Kosten en baten van taalgericht vakonderwijs: een bètablikHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
30 Nov 2016
, Conferentie Taalgericht Vakonderwijs
The new STEM subject Nature Life and Technology (NLT)Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2016
, ISDDE 2016 Conference
Kiezen voor samenhang ≠ Kiezen tegen de disciplinesHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
27 May 2016
, Onderwijsresearchdagen
NLT ConferentieHarrie Eijkelhof (Participant)
4 Feb 2016
NLT anno 2015Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
4 Feb 2016
, NLT Conferentie
Practicals in science education in the NetherlandsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
6 Jan 2016
, ASE Annual Conference
WND ConferentieHarrie Eijkelhof (Participant)
12 Dec 2015
Conferentie Jong NVONHarrie Eijkelhof (Participant)
3 Oct 2015
Meeting some demands of a changing society: teaching about interdisciplinary scientific issues in senior secondary educationHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
2 Oct 2015
, Conference Together for the future of STEM talent
Beyond disciplines: NLT, a Dutch course on new developments in science and technology in senior secondary educationHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
8 May 2015
, MARCH Innovation Swap Workshop
Interdisciplinariteit: overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen de bètadisciplines. Een rol voor NLT?Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
28 Feb 2015
, NLT Conferentie
The case of the NetherlandsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
22 Jan 2015
, Teacher training and development to inspire STEM education: The Global Challenge
Professional development of teachers by developing, testing and teaching curriculum materials of an interdisciplinary STEM-course (NLT)for senior high schoolHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
Waarom een minor science?Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
2 Jul 2014
Internationale ontwikkelingen rond kennisbasesHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
13 Jun 2014
, ORD 2014
Crosscutting concepts in de lerarenopleidingHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
21 May 2014
, Lezing gegeven op de ECENT Conferentie (Utrecht)
NLT 2013/14Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
6 Feb 2014
, NLT-conferentie
Crosscutting concepts in NLTHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
6 Feb 2014
, NLT-conferentie
Uitdagingen voor het bèta-onderwijsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
5 Feb 2014
, Gastcollege, Eindhoven: Eindhoven School of Education
Nature, Life and Technology (NLT): an interdisciplinary upper secondary course, integrating science and mathematicsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2013
, Paper presented at the RME4 Conference, 27 September, Boulder (Colorado)
Keynote presented at the RME4 Conference, 27 September, Boulder (Colorado)Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2013
, Keynote presented at the RME4 Conference, 27 September, Boulder (Colorado)
Curriculum policy implications of the PISA Scientific Literacy FrameworkHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2013
, Paper presented at ESERA 13 Conference Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2-7
Wat leerlingen en studenten (kunnen)leren van practicaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
Toetsing in PISAHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
15 Dec 2012
, Lezing gegeven op de WND Conferentie (Noordwijkerhout)
Het belang van regionale vaksteunpunten bètaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
2 Nov 2012
, Lezing gegeven op de Woudschotenconferentie Chemie (Zeist)
Comparative studies in science and mathematics education: recent developments, risks and benefitsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
23 Oct 2012
, Keynote lecture gegeven op de ISTE 2012 Conference, Mopani (S.A.)
Experiences with an interactive teaching approach in a first year university physics course in GhanaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
22 Oct 2012
, Lecture presented at the ISTE International Conference on Mathematics. Science and Technology Education, 22-25 October, Mopani Camp, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Developing a new advanced science and math subject: NLTHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
22 Oct 2012
, Paper presented at ISTE 2012 Conference, Mopani (S.A.)
Trends in higher education of natural sciences in the NetherlandsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
17 Oct 2012
, Faculty Lecture gegeven op de University of the North West, Potchefstroom (S.A.) (Potchefstroom)
De Δelta van ßètaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2012
, Plenaire lezing gegeven op de Conferentie Beta onder de Dom (Utrecht)
Supporting Students to Develop Concepts Underlying Sampling and to Shuttle Between Contextual and Statistical SpheresHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
13 Jul 2012
, 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 8 July – 15 July, 2012
Nederlands science onderwijs in internationaal perspectief: PISA & TIMSSHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
16 May 2012
, Lezing gegeven op de ECENT Conferentie (Utrecht)
De fundering van DUDOCHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
9 May 2012
, Plenaire lezing gegeven op de DUDOC-manifestatie Lesgeven en promoveren: een gouden combinatie? (Amsterdam)
Gifted education at high school level: why should we bother?Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
8 Feb 2012
, Keynote lecture gegeven op de Symposium Gifted Education (Utrecht)
Werkgroep gegeven op NLT 2012 ConferentieHarrie Eijkelhof (Participant)
7 Feb 2012
NLT 2011-2015Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2012
, Plenaire lezing gegeven op de NLT 2012 Conferentie (Ede)
, Voordracht ORD 2011, Maastricht, 8-10 juni (Maastricht)
Development of a new interdisciplinary advanced science course: Nature, Life & TechnologyHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
5 Sept 2011
, Paper presented at the ESERA Conference, Lyon, France, September 5-9.
NLT 2015: plannen en prioriteitenHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
13 May 2011
, Voordracht NLT-conferentie 2011, Ede, 17 maart (Ede)
Het belang van regionale vaksteunpunten bétaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
13 May 2011
, Voordracht SLO-Conferentie 'Focus op Invoering', Zeist, 13 mei (Zeist)
Meer dan monoHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2011
, Voordracht afscheidssymposium Jenneke Krüger, SLO, Enschede, 21 april (Enschede)
Improving the quality of innovative science teaching materialsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
31 Aug 2009
, ESERA 2009 conference
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Dutch Students in Science Literacy and Their Attitude towards Science-related Subjects: A Comparative StudyHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
, the PISA research conference, Kiel.
From common sense through Kepler to Newton: a new introduction to mechanics.Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
, ESERA2009 Conference in Istanbul Aug 31 to Sept 4 2009
Strengthening links between secondary schools and universities: the case of Utrecht UniversityHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
10 Nov 2008
, Keynote, Conference The Dutch Experience. Amsterdam, 10 november, 2008
Dutch innovations in science education through collaborationHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
9 Oct 2008
, Invited paper, EU conférence L’apprentissage des sciences dans l’Europe de la connaissance. Grenoble, 9 octobre, 2008 (Grenoble)
Increasing the participation of female students in science education and training?Harrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
8 Oct 2008
, Invited paper, EU conférence L’apprentissage des sciences dans l’Europe de la connaissance. Grenoble, 9 octobre, 2008 (Grenoble)
Het DUDOC-programmaHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2008
, Paper presented at the Onderwijsresearchdagen, Eindhoven, 18 juni, 2008 (Eindhoven)
De kwaliteitsborging van het nieuwe bètavak NLTHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2008
, Paper presented at the Onderwijsresearchdagen (Eindhoven)
De toekomst van het bètaonderwijsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2008
, Keynote Reehorstconferentie APS, Ede, 23 april, 2008 (Ede)
New trends in physics teaching and learning in the NetherlandsHarrie Eijkelhof (Invited speaker)
18 Apr 2008
, Key note physica, Nijmegen, 18 april, 2008 (Nijmegen)