Sustainablility and governance of bioenergy supply chainsH.M. Junginger (Organiser)
15 May 2018
Governing sustainability of bioenergy, biomaterial and bioproduct supply chains from forest and agricultural landscapes - Dialogue with supra-international stakeholdersH.M. Junginger (Organiser)
19 Apr 2018
Meet the professorH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
27 Mar 2018
Optimalisatie van internationale biomassaketens voor de bio-based economyH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
15 Mar 2018
The RED II and the impact on the use of RJF in the EUH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
13 Mar 2018
DUURZAME ENERGIE UIT BIOMASSA: kansen, knelpunten & dilemma'sH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
8 Mar 2018
Inzet en duurzaamheid van biomassa in de energietransitieH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
20 Feb 2018
Biomass and BioenergyH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
13 Feb 2018
Member PhD committee defence Walid Mustapha (Norges Miljo- og bioviteskapelige Universitet)H.M. Junginger (Member of committee)
26 Jan 2018
Development and prospects for international biofuel markets to 2030 and beyondH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
24 Jan 2018
The larger picture: Bioenergy & BioeconomyH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
23 Nov 2017
Duurzaam hout: waarom en waavoorH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
2 Nov 2017
Naar een Bio-based Economy: tussen panacee en pandemoniumH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
8 Sept 2017
Modelling the impacts of wood pellet demand on forest dynamics in southeastern United States.H.M. Junginger (Speaker)
8 Apr 2017 → 12 Apr 2017
, US-IALE Annual Meeting
Member PhD committee defence Sanne Lemmens (University of Antwerp)H.M. Junginger (Member of committee)
31 Mar 2017
Duurzaamheid van bioenergieH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
How can biomass best contribute to climate change mitigation? State of play of the carbon neutrality debate. Aebiom Event: How can Bioenergy Mitigate Climate Change?H.M. Junginger (Speaker)
1 Dec 2015
, Conference of Parties (COP21)
How can biomass best contribute to climate change mitigation? State of play of the carbon neutrality debateMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
1 Dec 2015
, Conference of Parties (COP21)
Interim results on biomass supply scenarios & material demand: forestry, agriculture, waste, trade prospects, biochemistryMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 2015
, Workshop for the Biosustain project
Interim results on biomass supply scenarios & material demand: forestry, agriculture, waste, trade prospects, biochemistry. Study performed for EC DG ENERH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
15 Oct 2015
, Workshop for the Biosustain project
Oral presentation at Forest DalogueH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
21 Jun 2015 → 22 Jun 2015
, The Forest Dalogue
Results of BioTrade2020+ Case Studies . Sustainable Biomass Export Potentials in Kenya and the Southeast USH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
3 Jun 2015
, 23th European Biomass Conference
Global Bioenergy Trade - An Overview of the Status, Drivers and TrendsH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
3 Jun 2015
, 23th European Biomass Conference
Availability of sustainable biomass resourcesH.M. Junginger (Keynote speaker)
14 Apr 2015
, Nordic Baltic Bioenergy Concerence
Availability of sustainable biomass resourcesMartin Junginger (Keynote speaker)
14 Apr 2015
, Nordic Baltic Bioenergy Concerence
Woody biomass for electricity as an option to reduce GHG emissions - Possibilities and uncertaintiesH.M. Junginger (Speaker)
10 Apr 2015
, KNAW-Symposium
Woody biomass for electricity as an option to reduce GHG emission - possibilies and uncertaintiesMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
10 Apr 2015
, KNAW-Symposium
Fuels of the Future conference Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
19 Jan 2015
Zero Emission ConferenceMartin Junginger (Participant)
13 Nov 2014
Workshop "Towards sustainable international biomass trade strategies" Martin Junginger (Participant)
24 Oct 2014
Workshop "Towards sustainable international biomass trade strategiesMartin Junginger (Organiser)
Development of a bottom-up methodology to assess potential C-debt and iLUC risks for woody biomass supply chains on a project levelMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
7 Nov 2013
, Workshop "Towards sustainable wood energy supply chains"- iLUC and carbon debt, Utrecht University
Correct carbon accounting, sustainability criteria and impacts on transatlantic wood pellet tradeMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
Workshop "The Transatlantic Trade in Wood for Enery: A Dialogue on Susutainability Standards and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hilton Desoto SavannahMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
Developments in international wood pellet trade, European sustainability criteria and forest carbon accountingMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
1 Aug 2013
, Dabish wood pellet conference 2013
Forest carbon accounting on co-firing woody biomass - a matter of perspectives?Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2013
, Join workshop on Developing a Binding Sustainability Scheme for Solid Biomass for Electricity & Heat under the RED
Development of a bottom-up methodology to assess potential C-debt and iLUC risks for woody biomass supply chains on a project levelMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
30 Jun 2013
, Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
relevance of correct forest carbon accounting on co-firing woody biomass - the debt is the detailMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
20 Jun 2013
, 3rd IEA Clean Coal Centre Workshop on Cofiring Biomass with Coal
Canada's forest bioenergy and the EU policy on sustainabilityMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
20 Jun 2013
, 3rd IEA Clean Coal Centre Workshop on Cofiring Biomass with Coal
Correct carbon accounting - a matter of perspectives?Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
17 Jun 2013
, AEBIOM European Bioenergy conference
Current and fututre trade and use of woody biomass for energy in the NetherlandsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
10 Apr 2013
, Joint meeting RWE - NRC Kurchatoc Institute, Amercentrale
De internationale biomassahandel: Waar komt het vandaan en waar gaat het heen?Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
4 Apr 2013
, Seminar biomassa op hete kolen - over grootschalige import van biomassa voor groene stroom, Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, Stichting Natuur en Milieu, IUCN and WNF
De carbon debt discussie - een overzicht van de stand van zakenMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
29 Mar 2013
, Commissie Corbey, Ministerie van VROM (The Hague, the Netherlands)
The 8th Annual world biofuelss market conferenceMartin Junginger (Organiser)
12 Mar 2013
Duurzame biomassa en bioenergie in NederlandMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
