Dr. ir. Francien Peterse

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 354
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. ir. Francien Peterse

Associate Professor
Organic geochemistry
+31 30 253 5068

GEO3-1308: Geochemical Processes at the Earth's Surface (course coordinator)

GEO4-1420: Organic Geochemistry (course coordinator)

GEO4-1440: Microbes and Biogeochemistry (lecturer)

GEO4-1431: Field Research Instruction Geochemistry (lecturer)


I have developed an online tool for the laboratory practical in the BSc course Geochemical Processes at the Earth's Surface. Read about my experience at the Educate-IT inspiration page (in Dutch).