Emir Kayacan is a postdoctoral researcher within the ERI research cluster at the Law Department of Utrecht University. Concurrently, he serves as an associate professor in social policy at Istanbul University, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2016. His primary research areas encompass employment policies and demographic issues related to social policy. Additionally, he has published works in the field of organizational behavior.
Emir is also the editor of the Journal of Social Policy Conferences, which has been published since 1948 and is indexed in several international databases. For the past five years, he has taught undergraduate courses on 'Social Policy' and 'Demographic Structure Analysis.' He has also supervised master’s theses on diverse topics, including job satisfaction and elderly care technologies.
At Utrecht University, Emir is engaged in a project titled ‘Researching the Phenomenon of NEET among Turkish Youth in the Netherlands,’ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sonja Bekker. This study explores the underlying factors that lead young individuals to remain outside the realms of education and employment, the challenges they encounter when attempting to enter the workforce or pursue further education, their present means of subsistence, and their aspirations for the future. Utilizing a phenomenological approach within the framework of qualitative research, the project employs in-depth interviews and focus group discussions to gather comprehensive insights.