

Een Galilees dorp, een synagoge, en de wereld van de RabbijnenOttenheijm, E. (Speaker)
26 Sept 2024
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion (Journal)Ottenheijm, E. (Editor)
3 Aug 2024


De Goede Samaritaan als een Joodse parabelOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
6 Nov 2023
European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS)12th CongressOttenheijm, E. (Speaker)
18 Jul 2023
, European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS) 12th Congress
European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS)12th CongressOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
17 Jul 2023
Chairing Session on Late MidrashOttenheijm, E. (Presenter)
17 Jul 2023
, European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS) 12th Congress
ResponseOttenheijm, E. (Speaker)
6 Jul 2023
, Book launch Jewish Martyrdom
“Why do you teach them in parables”? Comparing Synoptic and Rabbinic “Parables Theory”Ottenheijm, E. (Speaker)
22 Mar 2023
, International Conference Parables as Persuasive Narratives
International Symposium Understanding Judaism. New Approaches to Rabbinic LiteratureOttenheijm, E. (Chair)
20 Mar 202321 Mar 2023
“Why do you teach them in Parables?" Reflections on the Synoptic Parable TheoryOttenheijm, E. (Speaker)
10 Mar 2023
, New Testament Colloquium
ביקורת ופרשנות (Journal)Ottenheijm, E. (Editor)
31 Jan 2023


On Genre. A ResponseOttenheijm, E. (Speaker)
23 Sept 2022
, Book Launch Overcoming Dichotomites. Parables, Fables, and Similes in the Graeco Roman World. Albertina Oegema, Jonathan Pater and Martijn Stoutjesdijk (eds.). WUNT 483 (Mohr Siebeck, 2022)
'Christus' of 'Torah'? Over de locatie van religieuze ervaring en de toekomst van de dialoog.Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
9 Mar 2022
, Theologische Conferentie 40 jaar Dialoog


Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series (Journal)Ottenheijm, E. (Peer reviewer)
1 Sept 2021 → …
Parabels van WijsheidOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2021
Parabels van WijsheidOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
3 Mar 2021


Interreligious Dialogue: Practice and TheoryOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
19 Nov 2019
, Symposium Hebrew University/Soetendorp Institute on the Occasion of the Scopus Award for Rabbi Abraham Soetendorp
Power of ParablesOttenheijm, E. (Organiser)
24 Jun 201926 Jun 2019
Handling Money and Treasures. Parables on Scriptural KnowledgeOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
24 Jun 2019
, Power of Parables
Current Issues in the Comparative Study of Jewish and Christian Parables’, Introduction to the International Conference Power of ParablesOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
24 Jun 2019
, Power of Parables
Some Observations on the Rhetoric of Parables in Midrash TehillimOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2019
, Generations. Evolution And Transmission of the Rabbinic Text
The ‘Inn of the Good Samaritan.’ Religious, Civic, and Political Rhetoric of a Biblical SiteOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
20 May 2019
, Research Colloquium Religious Studies


Neotestamentica (Publisher)Ottenheijm, E. (Peer reviewer)
20 Jul 2018
European Association of Jewish StudiesOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
19 Jul 2018
The Fate of Jewish Parables: from Midrashic Tool to Canonical TextOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
17 Jul 2018
, European Association of Jewish Studies
Anger and Laughter in Rabbinic Parables: Why certain Emotions just do not fit a RabbinicOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
24 May 201825 May 2018
, International Workshop on Rabbinic Emotions
Jerusalem and other holy places as foci of multireligious and ideological confrontation.Ottenheijm, E. (Participant)
17 May 2018
The ‘Inn of the Good Samaritan’: religious habitus and political rhetoricOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
16 May 2018
, Jerusalem and other holy places as foci of multireligious and ideological confrontation.
Pattern or Oddity? Allegorizing a Palestinian Parable in the Babylonian Talmud (Sota 20a)Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
10 May 201811 May 2018
, International Workshop on Parables


SBL Annual ConferenceOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
18 Nov 2017
Parables of Partition? Revisiting the Wicked Tenants (Matt. 21:33-46)Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
18 Nov 2017
, SBL Annual Conference
De Barmhartige Samaritaan en de archeologieOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
29 Sept 2017
, Utrecht Religie Forum
17th World Congress of Jewish StudiesOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
7 Aug 2017
17th World Congress of Jewish StudiesOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
7 Aug 2017
Hillel en de tradities over HillelOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
12 Jun 2017
, Themabijeenkomst Memory, Orality and Performance en het Nieuwe Testament
‘Parables and the Partings of the Ways’Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
19 May 2017
, Tri-university conference on Religious Studies


Zoeken, verliezen, vinden: parabels over het lezen van heiligeOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
27 Oct 2016
The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine. Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
22 Sept 2016
Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical StudiesOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
20 Jul 2016
Functie bij: (Event)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
2016 → …
, Functie bij:


Fan Fiction, Healing Stories and Magic in Babylonian JudaismOttenheijm, E. (Organiser)
30 Sept 2015
UU / TiU Parable Group Masterclass with Prof. Dr. Tal IlanOttenheijm, E. (Organiser)
8 May 2015
Conference ‘The Rabbis of Yavneh and the Yavneh of History’. Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
6 Jan 2015


