Scholarly publications
Besamusca, E., & Van Kolck (Boruta), D. (2022).
Fading Romantic Archetypes: Representing Poland in Dutch National Press in 1990 and 2014. In R. Supheert, G. Cascio, & J. D. ten Thije (Eds.),
The Riches of Intercultural Communication: Volume 1: Interactive, Contrastive, and Cultural Representational Approaches (Vol. 1, pp. 187-207). (Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication; Vol. 37). Brill. 2020
Scholarly publications
Bouquet, M. R., van Amsterdam, N., Besamusca, E. N., Barancova, A., & Valbusa, E. (2020).
'Diversity in Education. Lessons from the ‘Making Journeys: Building Blocks for Diversity’. 2017
Other output
Besamusca, E., & ten Thije, J. D. (2017). Representing the other in Dutch news media. Paper presented at Jubilee Conference – Crossing borders: challenging linguistic and cultural diversity.
Besamusca, E. (2017). Rabat: een roadmovie als metafoor voor integratie?. Paper presented at Comenius Regionaal Colloquium Neerlandicum, Wroclaw 2017, Wroclaw.
Other output
Besamusca, E., & ten Thije, J. D. (2016). Knowledge structures and representing the other in a Dutch constellation.
Scholarly publications
Besamusca, E. (2015). Een klassieker in een nieuw jasje: boekbespreking J.C.H. Blom & E. Lamberts (red.), Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden. Prometheus, 2014. Internationale Neerlandistiek, 53(1), 59-63.
Professional publications
Besamusca, E. (2014). Citizens, Coalitions, and the Crown. In Discovering the Dutch: On culture and society of the Netherlands (2nd ed., pp. 21-32). Amsterdam University Press.
Schnabel, P., Besamusca, E. N. (Ed.), & Verheul, J. (Ed.) (2014). Distinctive within the global fold? In Discovering the Dutch: On Culture and Society of The Netherlands (pp. 83-94). Amsterdam University Press, Uitgeverij Salomé.
Verheul, J., & Besamusca, E. (Eds.) (2014). Discovering the Dutch: On Dutch Culture and Society. Amsterdam University Press.
Scholarly publications
Besamusca, E., Hermann, C., & Vogl, U. (Eds.) (2013). Out of the Box: Über den Wert des Grenzwertigen. Praesens Verlag.
Besamusca, E., Hermann, C., & Vogl, U. (2013). Über Grenzen. In E. Besamusca, C. Hermann, & U. Vogl (Eds.), Out of the Box: Über den Wert des Grenzwertigen (pp. 7-18). Praesens Verlag.
Popularising publications
Besamusca, E. (2011). Fascinated by foreign eyes. In E. Besamusca (Ed.), Foreign Eyes: International students reflect on Utrecht (pp. 5-19). Amsterdam University Press.
Besamusca, E. (Ed.) (2011). Foreign Eyes: International students reflect on Utrecht. Amsterdam University Press.
Scholarly publications
Besamusca, E., Gelderblom, A. J., & ten Thije, J. D. (2010). Transnationale neerlandistiek: taal zonder natie, culturen zonder muren. Internationale Neerlandistiek, 48(4), 5-11.
Verheul, J., & Besamusca, E. (2010). Introduction. In E. Besamusca, & J. Verheul (Eds.), Discovering the Dutch: On Culture and Society of the Netherlands (pp. 11-14). Amsterdam University Press.
Verheul, J., & Besamusca, E. (Eds.) (2010). Discovering the Dutch: On Culture and Society of the Netherlands. Amsterdam University Press.
Professional publications
Besamusca, E. (2010). Citizens, Coalitions and the Crown. In E. Besamusca, & J. Verheul (Eds.), Discovering the Dutch: On Culture and Society of the Netherlands (pp. 19-30). Amsterdam University Press.