GEroNIMO: Genome and Epigenome eNabled breedIng in MOnogastrics 01.06.2021 to 01.06.2025
General project description

To face human population growth, increasing environmental constraints and changes in socio-cultural values, animal breeding must evolve toward a more sustainable model that guarantees production while promoting efficient resource use, animal health and welfare, and preserving genetic diversity. Thanks to recent developments in omics technologies, it is now possible to rethink breeding, taking advantage of improved knowledge on genome-to-phenome relationships that accounts for both genetic and non-genetic mechanisms controlling traits. GEroNIMO will work on chicken and pig, the most used sources of animal protein worldwide, to provide breeders with new knowledge and tools to promote innovative genome- and epigenome enabled selection methods for traits related to production (quantity and quality), efficiency, productive longevity, fertility, resilience and welfare. A large number of animals from cosmopolitan and local breeds will be characterized phenotypically, genetically and epigenetically under different environments to i) identify underlying biological mechanisms affecting trait variation, ii) develop methods to improve selection strategies integrating genetic- and non-genetic factors, and iii) propose strategies to optimize the conservation of genetic and epigenetic diversity. GEroNIMO proposes demand-driven innovation employing a multi-actor approach through the involvement of breeders, professional associations of animal production, and scientists, engaged from the planning phase to the dissemination of results over Europe. GEroNIMO will build on existing academic and commercial knowledge and will analyze large populations to quantify the contribution of genetic and epigenetic variation in gene expression, trait variation and trade-offs between traits. GEroNIMO will also propose a comprehensive and enhanced characterization of diversity by integrating epigenetic diversity into conservation purposes, corresponding to a new integrated conservation strategy.

The SAS research team is responsible for WP5 on the societal and ethical dimensions of this project.

Co-promotor & Project Leader
EU grant
IMAGEN: Integrating behavioural dynamics and social genetic effects to improve the health, welfare and ecological footprint of livestock 01.06.2020 to 01.06.2025
General project description

The IMAGEN programme brings research into animal behaviour together with computer science to improve the health and welfare of pigs and laying hens and to reduce the ecological footprint of the food production.
The researchers are developing a system that automatically detects the behaviour of pigs and chickens in large groups. For example, the system must be able to detect perpetrators and victims of undesirable behaviour such as tail biting or pecking to prevent animal suffering and early mortality. The researchers will also map the relationships between genes and behaviour. That will allow them to identify which animals are genetically the most suitable for living peacefully in large groups.

The SAS research theme analyses the societal and ethical dimensions related to this project.

Co-promotor & Project Leader
NWO grant
External project members
  • Dr P. Bijma (Wageningen University)
Completed Projects
BovReg 02.09.2019 to 31.08.2023
General project description

The aim of BovReg is to identify functions in the cow genome that are relevant to the diversity and plasticity of phenotypes in cattle with respect to robustness, health and biological efficiency.
The knowledge developed within BovReg should also be particularly applicable to small cattle breeds of regional relevance and distribution, and thus contribute to the conservation of biological diversity in farmed animals. The project includes a focus on udder health and options for reducing use of antimicrobials in animal husbandry. BovReg will enable precision breeding to make cattle farming more efficient while considering animal welfare, limited primary resources and climate change.

Project Leader & Researcher
Individual project description

EU grant
Project members UU
Smart Resilience 03.09.2018 to 01.09.2021
General project description

SmartResilience: towards a sustainable, future-oriented pig production system that supports and predicts resilience and welfare in pigs

Project Leader
NWO grant
Project members UU
Just Editing? On the societal dimensions of gene editing in livestock farming 01.09.2018 to 01.09.2020
General project description

In this project, we develop and apply a comparative responsible innovation approach to novel techniques of genome editing to examine the conditions (if any) under which the technique can and should be applied to animal breeding applications. Using the anticipate-include-reflect-respond (AIRR) RI framework beta scientists, social scientists, ethicists and breeding companies work together to understand, anticipate, reflect and respond to ethical and societal concerns. We undertake an integrated programme of research across three workpackages. In Workpackage 1 we analyse the benefits, challenges, risks and uncertainties of genome editing, the driving visions and expectations of the technology in scientific and corporate programmes, and how these compare across animal breeding and human health applications. In Workpackage 2 we open up inclusive dialogue and ethical reflection on animal genome editing. We examine the factors shaping public opinion and what constitutes an appropriate ethical framework. We compare responses to human medical and animal breeding applications, as well as to three spheres of animal breeding application: editing for animal welfare, editing for disease resistance, and editing for yield efficiency. In Workpackage 3 we experiment ways of integrating social and ethical dimensions into scientific and corporate research practices and decision-making processes, and formulate building blocks for the development of reflexive corporate and scientific cultures. The project culminates in a policy seminar aimed at decision-makers, and a policy report and toolkit, where we offer guidance on how (if at all) the science and decision-making of animal genome editing can develop in ways that are responsive and responsible.

