Access to reliable digital sources:
An information right for all citizens
Dr. Eugène Loos is an Associate Professor of public administration and organizational science.
In his research he focuses on the role of media literacy for the accessibility of reliable digital information for all citizens. What is the impact of digitization on younger and older generations, how can organizations and their stakeholders promote inclusion? How do they jointly create public values in, for example, healthcare and education? And what is the role of age? With the insights from his research, organizations can use new media to enable citizens to actively participate in society.
Dr. Eugène Loos is leading (inter)national research projects on fake news to get insight into the effectiveness of legal, technological and educational measures to help citizens to engage critically with their news sources, and promotes access and use of reliable digital information. He is a member of BENEDMO, the Flemish-Dutch collaboration against disinformation, by and for factcheckers, media companies, scientists and other experts (
He also examines the opportunities and threats by ChatGPT for education.
He supervises bachelor- and mastertheses.
With Dr. Ozan Alakavuklar he is coordinating the Master 'Organising Social Impact' (
For the executive Master 'Management van publieke vraagstukken' ( he lectures about the role of framing to change the behaviour of organisations' internal and external stakeholders, and he supervises Master theses.
He is active in the Utrecht University focus area Governing the Digital Society ( and the strategic theme Dynamics of Youth ( He is also Associated Editor Digital Impacts for the journal Frontiers in Human Dynamics, Editorial Board member of the Journal Societies, and member of the research school Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG) (
From 2009 to 2019 he was a Professor by special appointment of 'Old and new media in an aging society' for the ANBO (Dutch association for senior citizens) at the University of Amsterdam.