Dr. Eline de Groot

Dr. Eline de Groot


Eline de Groot just finished het PhD on sleep and early brain development in preterm born infants who are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Besides neurodevelopmental research, she has also developed methods to assess the sleep pattern of these vulnerable infants in a reliable and valid way. 

Currently, Eline is working as a postdoc for the Early Childhood community of the strategic theme Dynamics of Youth. This means she is spending half of her time doing interdisciplinary research into early development and half of her time building a multi-disciplinary community of researchers studying Early Childhood.

Research projects

  • Developing an E-Learning about the importance of preterm and neonatal sleep, sleep classification and strategies to safeguard sleep in the hospital and beyond.
  • Assessing prenatal language development in newborns from mothers with and without gestational diabetes using EEG.
  • Cross cultural comparison about sleep practices and knowledge in daycare facilities, including the medical daycare.