22 Jan 2013
, Ministry of Economic Affairs (The Hague, the Netherlands)
Bio-trade Long Term OutlookMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
27 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at 2012 CanBio Annual Conference & Trade Show
Overview of global solid and liquid biomass trade for energyMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
13 Nov 2012
, Invited lecture at IEA Bioenergy Conference
Sustainability and global feedstock trade - What Biomass Feedstocks Look Most Promising For Global Trade Over The Next Five Years?Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
25 Sept 2012
, Invited lecture at BIO2ME Global Bioenergy Congress
European Biomass ConferenceMartin Junginger (Organiser)
7 Jun 2012
Role of biomass in meeting future energy demands, Workshop Biomass supply challenges – how to meet biomass demand by 2020Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
15 Mar 2012
, Invited lecture at World Biofuels Markets conference
Current and future global Woody Biomass Trade – Drivers & Key ConsiderationsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
2 Feb 2012
, Invited lecture at Workshop on US-Dutch biomass trade development
the 2012 WSED Conference on Biomass and Energy Efficiency (External organisation)Martin Junginger (Member)
Carbon payback of wood pellets - a case study for the South-eastern USAMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
, Invited lecture at 12th Pellets Industry Forum (Berlin, Germany)
Outlook on future energy research of STSMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 2008
, Hay days Copernicus Institute (Soest)
Short Status Report of IEA Task 40Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
14 Oct 2008
, IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee meeting 62
Overview of international bioenergy trade developmentsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 2008
, International Workshop “Woodfuel Supply Chain – Sharing Experience”
Opportunities for biofuels trade, Biofuels production potentials & the possible impact of 2nd generation fuels and sustainability criteriaMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2008
, Biofuels - A new shipping market (London, UK)
Organisation Pellets@las Workshop “The global wood pellet trade – markets, barriers and opportunitiesMartin Junginger (Organiser)
17 Jun 2008
Global sawdust and wood pellet potentials: almost unlimited supply for Europe?Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
17 Jun 2008
, Pellets@las Workshop “The global wood pellet trade – markets, barriers and opportunities
IEA Bioenergy Task 40 workshop: How to speed up the processes to make things happenMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
27 May 2008
Development and promotion of a transparent European pellets market, Creation of a European real-time pellets atlasMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
27 May 2008
, World Biomass 2008 Conference & Exhibition on Biomass for Energy
Sustainability criteria for bioenergy products derived from forest biomassMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
22 Apr 2008
, 2nd Symposium on forest biomass and processing residues for energy production (Gatineau, Canada)
De toekomst van de mondiale energievoorziening- een overzicht en de mogelijke bijdrage van biofuelsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2008
, GeoHuis bijeenkomst (Utrecht)
Biomass Resources Potential and Related Costs in Europe till 2030Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
14 Mar 2008
, Workshop on the final results of the REFUEL project at DG Agriculture of the European Commission
Organisation Workshop on Development of meaningful statistics for sustainable bioenergy tradeMartin Junginger (Organiser)
25 Feb 2008
Lighting up the pellet market. Creating an international pellet price indexMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
15 Jan 2008
, Workshop Independent Quotation Wood Pellets
Biofuels and biomass production and tradeMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
19 Oct 2006
, Shipping in Context (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
The need for Bio Energy - Demand and SupplyMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
14 Sept 2006
, Forum: Bio Energy Transportation - New Business Opportunities for Ports and Logistics Providers- (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
Biomass tradeMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2006
, Workshop Biomass for the realisation of Renewable Electricity in Poland following Directive 2001/77/EU
Resource aspects on Global Potential for BiofuelsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
, Launching conference at the European technology platform for biofuels
Next steps for co-firing biomass including transportationMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
5 Jun 2006
, Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade (Trondheim, Norway)
Workshop: Fuel Flexibility in biomass combustion- the key to low bio-energy costs? World Bioenergy Conference and ExhibitionMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
31 May 2006
Resource aspects on Global Potential for BiofuelsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
31 May 2006
, World Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition
Technologisch leren en kostenreducties van duurzame energie technologieënMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
29 May 2006
, Copernicus Lustrum Symposium (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
Possibilities for operationalisation of sustainability criteria Workshop: Preliminary results of the study Bioethanol from BrazilMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
22 May 2006
Workshop: ‘Greenhouse gas credits trade versus biomass trade – weighing the benefits’, jointly organised by IEA Bioenergy Tasks 38, 40 and ENOVAMartin Junginger (Participant)
5 Apr 2006 → 6 Apr 2006
IEA Bioenergy- Sustainable International Bioenergy Trade: securing supply and demandMartin Junginger (Contributor)
2006 → …
Technological learning and cost reduction of biomass CHP combustion plants: the case of Sweden.Martin Junginger (Invited speaker)
10 May 2004
, Second World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
Riding down the experience curveMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2004
, School of Technology and Design (Vaxjo, Sweden)
Technological learning and wind energyMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
11 Feb 2003
, Lunch colloquium ECN (Petten)
Windenergy in our backyard? De kosten van windenergieMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
12 Dec 2002
, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek, NOW (Den Haag, The Netherlands)
Duurzaam elektriciteit in NederlandMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2002
, Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Experience curves in the wind energy sector. Use, Analysis and RecommendationsMartin Junginger (Invited speaker)
18 Jul 2001
, International Energy Workshop, NASA
The Circular Economy and Agricultural Waste Biomass for Power GenerationH.M. Junginger (Speaker)