Charis Goer is Assistant Professor of German Literature and Culture. Before coming to Utrecht, she worked at the universities of Bielefeld and Paderborn in Germany.
Charis Goer's areas of expertise are German literature and culture from the 18th century to the present (enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Weimarer Klassik, romanticism, fin de siècle, post 1945 and contemporary literature and culture); comparative literature, with a special focus on popular culture (theories of popular culture, 'pop literature' by authors such as Rainald Goetz, Thomas Meinecke, Andreas Neumeister), intermediality (e.g. in the works of Julian Barnes, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Wilhelm Heinse, and Gertrude Stein), and interculturality and cultural transfer (e.g. German orientalisms, German reception of the Beat Generation); as well as the didactics of German literature (e.g. history and theory of the didactics of literature, didactic aspects of slam poetry) . She has received study and PhD scholarships from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, a junor fellowhip at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, and the postdoc-fellowship at the University of Paderborn. She is speaker of the interdisciplinary and international research group AG Populärkultur und Medien.
Charis Goer has teaching experience on BA and MA levels in various programs, mainly German literature, comparative literature, teacher education and media studies. At UU she teaches in the BA German Language and Culture, the MA Literature Today, the MA German Language and Culture: Education and Communication, as well as in the nationwide MA MasterLanguage.
Charis Goer / Katharia Köller (eds.): Fachdidaktik Deutsch. Grundzüge der Sprach- und Literaurdidaktik (Paderborn: Brill Fink / UTB 2023 [4th ed., 3rd ed. 2019, 2nd ed. 2016, 1st ed. 2014]).
Charis Goer / Stefan Greif / Christoph Jacke: Texte zur Theorie des Pop (Stuttgart: Reclam / Universal-Bibliothek 2013)
Charis Goer / Stefan Greif (guesteds.): Text + Kritik. Vol. 190: Rainald Goetz (München: Text + Kritik 2011)
Charis Goer / Michael Hofmann (eds.): Der Deutschen Morgenland. Bilder des Orients in der deutschen Literatur und Kultur von 1770 bis 1850 (München: Fink 2008)
Charis Goer: Ungleiche Geschwister. Literatur und die Künste bei Wilhem Heinse (München: Fink 2006) [PhD thesis]
Werner Keil / Charis Goer (eds.): "Seelenaccente" - "Ohrenphysiognomik". Zur Musikanschauung E.T.A. Hoffmanns, Heinses und Wackenroders (Hildesheim u.a.: Olms 2000)
Sören Eberhardt / Charis Goer (eds.): Über Richard Beer-Hofmann. Rezeptionsdokumente aus 100 Jahren (Hamburg: Igel 2012 [2nd ed., 1st. ed. 1996])