Prof. dr. Liesbeth Woertman

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht

Prof. dr. Liesbeth Woertman

Emeritus Professor
Clinical Psychology

At Utrecht University we consider good teaching to be one of the cornerstones of becoming a well renowned and excellent research and educational institute. Prof. Woertman has contributed considerably to the enhancement and amelioration of teaching methods and professionalization of teaching. Most important however is that she is an experienced teacher who’s teaching talents are widely recognized.Both the University and Faculty of Social Science have had teacher of the year contests for several years now and Prof. Woertman has won on numerous accounts. Student associations play an important role in the nomination. They are expected to compile an extensive portfolio with ample documentation on the candidate’s teaching achievements in order to support the nomination. The fact that the students were willing to do this several times in a row with Prof. Woertman actually winning 5 times on programme, faculty and university level (see cv for details) shows that her methods of teaching are widely recognized, esteemed and supported.  Prof. Woertman is able capture her audience by presenting theory and practice in ways that appeals to the students. Her main area of expertise is sexuality and the image of the body. Although these appear to be popular topics, it is actually quite challenging to teach on it. Because these are issues most people strongly relate to, it is difficult to look at it from a more detached and scientific point of view. She is a strong rhetorician, has no qualms about being her (sometimes quirky) self in front of the students and actively engages them in her lectures. The fact that so many students say that they feel inspired, motivated and activated by her lectures is actually quite a feat if you consider that there are many students in the psychology department. Prof. Woertman typically teaches classes of 400 students or more. The scores on the course evaluations of her courses are always well above average.

 Not only do the students think she is inspiring and engaging she also likes to set high standards. She expects her students to come well prepared and challenges them.

Vertrouwenspersoon Wetenschappelijke Integriteit UU en UMC