Dr. ir. Francien Peterse

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 354
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. ir. Francien Peterse

Associate Professor
Organic geochemistry
+31 30 253 5068
Completed Projects
The fate of terrestrial organic matter to the marine environment (Gulf of Mexico) 01.02.2020 to 31.01.2024
Other NESSC phase 2
Project members UU
The role of warm oceans in past Antarctic ice-sheet variability 16.10.2017 to 15.10.2021
General project description

On-going atmospheric and ocean warming is increasingly causing Antarctic ice-sheet volume imbalance and melting. Effective mitigation and adaptation to the consequences of resulting sea-level rise require accurate future projections. However, despite advances in spatial resolution and complex physics, numerical model projections of ice sheet melt are too uncertain, mostly because the ice-ocean interactions are poorly represented. Significant progress in numerical modeling can be obtained by improving their adequacy in reproducing ice volume changes that occurred during past episodes of warming. This requires accurate reconstructions of past ice sheet behaviour for crucial time periods. Oligocene and Miocene (~34-5 Ma ago) atmospheric CO2 concentrations often exceeded that of presentday and the few available paleo-records seem to suggest a dramatic response of the Antarctic ice sheet to past climate changes, providing a prime target for fundamental improvements to future projections. This project aims at reconstructing Oligocene-Miocene oceanographic and coupled ice-sheet variations based on generating key data from circum-Antarctic marine sediments. Our recent key findings allow us to (1) date Southern high latitudes sediments in unprecedented detail using microfossils and (2) reconstruct past sea-ice cover, temperature and ocean structure using biological and geochemical indicators preserved in these sediments. Quantification of such crucial parameters from critical locations around Antarctica will provide the mechanistic understanding required to significantly improve coupled climate-ocean-ice models. In addition, this work will highlight regions where the Antarctic ice-sheet is most sensitive to climate warming, ultimately leading to more accurate sea level projections.

NWO grant