Len Dijstelbloem works as innovator of learning in the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning. My focus area is Future Learning Spaces. The central mission of this project is to answer the question: "How can Utrecht University with her physical learning environment continuesly support and strenghten her educational vision?"
I lead several innovative and challenging projects: including developing Active Learning Spaces UU-wide, Outdoor Learning Spaces in the Botanical Gardens, a Mobile Hybrid Set and a Collaborative Lecture Hall in the Anna Maria van Schuurman Building. Together with colleagues, I regularly organise Co Creation Community sessions from the SIG Learning Spaces for anyone interested in innovative learning environments. I also guide, support and advise teachers in delivering more student-centred, active and collaborative learning.
I graduated as a veterinarian, with a differentiation in companian animals, in 1998. I obtained practical experience in different veterinary clinics for companian animals before I joined AOC Groenhorst Barneveld, in the training of veterinary nurses. Here I worked as a teacher and developed education at (inter) national level. As a sector coordinator of the course center, I was responsible for adult education at veterinary nurses for five years.
My interest in educational development led to a second master's degree by obtaining the Master of Education for Professional Learning and Development at STOAS Vilentum University of Applied Sciences in Wageningen. I developed a research innovation project in the training of Applied Biology of the HAS University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch. Key concepts were: professional development of teachers, video feedback and peer coaching.
To update my teaching license I graduated a Pedagogical Teaching Certificate (PDG) in 2015 at STOAS Vilentum University of Applied Sciences. The emphasis was on activating didactics, collaborative learning and the role of teacher as coach.
I was vice coordinator of the Veterinary European Transnational Network for Nursing Education and Training (VETNNET) from 2014-2016.
From 2015-2020 I worked as education policy advisor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht. My main tasks were to develop and carry out the quality assurance of, mainly, the education of the Master. From 2017-2020 I was chair of the quality assurance focus groupof the NVMO, the Dutch Society of Medical Education.