Gemma Corbalan works as a senior educational consultant and trainer at the department Educational Consultancy and Professional Development (ECPD) at Utrecht University. She advises teachers on different educational curriculum aspects (e.g., curriculum development, motivation, assessment, ICT in education, etc.). Additionally, Gemma is trainer of different courses for teachers in Higher Education, from didactical trainings (Start to Teach, University Teaching Qualification (BKO), Teaching in English in Higher Education (BDB, for teachers in University of Applied Sciences),..) to more specific trainings including the courses Teaching in an International Classroom, Developing Intercultural competences (basic and advanced courses) and the BKO module Diversity in Education. Gemma is also team coordinator "Internationalization and inclusive education". She is specially interested and has experience on projects where the development of intercultural competences and diversity & inclusion play an important role. For example, in the project Developing an Inclusive Curriculum and Learning environment, Gemma works together with other teams members on the development of a reflection tool and a toolbox to support teachers realizing an inclusive curriculum and learning environment at UU. Other projects are, for example: Belonging@UU, or Building bridges to connect worlds.
Coordinating tasks at UU on behalf of ECPD:
· Coordinator of the trajectory Start to Teach for beginner teachers at Utrecht University.
· Team leader Internationalization and Inclusive education.
· Coordination of the Teaching and Learning Inspiration Days (together with other CAT partners).
· ECDP Coordinator of the Educational resources pool (Utrecht Incentive Fund Projects) and the teachers professionalization programme at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance at UU.