Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., Boz, B., Aalbers, V.
, & Blom, E. (2024).
Revisiting bilingual foreign language learning advantages: The role of extramural exposure.
International Journal of Bilingualism. Advance online publication. 2023
Scholarly publications
Stolvoort, J., Meuwissen, J., Mackaaij, M., Boekel, T.
, & Tribushinina, E. (2023).
Het leren van het Engels als vreemde taal door kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS): Een meertalige CodeTaal-interventie.
Levende Talen Tijdschrift,
24(2), 29-39. Tribushinina, E., & Mak, P. (2023).
Linguistic advantages of bilingualism: The acquisition of Dutch pronominal gender. In R. Supheert, G. Cascio, & J. ten Thije (Eds.),
The Riches of Intercultural Communication: Multilingual and Intercultural Competences Approaches (Vol. 2, pp. 59-75). Brill. 2022
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., Willemsen, M., Kramer, E.
, & Mak, P. (2022).
Incremental processing of prenominal modifiers by three-year-olds: Effects of prototypicality and referential contrast. In R. Levie, A. Bar-On, O. Ashkenazi, E. Dattner, & G. Brandes (Eds.),
Developing Language and Literacy: Studies in Honour of Dorit Diskin Ravid (pp. 81-103). Springer. Tribushinina, E., Niemann, G., Meuwissen, J., Mackaaij, M., & Lahdo, G. (2022).
Teaching foreign language grammar to primary-school children with developmental language disorder: A classroom-based intervention study.
Journal of Communication Disorders,
100, 1-16. Article 106269. Professional publications
Tribushinina, E., & Boekel, T. (2022).
CodeTaal app: Engelse lessen voor kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS). Web publication/site 2021
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Piggott, L., Tribushinina, E., & de Graaff, H. C. J. (2020). The icing on the cake? Effects of explicit form-focused instruction after two years of implicit EFL learning. In W. Lowie, M. Michel, A. Rousse-Malpat, M. Keijzer, & R. Steinkrauss (Eds.), Usage Based Dynamics in Second Language Development (pp. 249-270). Multilingual Matters.
Mak, P., Lomako, J., Gagarina, N., Abrosova, E.
, & Tribushinina, E. (2020).
Keeping two languages apart: Connective processing in both languages of Russian-German bilinguals.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
23(3), 532-541. Tribushinina, E., Lomako, J., Gagarina, N., Abrosova, E.
, & Mak, P. (2020).
Processing of pronoun gender by Dutch-Russian simultaneous bilinguals: Evidence from eye-tracking. In V. Torrens (Ed.),
Typical and Impaired Processing in Morphosyntax John Benjamins. 2019
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2018). Acquisition of adjectives across languages and populations: What’s wrong with them? In A. Xanthos, & C. Surcouf (Eds.), Mélanges offerts en hommage à Marianne Kilani-Schoch (pp. 259-275). (Cahiers de l'ILSL; Vol. 56). Université de Lausanne.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., & Gillis, S. (2017). Advances and lacunas in usage-based studies of first language acquisition. In J. Evers-Vermeul, & E. Tribushinina (Eds.), Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and language teaching (pp. 13-46). (Studies on Language Acquisition (SLOA); Vol. 55). De Gruyter Mouton.
Tribushinina, E., Valcheva, E., & Gagarina, N. (2017). Acquisition of additive connectives by Russian-German bilinguals: A usage-based approach. In J. Evers-Vermeul, & E. Tribushinina (Eds.), Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and language teaching (pp. 207-232). (Studies on Language Acquisition (SOLA); Vol. 55). De Gruyter Mouton.
Tribushinina, E., & Evers-Vermeul, J. (2017).
Language acquisition and language teaching in the usage-based framework. In J. Evers-Vermeul, & E. Tribushinina (Eds.),
Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and language teaching (pp. 1-10). (Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA]; Vol. 55). De Gruyter Mouton. Evers-Vermeul, J., & Tribushinina, E. (Eds.) (2017). Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and language teaching. (Studies on Language Acquistion [SOLA]; Vol. 55). De Gruyter Mouton.
Mak, W. M., Tribushinina, E., Lomako, J., Gagarina, N., Abrosova, E.
, & Sanders, T. J. M. (2017).
