
, staff seminar Grammaticamodellen, KUB
Agreement errorsIris Mulders (Invited speaker)
, werkgroep Sentence processing UiL OTS