Dr. E.E. (Ed) Moret

Associate Professor
Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery



Scholarly publications

Scherpenzeel, M., Conte, F., Büll, C., Ashikov, A., Hermans, E., Willems, A., Tol, W., Kragt, E., Noga, M., Moret, E. E., Heise, T., Langereis, J. D., Rossing, E., Zimmermann, M., Rubio-Gozalbo, M. E., de Jonge, M. I., Adema, G. J., Zamboni, N., Boltje, T., & Lefeber, D. J. (2021). Dynamic tracing of sugar metabolism reveals the mechanisms of action of synthetic sugar analogs. Glycobiology. https://doi.org/10.1093/glycob/cwab106


Scholarly publications

Gao, Y., Van Haren, M. J., Moret, E. E., Rood, J. J. M., Sartini, D., Salvucci, A., Emanuelli, M., Craveur, P., Babault, N., Jin, J., & Martin, N. I. (2019). Bisubstrate inhibitors of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) with enhanced activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 62(14), 6597-6614. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00413


Scholarly publications

Sevsek, A., Sastre Toraño, J., Quarles Van Ufford, L., Moret, E. E., Pieters, R. J., & Martin, N. I. (2017). Orthoester functionalized: N -guanidino derivatives of 1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-d-xylitol as pH-responsive inhibitors of β-glucocerebrosidase. MedChemComm, 8(11), 2050-2054. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7md00480j
van Haren, M. J., Taig, R., Kuppens, J., Sastre Toraño, J., Moret, E. E., Parsons, R. B., Sartini, D., Emanuelli, M., & Martin, N. I. (2017). Inhibitors of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase designed to mimic the methylation reaction transition state. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 15(31), 6656-6667. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7ob01357d
Sevsek, A., Šrot, L., Rihter, J., Čelan, M., van Ufford, L. Q., Moret, E. E., Martin, N. I., & Pieters, R. J. (2017). N-Guanidino Derivatives of 1,5-Dideoxy-1,5-imino-d-xylitol are Potent, Selective, and Stable Inhibitors of β-Glucocerebrosidase. ChemMedChem, 12(7), 483–486. https://doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.201700050


Scholarly publications

Sevšek, A., Čelan, M., Erjavec, B., Quarles van Ufford, L., Sastre Toraño, J., Moret, E. E., Pieters, R. J., & Martin, N. I. (2016). Bicyclic isoureas derived from 1-deoxynojirimycin are potent inhibitors of β-glucocerebrosidase. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 14(37), 8670-3. https://doi.org/10.1039/c6ob01735e


Scholarly publications

van Haren, M., van Ufford, L. Q., Moret, E. E., & Martin, N. I. (2015). Synthesis and evaluation of protein arginine N-methyltransferase inhibitors designed to simultaneously occupy both substrate binding sites. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 13, 549-560. https://doi.org/10.1039/c4ob01734j


Scholarly publications

Mooney, C. A., Johnson, S. A., 'T Hart, P., Quarles Van Ufford, L., De Haan, C. A. M., Moret, E. E., & Martin, N. I. (2014). Oseltamivir analogues bearing N-substituted guanidines as potent neuraminidase inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 57(7), 3154-3160. https://doi.org/10.1021/jm401977j


Scholarly publications

de Mol, N. J., Kruijtzer, J. A. W., Moret, E. E., Broutin, I., & Liskamp, R. M. J. (2013). Unusual binding of Grb2 protein to a bivalent polyproline-ligand immobilized on a SPR sensor: intermolecular bivalent binding. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1834(2), 524-535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbapap.2012.11.001
van Hattum, H., Branderhorst, H. M., Moret, E. E., Nilsson, U. J., Leffler, H., & Pieters, R. J. (2013). Tuning the preference of thiodigalactoside- and lactosamine-based ligands to galectin-3 over galectin-1. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 56(3), 1350-1354. https://doi.org/10.1021/jm301677r
Meijerman, I., Storm, G., Moret, E. E., & Koster, A. S. (2013). Development and student evaluation of an inquiry-based elective course on drug discovery and preclinical drug development. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 5, 14-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2012.09.009
Mooiman, K. D., Maas-Bakker, R. F. M., Moret, E. E., Beijnen, J. H., Schellens, J. H. M., & Meijerman, I. (2013). Milk Thistle's Active Components Silybin and Isosilybin: Novel Inhibitors of PXR-Mediated CYP3A4 Induction. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 41, 1494-1504.


Scholarly publications

van Hell, A. J., Klymchenko, A., Burgers, P. P., Moret, E. E., Jiskoot, W., Hennink, W. E., Crommelin, D. J. A., & Mastrobattista, E. (2010). Conformation and intermolecular interactions of SA2 peptides self-assembled into vesicles. Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 114(34), 11046-52.