Connective processing by bilingual children and monolinguals with specific language impairment: distinct profiles.
Journal of Child Language,
44(2), 329-345. Tribushinina, E., Mak, W. M., Andreiushina, E., Dubinkina, E.
, & Sanders, T. J. M. (2017).
Connective use in the narratives of bilingual children and monolingual children with SLI.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
20(1), 98-113. Other output
Tribushinina, E., Rabkina, N., Dubinkina, E., & De Smet, D. (2017). Hoe eerder hoe beter? Leeftijdseffecten in het vreemdetalenonderwijs. Paper presented at Vreemdetalenonderwijs voor kinderen met een taalontwikkelingsstoornis, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., & Mak, W. M. (2016).
Ce que les corpus de production orale ne peuvent montrer: apports de l'oculométrie (eye-tracking) dans la recherche sur le bilinguisme et sur la dysphasie. In M. Kilani-Schoch, C. Surcouf, & A. Xanthos (Eds.),
Nouvelles technologies et standards méthodologiques en linguistique (pp. 161-196). (Cahiers de l'ILSL ; Vol. 45). Université de Lausanne. 2015
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2015).
Acquisition of adjectival degree markers by Dutch- and Russian-speaking children: The richer the faster? In B. Köhnlein, & J. Audring (Eds.),
Linguistics in the Netherlands 2015 (pp. 155-169). John Benjamins. Tribushinina, E., Voeikova, M., & Noccetti, S. (2015). Adjective acquisition across languages. In E. Tribushinina, M. Voeikova, & S. Noccetti (Eds.), Semantics and Morphology of Early Adjectives in First Language Acquisition (pp. 1-22). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tribushinina, E. (2015). The role of paradigmatic semantic relations in adjective acquisition: Evidence from two Russian-speaking children. In E. Tribushinina, M. Voeikova, & S. Noccettii (Eds.), Semantics and Morphology of Early Adjectives in First Language Acquisition (pp. 218−242). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tribushinina, E., Voeikova, M., & Noccetti, S. (Eds.) (2015). Semantics and Morphology of Early Adjectives in First Language Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., van den Bergh, H., Ravid, D., Aksu-Koç, A., Kilani-Schoch, M., Korecky-Kröll, K., Leibovitch-Cohen, I., Laaha, S., Nir, B., Dressler, W. U., & Gillis, S. (2014).
Development of adjective frequencies across semantic classes: A growth curve analysis of child speech and child-directed speech.
Language, Interaction and Acquisition,
5(2), 185-226. 2013
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., van den Bergh, H. H., Kilani-Schoch, M., Aksu-Koç, A., Dabašinskienė, I., Hrzica, G., Korecky-Kröll, K., Noccetti, S., & Dressler, W. U. (2013). The role of explicit contrast in adjective acquisition: Longitudinal study of spontaneous child speech. First Language, 33(6), 594-616.
Mak, W. M., Tribushinina, E., & Andreiushina, E. (2013). Semantics of connectives guides referential expectations in discourse: An eye-tracking study of Dutch and Russian. Discourse Processes, 50(8), 557-576.
Głaz, A., Moist, M. L., & Tribushinina, E. (2013). Vantage Theory: A View on Language, Cognition and Categorization. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tribushinina, E. (2013). Spatial adjectives in Dutch child language: Towards a usage-based model of adjective acquisition. In C. Paradis, J. Hudson, & U. Magnusson (Eds.), Conceptual Spaces and the Construal of Spatial Meaning: Empirical Evidence from Human Communication (pp. 263-286). Oxford University Press.
Tribushinina, E. (2013). Vantage theory and linguistics: An assessment of framework and methodology. In A. Głaz, M. L. Moist, & E. Tribushinina (Eds.), Vantage Theory: A View on Language, Cognition and Categorization (pp. 293-338). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Professional publications
Tribushinina, E. (2013). Kennis van bijvoeglijk naamwoorden: Goede indicator van taalachterstanden en beter ontwikkelde grammatica. Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching, 21(4), 6-9.
Other output
Tribushinina, E., Dubinkina, E., & Sanders, T. J. M. (2013). Why are causal uses of Russian additive connectives problematic for children with SLI?. Poster session presented at EUCLDIS workshop “The Development of language and cognition in children with linguistic and cognitive challenges”, NIAS, Wassenaar.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E., & Dubinkina, E. (2012).
