Prof. dr. Fadi Nader

Earth Simulation Lab
Princetonlaan 4
Kamer 1.38
3584 CB Utrecht

Prof. dr. Fadi Nader

+31 30 253 7339

2019  Scholarly publications:

Barabasch, J., M., Ducros, N. Hawie, S. Bou Daher, F.H. Nader, and Littke, R. (2019). Integrated 3D forward stratigraphic and petroleum system modeling of the Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. Basin Research, 31(2), 228-252 - DOI: 10.1111/bre.12318

Cailhol, D., Audra, P., Nehme, C., Nader, F.H., Garašic, M., Heresanu, V., Gucel, S., Charalambidou, I., Satterfield, L., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L. (2019). The contribution of condensation-corrosion in the morphological evolution of caves in semi-arid regions: Preliminary investigations in the Kyrenia range, Cyprus. ACTA CARSOLOGICA, 48/1, 5-27. DOI:

el Hajj, L., Baudin, F., Littke, R, Nader, F.H., Geze, R., Maksoud, S., Azar, D. (2019). Geochemical and petrographic analyses of new petroleum source rocks from the onshore Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Lebanon. International Journal of Coal Geology, 204, 70-84.

Grohmann, S., Baudin, F., Romero-Sarmiento, M.F., Nader, F.H., and Littke, R. (2019). Geochemical and petrographic investigation of Triassic and Late Miocene organic-rich intervals from onshore Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean. International Journal of Coal Geology, 209, 94-116.

Morad, D.,  Nader, F.H.,  Morad, S.,  Rossi, C.,  Gasparrini, M.,  Alsuwaidi, M.,  Al Darmaki, F., and  Hellevang, H. (2019). Limited thermochemical sulfate reduction in hot, anhydritic, sour gas carbonate reservoirs: The Upper Jurassic Arab Formation, United Arab Emirates. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106, 30-41.

Nehme, C., Verheyden, S., Nader, F.H., Adjizian-Gerard, J., Genty, D., De Bont, K., Minster, B., Salem, G., Verstraeten, D., and Claeys, P. (2019). Cave dripwater isotopic signals related to the altitudinal gradient of mount-lebanon: Implication for speleothem studies. International Journal of Speleology, 48(1), 63-74

van Unen, M., Matenco, L., Nader, F. H., Darnault, R., Mandic, O., and Demir, V. (2019). Kinematics of foreland-vergent crustal accretion: Inferences from the Dinarides evolution. Tectonics, 38. DOI:10.1029/2018TC005066

van Unen, M., Matenco, L., Demir, V., Nader, F. H., Darnault, R., and Mandic, O. (2019). Transfer of deformation during indentation: Inferences from the post- middle Miocene evolution of the Dinarides. Global and Planetary Change, 182, 103027.


2018  Scholarly publications:

Claes, S., Nader, F.H., and Youssef, S. (2018). Coupled experimental/numerical workflow for assessing quantitative diagenesis and dynamic porosity/permeability evolution in calcite-cemented sandstone reservoir rocks. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 73, 36 (Open Access:

Ghalayini, R., Nader, F.H., Bou Daher, S., Hawie, N., and Chbat, W.E. (2018). Petroleum systems of Lebanon: an update and review. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 41(2), 189-214.

Grohmann, S., Fietz, S.W., Littke, R., Bou Daher, S., Romero-Sarmiento, M.-F., Nader, F.H., and Baudin, F. (2018). Source rock characterization of mesozoic to cenozoic organic matter rich marls and shales of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Eastern Mediterranean SeaOil & Gas Science and Technology, 73, 49 (Open Access:

Inati, L., Lecomte, J.-C., Zeyen, H., Nader, F.H., Adelinet, M., Rahhal, M.E., and Sursock, A. (2018). Crustal configuration in the northern Levant basin based on seismic interpretation and numerical modeling. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.011

Jaju, M.M., Mort, H.P., Nader, F.H., Filho, M.F., and Macdonald, D.I.M. (2018). Palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic evolution of the intracratonic Parnaíba Basin, NE Brazil using GPlates plate tectonic reconstructions and chemostratigraphic tools. From: Daly, M.C., Fuck, R. A., Julià, J., Macdonald, D.I.M. & Watts, A.B. (eds) Cratonic Basin Formation: A Case Study of the Parnaíba Basin of Brazil. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 472,

Marchionda, E., Deschamps, R., Cobianchia, M., Nader, F.-H., Di Giulioa, A., Morad, D.J., Al Darmaki, F., and Ceriani, A. (2018). Field-scale depositional evolution of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation (onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89 (2), 350-369.

Morad, D., Nader, F.H., Gasparrini, M., Morad, S., Rossi, C., Marchionda, E., Al Darmaki, F., Martines, M., and Hellevang, H. (2018). Comparison of the diagenetic and reservoir quality evolution between the anticline crest and flank of an Upper Jurassic carbonate gas reservoir, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Sedimentary Geology, 367, 96-113.

