Activities within UU:
- 2020–2022 Linguistics program coordinator (BA opleidingscoordinator + afdelingsbemenser)
- 2019–present Member of exam committee BA Artificial Intelligence
- 2020–present Member of UU education committee Dynamics of Youth (Humanities representative)
- 2020–2023 Founding board member of Young UiL OTS (YUO), representative of research group Language Acquisition, Processing and Disorders, (co-chair 2021-2022).
Activities outside of UU:
- 2022–2023 Member of Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Rubicon grant application assessment committee.
- 2016 Computational models of early phonological acquisition (Invited speaker), Winter School in Phonology, Tel Aviv University.
- 2016 Member of PhD dissertation committee, New York University.
- 2016 Chair of PhD dissertation committee, New York University.