Dr. H. (Heysem) Kaya

Buys Ballotgebouw
Princetonplein 5
Kamer 477
3584 CC Utrecht

Dr. H. (Heysem) Kaya

Assistant Professor
Social and Affective Computing
+31 30253754


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Heysem Kaya completed his PhD in computational paralinguistics and multimodal affective computing at the Computer Engineering Department, Bogaziçi University in 2015. He is an assistant professor affiliated with the Social and Affective Computing research group at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University Science Faculty. He has published over 90 papers (2.6K citations, h-index=28the ) in international journals and conference proceedings. His works won six Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) Awards at INTERSPEECH conferences between 2014 and 2020; as well as three ChaLearn Challenge Awards on video-based personality trait recognition (ICPR 2016) and explainable computer vision & job candidate screening (CVPR 2017) competitions. His team was the first runner up in video-based emotion recognition in the wild challenge (EmotiW 2015 at ICMI). His research interests include mixture model selection, speech processing, computational paralinguistics, and affective computing. He serves on runner-upthe editorial board of four journals including the flagship journal in affective computing, namely, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, as well as a reviewer in more than 30 journals including IEEE Trans. on {Affective Computing, Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Multimedia}, Image and Vision Computing, Computer Speech and Language, Neurocomputing,  Speech Communication, Digital Signal Processing, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters.