Henk Hogeveen grew up on a dairy farm in the centre of the Netherlands and graduated (BSc and MSc in 1989) at Wageningen University. His MSc theses were done in the field of Veterinary Epidemiology (cystic ovarian follicles) and animal health economics (the economic consequenes of herd health management systems). From 1989 till 1994 he worked at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as research associate and got his PhD in 1994 on automated diagnosis of mastitis problems. Since then he worked at a number of Dutch research institutes in the field of animal management, automation, milk quality and animal health. Since 2001 he works "in between" Wageningen University (the Business Economics group) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University (Department of Farm Animal Health). His research and teaching is done in the field of management and economics of animal health (specializing in production diseases in dairy cattle). Since a long time, Henk is also active in the field of precision dairy farming (the application of sensors on dairy farms). He publishes a lot in scientific (peer reviewed) journals, scientific proceedings and trade journals. He is often used as (keynote) presenter at national and internation conferences and meetings. Besides, he is active in many national and international committees in the field of management of animal health.