- Board member Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschappen van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (www.

- Chair Tresor Foundation (2019-present) (

- Editor Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology (2005-present) (Remuneration benefits UU)
- Editor Fungal Biology (2020-present)
- Editor Journal of Basic Microbiology (2020-present)
- Chair / member jury panels Netherlands Science Foundations NWO and ZonMW (2004-present)
- Collaboration with Mogu
- Member board of the Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Foundation
- Adviser Maderight (2023 - present) (Remuneration benefits UU)
- Adviser Agrifirm (2023-present) (Remuneration benefits UU)
Chair Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology KNVM (2009-2017)
Chair Division Mycology of the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology KNVM (2008-2017)
Member Science Council of the Westerdijk Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences KNAW (2001-2013)
Consultant Procter and Gamble (2017-2018)
Editor Scientific Reports (2018-2020)
Editor Journal of Fungi (2020-2022)
Consultant Prescouter (2020)
Adviser Tupu (2022 - 2024)