Prof. dr. H.G.M. (Bert) Leufkens

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
3584 CG Utrecht

Prof. dr. H.G.M. (Bert) Leufkens

Emeritus Professor
Pharmacoepi. and Clinical Pharmacol.

Main UU connection: Emeritus professor regulatory science and pharmaceutical policy

Other functions: Member Senate and Exco European Federation for Pharmaceu­tical Sciences (EUFEPS), Member Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW), Visiting professor Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, Member Scientific Advisory Board Dutch Heart Foundation, Member Scientific Advisory Board LACDR, Leiden, Member/chairman several committees of ZonMW/NWO, Fellow Lygature Foundation, Member Ministry OCW Committee Research with Non-Human Primates (NHPs).

Research Keywords: regulatory science, pharmacoepidemiology, innovation science, pharmaco­vigi­lance, pharmaceutical policy analysis, orphan diseases

Theme: cardiovascular, CNS, cancer

Offering: methodologically innovative approach for regulatory science, broad experienced and informed network on the interface between drug development, regulation and actual drug usage.

Looking for: relevant research questions to apply these methods

Education and Experience


Professor of regulatory science and pharmaceutical policy, Utrecht University


Scientific Director Utrecht Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation


Chairman of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB)


Several regulatory roles EMA London (e.g. CHMP, PhV Working Party)


Professor of pharmacoepidemiology, Utrecht University


PhD 'Pharma­cy records in phar­­maco­epi­de­mio­logy: studies on antiinflam­ma­tory and anti­rheu­ma­tic drugs', Utrecht University


Fulbright Fellow at the University of Minneapolis, US

Regulatory Science and Pharmaceutical Policy