Teaching by Telling Parables, Comparing a Religious Practice in the Jesus-tradition and Rabbinic Judaism with Bourdieusian Thinking-ToolsOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
12 Nov 2014
, workshop of the Research Project Local Dynamics of Globalization
University of Amsterdam (External organisation)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
30 Oct 2014
workshop of the ‘Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Pre-modern Levant (LDG)(Event)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
20 Sept 2014
, workshop of the ‘Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Pre-modern Levant (LDG)
Punishing the Nations. Tanhuma on the revelation of the Torah.Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
24 Jul 2014
, Xth European Association for Jewish Studies
Early Jewish Parables between Rhetoric and Exegesis. Sons and their Inheritance.Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
12 May 2014
, 10th conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions
Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)‘Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge’ Ottenheijm, E. (Organiser)
12 May 2014
, Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) ‘Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge’
Lecture in series on Early Jewish AssociationsOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2014
De scholen van Hillel en Sjammai. Pluralisme in Farizees JodendomOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
16 Jan 2014
, Lezing bij Crescas (Amsterdam VU)
Master class Parables and the Partings of the WaysOttenheijm, E. (Organiser)
15 Jan 2014


Elijah’s presence among the RabbisOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
5 Oct 2013
, Conference Prophecy Network
‘Die Werke der Barmherzigkeit in Matthäus 25,31-46 als Beispiel der Guten Werke im Frühjudentum’Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
11 Apr 2013
, , Werke der Barmherzigkeit: Mittel zur Gewissensberuhigung oder Motor zur Strukturveränderung?’, Symposium der Arbeitsgruppe WIEGE, Katholisch-Theologischen Privatuniversität (Linz)


‘Studying Texts and Studying Vanishing Texts’, Discussant NoteOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
19 Oct 2012
, Conference Materiality, Mediation, and the Study of Religion
-‘And he will live by them’: Leviticus 18:5 in early Jewish and Christian Interpretations’Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
23 Jul 2012
, SBL International Conference
The Rabbi and His Seat in the Synagogue: Texts and Archaeological DiscourseOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
6 Feb 2012
, Colloquium Archaeology, Architecture and Liturgy. The Synagogue of Horvat Kur in the Context of Ancient Galilean Synagogues (Leiden)


(met Leo Mock)Studiedag Rabbijnse Literatuur: parabelsOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
31 Aug 2011
, Studiedag (Amsterdam)
Conference: The Actuality of SacrificeOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
10 Jan 2011


Good Works in Tannaitic Traditions: the case of Rabban Yohanan ben ZakkaiOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2010
, Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of W.C. van Unnik (Utrecht University)
The Mountain of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1)Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
20 Nov 2010
, SBL International Conference, section Matthew
The Mountain of the Sermon on the Mount.Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
19 Nov 2010
, SBL Conference
Martyrdom as a Contested Body Practice in Rabinic JudaismOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
14 Oct 2010
, Utrecht (Conference Contesting Religious Identities)
(met Leo Mock): Tora en LichaamOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
25 Aug 2010
, Studiedag rabbijnse literatuur (Amsterdam)
Interacties tussen Rabbijns Jodendom en Christendom: martelaarschap en rituele badenOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
8 Mar 2010
, Seminar Oude Geschiedenis


Geld en Goed in de Joodse TraditieOttenheijm, E. (Organiser)
25 Aug 2009
Ontmoeting of IsolementOttenheijm, E. (Participant)
28 Feb 2009
Uitgeven van de serie Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum (Leiden: Brill)(Event)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
2009 → …
, Uitgeven van de serie Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum (Leiden: Brill)
Functie bij: (Event)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
2009 → …
, Functie bij:


(met leo Mock)Enkeling en gemeenschapOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
27 Aug 2008
, Studiedag Rabbijnse Literatuur (Amsterdam)
Platform van dialoog Jodendom-Christendom in Nederland (Event)Ottenheijm, E. (Member)
2008 → …
, Platform van dialoog Jodendom-Christendom in Nederland


(met leo Mock)TsedakaOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
29 Aug 2007
, Studiedag Rabbijnse Literatuur (Amsterdam)
Comparing Discourses: Form and Function of ‘Learning and Doing’ in Early Judaism and Early ChristianityOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
21 Jan 2007
, Isolation, Independence, Syncretism, Dialogue. Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present (Tel Aviv/Jerusalem)
Stromingen in het vroege JodendomOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
, Symposium Riskant bestaan in een Beloofd Land (Utrecht)
Een Dialoog omwille van de Hemelen. Twee lezingen over veranderingen in de verhouding van de christelijke kerk tot het joodse volkOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
, B. Folkertsma stichting vor Talmudica Hilversum (Hilversum)


Dialogue for Heaven’s Sake: Historical and Theological Axes of Christian-Jewish Relations in the NetherlandsOttenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
14 Jan 2006
, Public Lecture Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions (Doshisha University Kyoto (Japan))


De staat Israel: een theologische graat in de keel?Ottenheijm, E. (Invited speaker)
6 Sept 2004
, Studiedag Appel Kerk en Israel en B. Folkertsma stichting voor Talmudica (Amsterdam)
Kroniek / Katholieke Raad voor Israël (Journal)Ottenheijm, E. (Editor)