Curriculum Vitae H.A.B. Wösten
Bachelor & Master Education :Biology (1984-1989), Groningen University (top 5%)
PhD :Biology (1989-1994). Excretion of proteins during fungal growth and development, Groningen University (top 5%)
Work experience
Post-doc :Munich University (1994 – 1995) with an EMBO long term fellowship
Post-doc :Groningen University (1995-1998)
Assistant professor :Groningen University (1998-2001)
Full professor :Utrecht University (2001-present)
Projectleader :BioMaDe Technology (2000-2001)
Project leader :TiFN (2016-present)
Member Management Team :Kluyver Centre Genomics of Industrial Fermentation (2010-2013)
Member Management Team :BE-BASIC (2013-2017)
Head Department of Biology :Utrecht University (2011-2017)
Director Bachelor Biology :Utrecht University (2017-present) (1100 students)
Director Master Biosciences :Utrecht University (2017-2019) (700 students)
Vice chair Executive Board :Graduate School of Lie Sciences Utrecht University (2017-2019) (1400 Master students; 1800 PhD students)
-President of the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology (2009-2017) (1500 members)
-Chair Mycology Division Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology (2008-2017)
-Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology Representative Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) (2017- 2018)
-Editor Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology (2005-present)
-Editor Nature Scientific Reports (2018-present)
-Chair or member of evaluation committees of the Netherlands Science Council NWO and the German Science Council DFG
Awards and Recognition
-Unilever Research Award 1989 (1800 €)
-Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Award 1999 (1600 €)
-STW PIONIER 2001 (900.000 €)
-STW Simon Stevin Meester Award 2008 (500.000 €)
-National Biology Research Review 2010: Excellent (Quality, Relevance, Viability, Productivity)
-Designers & Artists 4 Genomics Award DA4GA 2010 (25.000 €). “Systems Synthetics” (together with Maurizio Montalti)
-ZonMW BioArt & Design Award 2014 (25.000 €). “Growing Food from Toxic Waste”(together with Katharina Unger and Julia Kaisinger)
-ZonMW BioArt & Design Award 2017 (25.000 €). “Mother's Hand Taste (Son-mat)” (together with Ji Won Woo
-Certificate of Excellence of the European Mycological Association for mycological innovation (2023).
-Honorary Member of the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology KNVM (2024).
Promotor of PhD students
I was promotor of >40 PhD students
Publications and Patents
-I was (co-)author of >225 publications with publications in Nature (1), Nature Biotechnology (2) and Nature Reviews Microbiology (1)
-My H- factor is 71 (Google Scholar), 60 (Scopus), 57 (Web of Science)
-I am inventor of 4 patents and 7 patent applications
Granted projects (> 75.000 €)
-STW PIONIER (2001). The fungal protein factor. Increasing the number of production facilities and production units.
-STW (2004). Master switches of initiation of mushroom formation.
-STW (2005). Control of Verticillium fungicola on mushroom (P.A.H.M. Bakker, L.C. van Loon, G.A. Veldink, L.G. Lugones, H.A.B. Wösten)
-STW (2006). Hyper production of proteins in filamentous fungi by increasing the number of secreting hyphae (H.A.B. Wösten and W.H. Müller).
-STW (2007). Production of therapeutic proteins in mushroom (L.G. Lugones, H.J. Bosch, H. Sprong, H.A.B. Wösten)
-IOP Genomics (2007). The Dynamics of the Fungal Mycelium (M.J.E.C. van der Maarel, H.A.B. Wösten, C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel, H. Stam, M de Boer).
-STW (2007). Modification of the expression of transcriptional regulators of Aspergillus to improve industrial fermentations and use of agricultural by-products (R.P. de Vries, H.A.B. Wösten, A.F.J. Ram).
-Kluyver Centrum Netherlands Genomics Initiative (2007). Genomics of Filamentous Fungi: Understanding and engineering of key cellular processes responsible for the highly efficient production of fungal proteins and non-ribosomal peptides. (H.A.B Wösten, R.A.L. Bovenberg, A.J.M. Driessen, I.J. van der Klei, A.F.M Ram).
-ALW (2007). Intercellular streaming of proteins via cytoplasmic connections (H.A.B. Wösten)
-NCSB/STW (2010). The effect of aging of the mycelium on the expression profile of newly formed Aspergillus niger hyphae (H.A.B. Wösten, A.F. Ram en M. Reinders).
-STW (2010). How mushrooms feed on sugar (HAB Wösten, LG Lugones, RP de Vries en H Schols).
-STW (2010). Heterogeneity of the fungal mycelium in an industrial fermentation (HAB Wösten).
-STW (2010). Indoor fungal growth and humidity dynamics (OCG Adan, J. Dijksterhuis, HAB Wösten, H.C. Gerritsen).
-STW (2011). Push the white button; controlling mushroom formation (HAB Wösten; LG Lugones; ASM Sonnenberg en MJT Reinders).
-BASF (2011). Schizophyllan biosynthesis in Schizophyllum commune.
-NWO Creatieve Industrie (embedded research) (2013) Mycelium design (HAB Wösten).
-BE BASIC (2013) Regulation of enzyme production in fungal cell factories (HAB Wösten, AFJ Ram, RP de Vries).
-ALW (2013) Identity of compartments within a fungal hypha (HAB Wösten).
-STW RTD program (2015) Mycelium-based materials for product design (HAB Wösten, M Montalti, E Karama).
-TIFN (2016) Heterogeneity in spores of food spoilage fungi (HAB Wösten, RA Ohm, J. Dijksterhuis,; J. Houbraken, AFJ Ram).
-STW (2017) Traffic control: optimal flow of nutrients to developing mushrooms.
-OASEN/UU (2018) Waste water treatment with mushroom forming fungi.
-RAAK MKB (2019) Building on mycelium (W Böttger, D Blauwhoff, I Weegels, J Vette, HAB Wösten) (300 k€)
-EU H2020 (2019) FUNGAR; Fungal Architectures (A Adamatzky, P Ayres, L Bigozzi, HAB Wösten) (2,857 k€)
-TTW NWO (2020) MYCOAT: creating sustainable seed coatings (HAB Wösten, S van Wees, M Baldus) (826 k€)
-EU H2020-FNR-2020 (Food and Natural Resources) (2020) MY-FI: Reinventing a smart, circular and competitive textile industry with advanced myco-fibres (G. Belotti, HAB Wösten, B Chorein, D Saseta, J Vicente Blanes, M Meyer, F van der Linden, E Miramonti, L di Rienzo, S Verstichel, S Avateneo, M Gottschling, F Brugnoli, I Deligkiozi) (5.40 M€).
-Novo Nordisk Foundation (2021) PROFERMENT: Solid-state fermentations for protein transformations and palatability of plant-based foods (DS Nielsen, W Bredie, AS Meyer, HAB Wösten) (7.5 M€).
-EIC PATHFINDER CHALLENGES (2022) Fungataria; Enlisting synthetic fungal-bacterial consortia to produce multi-cellular mycelium-based ELMs with computational capability (P Ayres, E Peeters, M de Mey, HAB Wösten, A Adamatzky, A Delgado)(4.0 M€)
- RAAK MKB (2022) Mythic - Myterials for Thermal Insulation in Construction (contractant 70 k€)
- Utrecht Holdings Innovation Voucher (2024) Fungi waste treats water waste: contribution to a healthy society (B van Brenk, HAB Wösten) (40 k€)
- NWO ENW M2 (2024) Characterization of subcellular RNA localization during invasive growth of pathogenic filamentous fungi (HAB Wösten, H de Cock, E. Tutucci) (800 k€)