Freek van Muiswinkel (1966)
Freek graduated as medical biologist at Utrecht University (1989) and defended his PhD thesis on neuronal transplantation in Parkinson’s disease at the VUmc in Amsterdam in 1994. After pursuing a career in Science, in 2006 he became sr. advisor Research and Strategy for the Academic Biomedical Centre Utrecht and served as staff member ‘Innovation and Valorisation’ for the executive board of the UMC Utrecht thereafter. From 2004 till 2013, he was member of the Medical Research Ethics Committee and Institutional Review Board (IRB) Biobank at UMC Utrecht. In 2011, he joined the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University to become deputy director Research. In this role he also served as the managing director of Utrecht Life Sciences and as advisor ‘Life Sciences&Health’ for the Economic Board Utrecht (EBU). In 2017 he left the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to be appointed full time managing director of Utrecht Life Sciences.
In 2020 he was appointed as corporate Director Entrepreneurship & Regional Partnerships by the Executive Board of Utrecht University.
2020-present: Director Entrepreneurship & Regional Partnerships
2011-present: Clustermanager ‘Life Sciences&Health’ for the Economic Board Utrecht (EBU)
2011-2020: Managing director, Utrecht Life Sciences
2011-2017: Deputy director Research, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Utrecht University
- Managing director ‘Utrecht Life Sciences’
2011-2017: Member executive board UU Graduate School of Life Sciences (GS-LS)
2008-2011: Staff Executive board UMC Utrecht - Research Office.
- Project manager ‘String of Pearls Initiative’ (biobank), UMC Utrecht
- Advisor ‘Research Policy and Innovation’
2004-2010: Vice-chairman, member of the executive board of the METC UMC Utrecht.
2006-2008: Senior Advisor ‘Research & Strategy’, Academic Biomedical Centre (ABC)
- Secretary, UU Graduate School of Life Sciences
2003-2006: Head Laboratory for Experimental Neurology, UMC Utrecht, department of
Neurology and Neurosurgery, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience.
1994-2003: Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
2009-2010: Masterclass Biobusiness, De Baak
2007-2008: Masterclass Planning&Control, Utrecht University
1994: Ph.D.; Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology.
1989: M.Sc., Medical Biology. Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands)
1984: Gemeentelijk Gymnasium - Grammar School (Hilversum, The Netherlands)