Scholarly publications
Rella, L., Fernandes Póvoa, E. E., Mars, J., Ebbing, A. L. P., Schoppink, L., Betist, M. C.
, & Korswagen, H. C. (2021).
A switch from noncanonical to canonical Wnt signaling stops neuroblast migration through a Slt-Robo and RGA-9b/ARHGAP-dependent mechanism.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
118(12), 1-12. [e2013239118].ödelsperger, C., Ebbing, A., Sharma, D. R., Okumura, M., Sommer, R. J.
, Korswagen, H. C., & Ruvinsky, I. (Ed.) (2021).
Spatial Transcriptomics of Nematodes Identifies Sperm Cells as a Source of Genomic Novelty and Rapid Evolution.
Molecular Biology and Evolution,
38(1), 229–243.
Scholarly publications
Fernandes Póvoa, E. E., Ebbing, A. L. P., Betist, M. C., Van Der Veen, C.
, & Korswagen, H. C. (2020).
An optimized dissociation protocol for FACS-based isolation of rare cell types from Caenorhabditis elegans L1 larvae.
7, [100922].
Scholarly publications
Gupta, S., Varennes, J.
, Korswagen, H. C., Mugler, A., & Bennett, M. R. (Ed.) (2018).
Temporal precision of regulated gene expression.
PLoS Computational Biology,
14(6), [e1006201]., I. J., De Groot, R. E. A., Jellett, A. P., Betist, M. C., Varandas, K. C., Danson, C. M., Heesom, K. J.
, Korswagen, H. C., & Cullen, P. J. (2018).
SNX3-retromer requires an evolutionary conserved MON2:DOPEY2:ATP9A complex to mediate Wntless sorting and Wnt secretion.
Nature Communications,
9(1), [3737]., A., Vértesy, Á., Betist, M. C., Spanjaard, B., Junker, J. P., Berezikov, E.
, Van Oudenaarden, A., & Korswagen, H. C. (2018).
Spatial Transcriptomics of C. elegans Males and Hermaphrodites Identifies Sex-Specific Differences in Gene Expression Patterns.
Developmental Cell,
47(6), 801-813.e6., R. A., Rella, L., Radaszkiewicz, T. W., Gybel, T., Betist, M. C., Bryja, V.
, Korswagen, H. C., & Chisholm, A. D. (2018).
The planar cell polarity protein VANG-1/Vangl negatively regulates Wnt/β-catenin signaling through a Dvl dependent mechanism.
PLoS Genetics,
14(12), [e1007840]., M., Minevich, G.
, Kroll, J. R., Soete, G., Gowtham, S.
, Korswagen, H. C., Sebastiaan van Zon, J., & Hobert, O. (2018).
A Caenorhabditis elegans Zinc Finger Transcription Factor, ztf-6, Required for the Specification of a Dopamine Neuron-Producing Lineage.
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics,
8(1), 17-26.
Scholarly publications
Lorenowicz, M. J., Macurkova, M.
, Harterink, M., de Groot, R.
, & Korswagen, H. (2014).
Inhibition of late endosomal maturation restores Wnt secretion in Caenorhabditis elegans vps-29 retromer mutants. Cellular Signalling,
26(1), 19-31.
Scholarly publications
de Groot, R. E. A., Farin, H. F., Macurkova, M., Clevers, H. C., & Korswagen, H. C. (2013). Retromer dependent recycling of the Wnt secretion factor Wls is dispensable for stem cell maintenance in the mammalian intestinal epithelium. PLoS One, 8(10), e76971. [e76971].
Ji, N., Middelkoop, T. C., Mentink, R. A., Tonegawa, S., Korswagen, H. C., & van Oudenaarden, A. (2013). Feedback control of gene expression variability in the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt pathway. Cell, 155(4), 869-80.
Putker, M.
, Madl, T., Vos, H. R., de Ruiter, H., Visscher, M., van den Berg, M. C. W.
, Kaplan, M., Korswagen, H. C., Boelens, R., Vermeulen, M., Burgering, B. M. T., & Dansen, T. B. (2013).
Redox-dependent control of FOXO/DAF-16 by transportin-1.
Molecular Cell,
49(4), 730-742., C. M., Dolde, C., de Groot, R. E. A., Ohkawara, B., Reinhard, C., Korswagen, H. C., & Niehrs, C. (2013). RNA helicase DDX3 is a regulatory subunit of casein kinase 1 in Wnt-beta-catenin signaling. Science, 339(6126), 1436-41.
Tan, R. Z., Ji, N., Mentink, R. A., Korswagen, H. C., & van Oudenaarden, A. (2013). Deconvolving the roles of Wnt ligands and receptors in sensing and amplification. Molecular Systems Biology [E], 9, 631. [631].
Labuschagne, C. F., Stigter, E. C. A., Hendriks, M. M. W. B., Berger, R., Rokach, J., Korswagen, H. C., & Brenkman, A. B. (2013). Quantification of in vivo oxidative damage in Caenorhabditis elegans during aging by endogenous F3-isoprostane measurement. Aging Cell, 12(2), 214-23.
Stout, G. J., Stigter, E. C. A., Essers, P. B. M., Mulder, K. W., Kolkman, A., Snijders, D. S., van de Broek, N. J., Korswagen, H. C., & Brenkman, A. B. (2013). Insulin/IGF-1-mediated longevity is marked by reduced protein metabolism. Molecular Systems Biology [E], 9, 679. [679].
Scholarly publications
Neumann, S., Coudreuse, D., van der Westhuyzen, D. R., Eckhardt, E. R. M.
, Korswagen, H. C., Schmitz, G.
, & Sprong, H. (2008).
Mammalian Wnt3a is released on lipoprotein particles.
in press. 2000
Scholarly publications
Korswagen, H. C., Herman, M., & Clevers, H. C. (2000). Distinct beta-catenins mediate adhesion and signalling functions in C. elegans. Nature, 406, 527-532.
Scholarly publications
Jonkers, J., Korswagen, H. C., Acton, D. S., Breuer, M., & Berns, A. (1997). Activation of a novel proto-oncogene Frat-1, contributes to progression of mouse T-cell lymphomas. EMBO Journal, 60, 441-450.