Adjective production by Russian-speaking children with specific language impairment.
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics,
26(6), 554-571. Tribushinina, E., & Gillis, S. (2012). The acquisition of scalar structures: Production of adjectives and degree markers by Dutch-speaking children and their caregivers. Linguistics, 50(2), 241-268.
Tribushinina, E. (2012). Comprehension of relevance implicatures by pre-schoolers: The case of adjectives. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(14), 2035-2044.
Other output
Tribushinina, E., Dubinkina, E., Gagarina, N., & Sanders, T. J. M. (2012). Discourse coherence in bilingualism and SLI. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the ZAS-Evaluation Meeting, Berlin.
Tribushinina, E., Dubinkina, E., Gagarina, N., & Sanders, T. J. M. (2012). Discourse coherence in bilingualism and specific language impairment. Paper presented at Poster presented at the ZAS-Klausur-Meeting, Berlin.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2011). Piecemeal acquisition of boundedness: Degree modifiers of adjectives in Dutch child language. In G. Bochner, P. De Brabanter, M. Kissine, & D. Rossi (Eds.), Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics: Issues and Perspectives (pp. 93-116). (Belgian Journal of Linguistics; No. 25). John Benjamins.
Tribushinina, E. (2011).
Cognitive reference points in adjective-noun conceptual integration networks. In S. Handl, & H. J. Schmid (Eds.),
Windows to the Mind: Metaphor, Metonymy, Conceptual Blending (pp. 269-290). De Gruyter Mouton. Tribushinina, E. (2011). Conceptual motivation in adjectival semantics: Cognitive reference points revisited. In K.-U. Panther, & G. Radden (Eds.), Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon (pp. 215-232). (Human Cognitive Processing; No. 27). John Benjamins.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2010). The cognitive status of the norm. In G. I. Lushnikova, L. P. Prokhorova, S. V. Omelichkina, E. N. Ermolaeva, N. S. Sokolova, & E. J. Mokrushina (Eds.), Concept and culture (pp. 494-500). Kemerovo University Press.
Other output
Avrutin, S., De Bode, S., Tribushinina, E., & Vasic, N. (2010). When one hemisphere works for two: Language tasks following hemispherectomy. Poster session presented at NCU Research Day, Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2009). On prototypicality of dimensional adjectives. In J. Zlatev, M. Andrén, M. Johansson Falck, & C. Lundmark (Eds.), Studies in Language and Cognition (pp. 111-128). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Tribushinina, E. (2009). The linguistics of zero: A cognitive reference point or a phantom? Folia Linguistica, 43(2), 417-461.
Tribushinina, E. (2009). Reference points in linguistic construal: Scalar adjectives revisited. Studia Linguistica, 63(2), 233-260.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2008). Neskol'ko aksiom o prilagatel'nyx-antonimax: kontrargumenty iz russkogo jazyka (Several axioms about antonymous adjectives: counterarguments from Russian). In P. Houtzagers, J. Kalsbeek, & J. Schaeken (Eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists (pp. 461-488). Rodopi.
Tribushinina, E. (2008). The development of scales in phylogeny and ontogeny: Path of subjectification. In G. I. Lushnikova, & L. P. Prokhorova (Eds.), Concept and Culture (pp. 737-745). Kuzbassvuzizdat.
Tribushinina, E. (2008). EGO as a cognitive reference point: The case of nevysokij and nizkij. Russian Linguistics, 32(3), 159-183.
Tribushinina, E. (2008). Do small elephants exist?: Prototypicality effects in the acquisition of dimensional adjectives. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 79(1), 31-41.
Tribushinina, E. (2008). Scalarity and intersubjectivity. In M. Kluck, & E. J. Smits (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Semantics in the Netherlands Day (pp. 53-66). University of Groningen.
Tribushinina, E. (2008). Cognitive Reference Points: Semantics Beyond the Prototypes in Adjectives of Space and Colour. (LOT Dissertation Series ed.) LOT.
Scholarly publications
Tribushinina, E. (2006). Is rond even rond in het Nederlands, Engels en Russisch? In E. Waegemans (Ed.), De taal van Peter de Grote: Russisch-Nederlandse contacten en contrasten (pp. 87-106). Acco.