16.    Morad, D., Nader, F.H., M., Morad, Al Darmaki, F., and Hellevang, H. (2018). Impact of stylolitization on fluid flow and diagenesis in foreland basins: evidence from an upper Jurassic carbonate gas reservoir, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2018, v. 88, 1345–1361.

Nader, F.H., Souque, C., Lecomte, J.-C., Deschamps, R., Chauveau, B., Granjeon, D., Staples, R., Woon, E., Tricker, P., Frascati, A. (2018). Advanced 3-D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of the East-Mediterranean Frontier Deepwater Basins: An Approach for Enhancing Reservoir Fairways Predictions. Search and Discovery Article #11133 (2018), AAPG 2018 Annual Convention & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, May 20-23, 2018 DOI:10.1306/11133Nader2018

Nader, F.H., Inati, L., Ghalayini, R., Hawie, N., Bou Daher, S. (2018). Key geological characteristics of the Saida-Tyr Platform along the eastern margin of the Levant Basin, offshore Lebanon: implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 73, 50 (Open Access:

Papadimitriou, N., Gorini, C., Nader, F.H., Deschamps, R., Symeou, V., and Lecomte, J.C. (2018). Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the western margin of the Levant Basin: (offshore Cyprus). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 91, 683-705.

Symeou, V., Homberg, C., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Lecomte, J.-C., and Papadimitriou, N. (2018). Longitudinal and temporal evolution of the tectonic style along the Cyprus Arc system, assessed through 2-D reflection seismic interpretation. Tectonics, 37, 30-47 DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004667


2017  Scholarly publications:

Sato, H., Ishiyama, T., Matenco, L., and Nader, F.H. (2017). Evolution of fore-arc and back-arc sedimentary basins with focus on the Japan subduction system and its analogues. Tectonophysics (2017), doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.02.021.

Blomme, K.,  Fowler, S.J., Bachaud, P., Nader, F.H., Michel, A., and Swennen, R. (2017). Ferroan dolomitization by seawater interaction with mafic igneous dikes and carbonate host rock at the Latemar platform, Dolomites, Italy: numerical modeling of spatial, temporal, and temperature data. Geofluids, doi: 10.1155/2017/6590672.

Galhyani, R.,  Daniel, J.-M., Homberg, C., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Mengus, J.-M., and Barrier, E. (2017). The Effect of the Palmyra Trough and Mesozoic Structures on the Levant Margin and on the Evolution of the Levant Restraining Bend. In: F. Roure et al. (eds.), Lithosphere Dynamics and Sedimentary Basins of the Arabian Plate and Surrounding Areas, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44726-1_7.

Verheyden, S., Nehme, C., Nader, F.H., Farrant, A.R., Cheng, H., Noble, S.R., Sahy, D., Edwards, R.L., Swennen, R., Claeys, Ph., and Delannoy, J.J. (2017) Speleothems from Lebanon. Chapter 18 in: “Quaternary Environments, Climate Change, and Humans in the Levant”,  Y. Enzel, and O. Bar-Yozef (Eds.), Cambridge University press,165-171.


2016  Scholarly publications:

Bou Daher, S., Ducros, M., Michel, P., Hawie, N., Nader, F.H., and Littke, R. (2016). 3D thermal history and maturity modelling of the Levant Basin and its eastern margin,Onshore Lebanon. Arab J. Geosci., doi:10.1007/s12517-016-2455-1.

Ghalayini, R., Daniel, J.-M., Homberg, C., and Nader, F.H. (2016). Growth of layer-bound normal faults under an anisotropic regional stress field. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 439,

Ghalayini, R., Daniel, J.-M., Homberg, C., Nader, F.H., Darnault, R., Mengus, J.-M., and Barrier, E. (2016). The effect of the Palmyra trough and Mesozoic structures on the Levant margin and on the evolution of the Levant restraining bend. Arab J. Geosci, 9(12), 149-172.

Inati, L., Zeyen, H., Nader, F.H., Adelinet, M., Sursock, A., Rahhal, M.E., Roure, F. (2016). Lithospheric architecture of the Levant Basin (Eastern Mediterranean region): A 2D modeling approach. Tectonophysics, 693, 143-156.

Jaju M.M., Nader, F.H., Roure F. Matenco, L. (2016). Optimal aquifers and reservoirs for CCS and EOR in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia : an overview. Arab J. Geosci, 9(12), 15p.

Nader, F.H., Browning-Stamp, P., and Lecomte, J.-C. (2016). Geological interpretation of 2D seismic reflection profiles onshore Lebanon: implications for petroleum exploration. Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol. 39(4), 333-356.

Nader, F.H., Champenois, F., Barbier, M., Adelinet, M., Rosenberg, E., Houel, P., Delmas, J., and Swennen, R. (2016). Diagenetic effects of compaction on reservoir properties: The case of early callovian “Dalle Nacrée” formation (Paris basin, France). Geodynamics, 101, 5-29.