Project Leader & Supervisor
NWO grant
Project members UU
External project members
  • Prof. dr. P.M. Macnaghten
Ethical Capture and Killing Methods in Trawl Fisheries 01.05.2017 to 01.05.2020
General project description

Limited focus has been placed on fish welfare and other ethical aspects of catching and killing processes for wild fish. Recent studies reveal that teleost fish have a capacity for mental awareness, and there is a growing concern for the welfare of fish. For farmed fish, welfare requirements are included in laws and regulations, but for wild fish, the industry and government, probably for practical and economic reasons, has not prioritized animal welfare. Wild fish is included in the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act, and in 2014, the Norwegian Council for Animal Ethics gave the following advices for commercial fisheries; a) Strive to shorten the harvesting time, particularly the time fish are experiencing high levels of stress, fear or pain; b) There must be made more gentle handling and minimal damage in the capture time; c) The fish has to be stunned by electricity or percussion stunning, followed by killing by bleeding; d) Bycatch must as far as possible be reduced, e) Fish that have been in contact with the gears, but that does not get caught or released after capture, should be undamaged and physically able to survive afterwards.
This project seeks to reflect on and integrate ethics in the development of new technologies and methods, with the aim of improving fish welfare in some key phases and processes in trawl fisheries. Trawling is a dominant fishing method in Norway and internationally, and improvements here can have significant overall impact. Specifically, the project will establish a framework for ethical assessment of new technology, develop and evaluate a new trawl codend for improved fish welfare, and investigate and assess stunning and killing methods.

Project Leader & Supervisor
External funding The Norwegian Research Council
External project members
  • dr. Caroline Laursen
From animal model to translational strategy. On the ethical, scientific and institutional problems related to innovations in bio-medical animal research 01.09.2015 to 01.09.2019
General project description

Experimenting on animals is contested in society. In spite of evidence of results in terms of understanding/ treating human diseases, there is debate concerning the moral justification and trustworthiness of animal research, and on the validity of the used experiments. This already has resulted in many innovative activities towards new animal(free) models. The problem is that implementing innovations appears to be difficult and not always leads to improved human health treatments. 

Therefore, we hypothesize that we need a new approach: from improving individual (animal) experiments to building integrated translational strategies. This entails that innovation starts in the complexity of human patients, who have to benefit from the research results.
The research question is ?How can translational strategies contribute to the effectiveness and ethical acceptability of animal research and to responsible innovations in human health?? Based on two case studies, the consortium investigates the hurdles and elaborates on innovative steps in animal research to build robust translational strategies. The project includes

- Systematic literature research to come to evidence-based translational strategies.
- Exploration of the research chain to trace scientific, ethical and societal obstacles.
- Ethical analysis of uncertainty of outcomes of experiments as an obstacle for ethical assessment of animal research.
- Concrete attempts to improve the translational strategy for the case studies.

The project will result in improved practical and moral understanding of innovation problems, formulating best practices for building translational strategies, and advice to research-chain partners how to deal with scientific, ethical and institutional obstacles on the road to responsible health innovation.

Project Leader & Supervisor
NWO grant
Project members UU
External project members
  • Dr. C.H.C. Leenaars (RUN)
  • Prof. dr. M. Ritskes-Hoitinga (RUN)

'One Health as a normative concept’ (2014-2017)

Funded by: Arcus Foundation (New York)

Cooperation with Leiden University (project coordinator)

Role: Daily supervision PhD


Ethical aspects of Aquaculture “Aggression in Catfish” (2009-2014)

Funded by: The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. NWO

Interdisciplinary cooperation with Nijmegen University, Imares (WUR)

Role: project leader, daily supervision of 2 Postdocs


Trustworthy Science (Betrouwbare Wetenschap) (2011-2013)

Case study on trust and trustworthiness and the role of science in the EHEC crisis of 2011

Funded by: Rathenau Institute

Role: project leader, researcher


Ethical Justification of Keeping Animals (Rechtvaardiging houden van dieren) (2011-2012)

Funded by: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation (EL&I)

Role: project leader, researcher, moderator of stakeholder sessions


Ethical reflection regarding innovative housing system for laying hens (Ethiek bij het Gulden EI project Rondeel)  (2009-2011)

Interdisciplinary cooperation with Livestock Research (Wageningen UR)

Funded by: Transforum

Role: project leader, supervision of senior researcher and students


A new ethics for livestock farming: towards value based autonomy of farmers? (2005-2009)

Funded by: The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. NWO

Interdisciplinary cooperation with Rural Sociology and Livestock Research (Wageningen UR)

Role: coordination ethics part, researcher


New foundations for prevention and control of notifiable animal diseases (2005-2009)

Funded by: The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. NWO

Interdisciplinary cooperation with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UU) and Animal Production Systems (Wageningen UR)

Role: researcher


Animal Biotechnology & Public Debate (2002-2004)

Organization semi-annual public meetings on animal biotechnology

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Food Quality

Role: researcher and coordinator


Responsible Trust (‘Verantwoord vertrouwen’) (2002)

Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Food Quality

Role: researcher


Towards an ethical framework for developments in biotechnology (2002)

Funded by: Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM)

Role: researcher


Food, prevention and ethics. Tailor-made dietary advice to prevent colorectal neoplasia (2001- 2006)

Funded by: ZoN/Mw (Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development)

Interdisciplinary cooperation with the groups of Epidemiology, Human Nutrition, and Toxicology (Wageningen UR)

Role: researcher