Iris Geerts MSc

PhD Candidate
Sport and Society

Iris Geerts is PhD student at Utrecht University School of Governance. Her PhD research is part of the ZonMw project ‘CISE’ that focusses on the design and organization of inclusive sporting encounters for marginalized people. Iris studies this topic from an inter-organizational network perspective, making use of ethnography and social network analysis.

Iris obtained the bachelor (2015) and extended master (2017, cum laude) Organization Studies at Tilburg University. As part of the extend master's program, she was as trainee involved in several research and innovation projects at Mental Healthcare Institute Eindhoven (GGzE). Afterwards, she worked as junior researcher at GGzE and department Tranzo of Tilburg University. Iris was team member of the European AAL project ‘PLAYTIME’ which developed a serious game of cognitive, physical and social-emotional training modules for people living with dementia. Her research in this project was focused on collaborative innovation and living labs.