Dr. H.H. (Willem) Rump

Dr. H.H. (Willem) Rump

Processes and Systems Officer
Pharmacoepi. and Clinical Pharmacol.
Assistant Professor
Onderzoek- en Valorisatiebeleid
+31 6 83 710 783
Full name
Dr. H.H. (Willem) Rump
Contact details
Building: David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Room 1.09
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone number (direct) +31 6 83 710 783
Phone number (department) +31 30 253 6965
Building: David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Room 1.09
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone number (department) +31 30 253 7324
Mobile phone
+31 6 83 710 783
Mo Tu We Th Fr

Additional email address: upper@uu.nl

Additional email address: etc-beta-geo@uu.nl