Dr. Hein Duijf

Assistant Professor
Theoretical Philosophy

“My key intellectual goal is to understand how institutions, social dilemmas, and technologies help or hinder individuals, groups and societies to flourish.”


Research focus: philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence and social epistemology.

Hein is a (mathematical) philosopher whose main research interests are in social epistemology and the philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence. In particular, he is interested in expertise, deliberation, and political epistemology, and in collective agency, responsible AI, machine ethics, and deontic reasoning.

Previously, Hein worked as an assistant professor at the LMU Munich and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Utrecht University. He was a research visitor at the London School of Economics and at the LMU Munich. During his Master’s at the Radboud University Nijmegen, he spent time at the University of Amsterdam and the Technical University of Vienna

Hein completed his PhD in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence in Utrecht and his MSc in Mathematics in Nijmegen (both cum laude).