Flavia is a Junior Assistant Professor and PhD candidate at Utrecht University (UU) under the supervision of prof. dr. Detlef van Vuuren and prof. dr. Stefan Dekker, and a visiting researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). Her research focuses on developing scenarios that can stop further loss of biodiversity and even lead to recovery. The research is part of the "Bending the Curve" intiative, in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). Flavia holds a master’s degree in Ecology & Evolution from the University of Amsterdam (NL), and a bachelor’s degree (cum Laude) in Biological Sciences from Sapienza Univerisity (Rome, Italy). Her interests include interdisciplinary research related to the interactions between human and environmental systems; explore response strategies to global sustainable development problems; and develop scenarios for the conservation of biodiversity.