I am professor of Software Production in the Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. I am principal investigator in the department's Requirements Engineering lab. In my research, I blend artificial intelligence with information visualization in order to increase the quality of the requirements engineering process and artifacts. I devise software tools that assist human analysts and stakeholders in eliciting, expressing and analyzing requirements. Most of my research is validated empirically via experiments and/or collaboration with software companies.
I served as program co-chair of IEEE RE 2023, REFSQ 2021, RCIS 2020. I was the organization chair for the REFSQ 2018 conference, I am an associate editor for the Requirements Engineering Journal and the Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal, and I am on the steering committee of the REFSQ and the IEEE RE conferences. I regularly serve on the program committee of international conferences such as RE, CAiSE, AAMAS, REFSQ, ER, MODELS.
Before joining Utrecht University in 2013, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada (2012-2013) and previously at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy (2011-2012). I obtained a Ph.D. from the same university (2006-2011) in the area of self-adaptive systems.
For more information, check out my personal website.