Scholarly publications

van Scherpenzeel, M., Moret, E. E., Ballell, L., Liskamp, R. M. J., Nilsson, U. J., Leffler, H., & Pieters, R. J. (2009). Synthesis and evaluation of new thiodigalactoside-based chemical probes to label galectin-3. ChemBioChem, 10, 1724-1733.
Stenger, R. M., Poelen, M. C. M., Moret, E. E., Kuipers, B., Bruijns, S. C. M., Hoogerhout, P., Hijnen, M., King, A. J., Mooi, F. R., Boog, C. J. P., & van Els, C. A. C. M. (2009). Immunodominance in mouse and human CD4+ T-cell responses specific for the bordetella pertussis virulence factor P.69 pertactin. Infection and Immunity, 77, 896-903.


Scholarly publications

Hijnen, M., de Voer, R., Mooi, F. R., Schepp, R., Moret, E. E., van Gageldonk, P., Smits, G., & Berbers, G. A. M. (2007). The role of peptide loops of the Bordetella pertussis protein P.69 pertactin in antibody recognition. Vaccine, 25, 5902-5914.


Professional publications

Moret, E. E. (2006). Dirty Drugs. Conceptuur, 46, 6-7.


Scholarly publications

Haan, E., Wagenaar-Hilbers, J. P. A., Liskamp, R. M. J., Moret, E. E., & Wauben, M. H. M. (2005). Limited plasticity in T cell recognition of modified T cell receptor contact residues in MHC class II bound peptides. Molecular Immunology, 42(3), 355-364.
Haan, E., Moret, E. E., Wagenaar-Hilbers, J. P. A., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Wauben, M. H. M. (2005). Possibilities and limitations in the rational design of modified peptides for T cell mediated immunotherapy. Molecular Immunology, 42(3), 365-373.

Professional publications

Moret, E. E., & Gestel, D. (2005). Molecular Modeling. In W. Jiskoot, & D. J. A. Crommelin (Eds.), Methods for structural analysis of protein pharmaceuticals (Biotechnology: Pharmaceutical aspects series vol. III) American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist 2005.


Scholarly publications

Haan, E., Wauben, M. H. M., Wagenaar-Hilbers, J. P. A., Grosfeld, M. C., Rijkers, D. T. S., Moret, E. E., & Liskamp, R. M. J. (2004). Stabilization of peptide guinea pig myelin basic protein 72-85 by N-terminal acetylation-implications for immunological studies. Molecular Immunology, 40(13), 943-948.

Professional publications

Moret, E. E. (2004). Malaria: geneesmiddelonderzoek uit idealisme. Conceptuur, 39, 8-9.
Moret, E. E., & Tollenaere, J. P. A. E. (2004). Glossary, in computational medicinal chemistry for drug discovery. In P. Bultinck, H. de Winter, W. Langenaeker, & J. P. A. E. Tollenaere (Eds.), Computational medicinal chemistry for drug discovery Marcel Dekker.


Scholarly publications

de Haan, E. C., Wauben, M. H. M., Grosfeld-Stulemeyer, M. C., Kruijtzer, J. A. W., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Moret, E. E. (2002). Major histocompatibility complex class II binding characteristics of peptoid-peptide hybrids. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 10, 1939-1945.
Bultinck, P. R. E., Augustynen, S., Hilbers, H. W., Moret, E. E., & Tollenaere, J. P. A. E. (2002). Generate: A program for 3-D structure generation and conformational analysis of peptides and peptidomimetics. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 23, 746-754.


Scholarly publications

Fischer, M. J. E., Kuipers, C., Hofkes, R. P., Hofmeyer, L. J. F., Moret, E. E., & de Mol, N. J. (2001). Exploring computational lead optimisation with affinity constants obtained by surface plasmon resonance for the interaction of PorA epitope peptides with antibody against Neisseira meningitidis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1568, 205-215.
Huls, G., Gestel, D., van der Linden, J., Moret, E. E., & Logtenberg, T. (2001). Tumor cell killing by in vitro affinity-matured recombinant human monoclonal antibodies. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 50, 163-171.
de Haan, E. C., Wauben, M. H. M., Grosfeld-Stulemeyer, M. C., & Moret, E. E. (2001). Structure-based design and evaluation of MHC class II binding peptides. Biologicals, 29, 289-292.

Professional publications

Moret, E. E. (2001). Tussen droom en werkelijkheid staat virtualiteit. Computational chemistry anno 2001. Conceptuur, 27, 12-13.

Other output

de Haan, E. C., Wauben, M. H. M., Grosveld-Stulemeyer, M. C., Kruijtzer, J. A. W., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Moret, E. E. (2001). Peptoid-peptide hybrids: design, synthesis and MHC binding. 1045-1046. Abstract from Unknown event, Asilomar, USA.


