Dr. E.J.A.M. (Alice) Sijts

Dr. E.J.A.M. (Alice) Sijts

Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases & Immunology
+31 30 253 2471

Dr. Alice Sijts' research focuses on the cellular processes underlying immune defense against intracellular pathogens and tumor growth. She is an expert in the field of proteasome biology and MHC class I antigen processing, and studies how inflammation-induced changes in this processing pathway support the development of protective immunity. She translates obtained knowledge to develop novel immunotherapies, as well as next generation vaccines against ‘hard-to-treat’ and emerging pathogens.

Alice Sijts obtained her PhD from Leiden University in The Netherlands. She has held research groups in Berlin, Germany, and in Rochester / NY, USA, before joining the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. She  receives funding from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for fundamental research on antigen processing. She participates in several European networks, one aimed at development of novel antibody-based tumor therapies ('TumorTregTargeting'). Another aimed at developing T-cell based immune assays for prediction of immune protection in cell-based human in vitro 3D infection models. ('Inno4Vac')  Additionally, she coordinates the Horizon2020-financed Innovative Training Network 'VacPath', aimed at development of novel vaccines, to protect against intracellular bacteria and viruses.