Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2022). Voices that Matter: Kurdish Women at the Limits of Representation in Contemporary Turkey. The University of Chicago Press.
Schäfers, M. (2022).
Rottmann, , , Susan Beth. In pursuit of belonging: forging an ethical life in European-Turkish spaces. xii, 203 pp., illus., bibliogr. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books, 2019. £99.00 (cloth).
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,
28(3), 1062-1063. 2021
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2021). Comment on "Spaced-Out States: Decolonizing Trauma in a War-Torn Middle Eastern City" by Umut Yıldırım. Current Anthropology.
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M., & Düzel, E. (2020).
Introduction: Between Loyalty and Critique: Gender, Morality, Militancy.
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East,
40(1), 115-118. Schäfers, M. (2020).
Walking a Fine Line: Loyalty, Betrayal and the Moral and Gendered Bargains of Resistance.
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East,
40(1), 119-132. 2019
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2019). Nirxandin: The Sung Home: Narrative, Morality, and the Kurdish Nation, Wendelmoet Hamelink. Derwaze, 3.
Schäfers, M. (2019). Tracing Connections: Kurdish Women Singers and the Ambiguities of Owning Oral Tradition. In M. Greve, W. Hamelink, & U. Özdemir (Eds.), Diversity and Contact Among Singer-Poet Traditions in Eastern Anatolia (pp. 77-93). Ergon.
Schäfers, M. (2019).
Archived Voices, Acoustic Traces and the Reverberations of Kurdish History in Modern Turkey.
Comparative Studies in Society and History,
61(2), 447-473. 2018
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2018). Troubled Terrain: Lines of Allegiance and Political Belonging in Northern Kurdistan. In B. Baser, B. Zorlu, & Y. Duman (Eds.), Methodological Approaches in Kurdish Studies: Theoretical and Practical Insights from the Field (pp. 69-83). Lexington Books.
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2017).
Animate Planet: Making Visceral Sense of Living in a High-Tech Ecologically Damaged World by Kath Weston.
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. Schäfers, M. (2017).
Writing Against Loss: Kurdish Women, Subaltern Authorship, and the Politics of Voice in Contemporary Turkey.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,
23(3), 543-561. Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Schäfers, M. (2016). Utançtan Kamusal Sese: Kadın Dengbêjler, Acının İşlenişi, ve Kürt Tarihi. Kürt Tarihi, 26, 24*29.
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2015).
Being Sick of Politics: The Production of Dengbêjî as Kurdish Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Turkey.
European Journal of Turkish Studies,
20. 2014
Scholarly publications
Schäfers, M. (2014). 2011 Van Depremi: Bir mücadele alanı olarak ‘yardım’. In E. Çelebi, D. Havlioğlu, & E. Kayaalp (Eds.), Sınır Bilgisi: Siyasal İktidar, Toplumsal Mekan ve Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Ayizi.
Scholarly publications