Scholarly publications

Vries, L. D., Dijkhuizen, F. P. H. L. J., Mol, B. W. J., Brölmann, H. A. M., Moret, E. E., & Heintz, A. P. M. (2000). Comparison of transvaginal ultrasonography, saline infusion and hysteroscopy in the work-up of premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 28, 217-223.
Dijkhuizen, F. P. H. L. J., Vries, L. D., Mol, B. W. J., Brölmann, H. A. M., Peters, H. M., Moret, E. E., & Heintz, A. P. M. (2000). Comparison of transvaginal sonography and saline infusion sonography for the detection of intracavitary abnormalities. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15(5), 372-376. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1469-0705.2000.00115.x

Professional publications

de Haan, E. C., Wauben, M. H. M., Grosfeld-Stulemeyer, M. C., Kruijtzer, J. A. W., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Moret, E. E. (2000). MHC class II binding of peptoid-peptide hybrids. Immunobiology, 203, 30.


Scholarly publications

van de Wetering, P., Moret, E. E., Schuurmans-Nieuwenbroek, N. M. E., van Steenbergen, M. J., & Hennink, W. E. (1999). Structure-activity relationships of water-soluble cationic methacrylate/methacrylamide polymers for nonviral gene delivery. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 10, 687-692.
Moret, E. E., van Wijk, M. C., Kostense, A. S., & Gillies, M. B. (1999). Scoring peptide(mimetic)-protein interactions. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 9, 604-620.

Other output

Fischer, M. J. E., Kuipers, C., Moret, E. E., & de Mol, N. J. (1999). Analysis of the interaction of epitope peptides with antibody against neisseria meningtidisby surface plasmon resonance. Abstract from FIGON Geneesmiddeldagen, April 1999, Lunteren.
de Haan, E. C., van Rensen, A. J. M. L., Wauben, M. H. M., & Moret, E. E. (1999). Structure-based design of altered peptide ligands. Poster session presented at SON Discussiegroep Farmacochemie, Lunteren.
de Haan, E. C., van Rensen, A. J. M. L., Wauben, M. H. M., & Moret, E. E. (1999). Structure-based design of altered peptide ligands. Abstract from SON Discussiegroep Farmacochemie, Lunteren.


Scholarly publications

van der Swaan, G. J., Koops, B. W., Moret, E. E., & Tukker, J. J. (1998). Mapping the binding site of the small intestinal peptide carrier (PepT1) using comparative molecular field analysis. Receptors & Channels, 6, 189-200.


Scholarly publications

Moret, E. E., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Tollenaere, J. P. (1997). Structure-based design of epitope mimetics. In Pharmacochemistry Library: Proceedings XIVth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (C ed., Vol. 28, pp. 371-381). (Pharmacochemistry Library). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-7208(97)80079-7


Scholarly publications

Moret, E. E., de Boer, M., Hilbers, H. W., Tollenaere, J. P. A. E., Janssen, L. H. M., Driebergen, J. J. M., Verboom, W., & Reinhoudt, D. N. (1996). In vivo activity and hydropho-bicity of cytostatic aziridinylquinones. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 39, 720-728.
Moret, E. E., Liskamp, R. M. J., & Tollenaere, J. P. A. E. (1996). Structure-based design of epitope mimetics. Physiology, 6, 68-68.

Professional publications

Moret, E. E. (1996). De Moleculaire Microscoop. Computational Medicinal Chemistry in Utrecht. Conceptuur, 9, 4-5.


Scholarly publications

Driebergen, R. J., Moret, E. E., Janssen, L. H. M., Beijnen, J. H., Holthuis, J. J. M., Kelder, S. J. P., Verboom, W., Reinhoudt, N. D., & Lelieveld, P. (1993). Electrochemistry of potentially bioreductive alkylating quinones. Part 4. Qualitative and quantitative structure‐activity relationships of aziridinylquinones. Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas, 112(2), 174-185. https://doi.org/10.1002/recl.19931120216


Scholarly publications

Driebergen, R. J., Moret, E. E., Janssen, L. H. M., Blauw, J. S., Holthuis, J. J. M., Postma Kelder, S. J., Verboom, W., Reinhoudt, D. N., & van der Linden, W. E. (1992). Electrochemistry of potentially bioreductive alkylating quinones. Part 3. Quantitative structure-electrochemistry relationships of aziridinylquinones. Analytica Chimica Acta, 257(2), 257-273. https://doi.org/10.1016/0003-2670(92)85179-A


Scholarly publications

De Boer, M., Moret, E. E., Janssen, L. H., Holthuis, J. J., Driebergen, R. J., Reinhoudt, D. N., & Verboom, W. (1989). Lipophilicity of a series of cytostatic aziridinyl quinones. In Progress in Clinical and Biological Research (Vol. 291, pp. 87-90). (Progress in clinical and biological research).