Ewout van der Knaap is chair of German Language Literature and Culture ("deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur") at Utrecht University. He has published widely in the field of German literature, cultural memory of the Holocaust and the GDR. Furthermore he publishes about literary pedadogy. He participated in the Erasmus+ project Developing Teaching Competencies for Extensive Reading Program (LEELU) and coordinates a catalogue for reading German literature at school.
He has acquired a vast experience in presenting literary performances, e.g. by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Robert Menasse, Wladimir Kaminer, Dagmar Leupold, SAID, Wilhelm Genazino, Eva Menasse, Thomas Brussig, Herta Müller, Thomas Lehr, Peter Stamm, Jenny Erpenbeck, Vea Kaiser, Lutz Seiler, Necati Öziri.
Some of his publications include: