The Supreme Nudge project is part of a large consortium coordinated by Free University Amsterdam and involves multiple scientific and societal partners (including COOP supermarkets) who research the long term effectiveness of nudges in real life in terms of health behaviors and health outcomes. Supreme Nudge stands for Sustainable Prevention of Cardiometabolic Risk Through Nudging Health Behaviors. The project is funded by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development and runs from 2017 to 2022. The SelfRegulationLab is responsible for designing and testing nudges that speak to consumer decision making styles (either reasoned, habitual and impulsive) and examine how they affect awareness and attention in a virtual super market setting. People working on the Supreme Nudge project are Femke de Boer (PhD candidate), Marleen Gillebaart and Denise de Ridder.
Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J., Poelman, M., & de Ridder, D. (2020). The snack that has it all: People's associations with ideal snacks. Appetite, 152, 104722.
de Ridder, D., Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Poelman, M., & Benjamins, J. (2020). Snacks and the City. TSG-Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 98(1), 3-10.
Schlinkert, C., Gillebaart, M., Benjamins, J., Poelman, M. P., & De Ridder, D. (2020). Snacks and the city: Unexpected low sales of an easy-access, tasty, and healthy snack at an urban snacking hotspot. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20), 7538.
The overall aim of the HINTS research program is to gain more insight into nudges as novel techniques for health promotion. The proposed program aims to identify and investigate effects and impact of nudges to promote healthy diets in three projects.
The first project (Eva Groen-Reijman at Wageningen University) aims to identify and justify norms for responsible nudges in the context of health nutrition. Qualitative research is conducted to gain insight into the opportunities and barriers of nudges for acceptability and desirability with users and end-users. The empirical data from projects 2 and 3 will inform a normative analysis of the ethical aspects of nudging, and subsequently we identify specific ethical dimensions of healthy diet nudges by private companies or organizations.
The second project (Laurens van Gestel at Utrecht University) aims to investigate how and under what specific conditions nudges may contribute to healthy diets. By means of laboratory experiments, more fundamental insight will be gained into the psychological processes and mechanisms by which nudges promote healthy diets. This project will specifically focus on both the experience of being nudged (i.e., how nudging affects feelings of autonomous decision making) and how nudging actually promotes healthy decisions.
The third project (Merije van Rookhuizen at Wageningen University) aims to evaluate whether and for whom nudges can have short- and long-term impact on health behavior. By means of experiments in ecologically valid real-life settings, insight will be gained into who will be reached with and exposed to nudges and into the sustainability of nudging effects on behavior change and habit formation.
The WINK project investigates the merits of nudging as a promising and innovative approach to public health and welfare. ‘Nudging’ translates insights from behavioral research on decision-making to policy-relevant individual choices in order to gently suggest desired choices without infringing upon autonomy of individuals. It is based on the understanding that individual choices are generally driven by heuristic processes to which the presentation of alternatives can be attuned. Nudging refers to a variety of techniques with which governments and other agents (‘choice architects’) may guide individual choices in order to improve decision outcomes. Nudging is based on ‘libertarian paternalism’, which respects
individual free choice (libertarian) but suggest the most sensible choices to individuals (paternalistic). The program focuses on public health and healthy lifestyle choices. Nudging is a highly promising alternative to existing policies, as it may be more effective, less intrusive and less costly. However, systematic research is lacking that investigates the effectiveness of various nudges, their normative acceptability and practical feasibility for public policies. This research program is a systematic empirical investigation of these three issues by a multidisciplinary research team, featuring psychologists and communication, ethics and public administration scholars. We collaborate in a consortium with five of the most important policy actors in the field of public policy, public health and welfare: Netherlands School for Public Policy, Council for Health & Society, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, and Municipal Public Health Service Utrecht.
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Zie ook voor uitgebreide informatie over een onderzoeksproject naar de zelfregulatie van eetgedrag bij jonderen in negen Europese landen.
Zie ook voor een overzicht van onderzoeksprojecten naar de effectiviteit van een zelfregulatie-interventie bij gezondheidsproblemen als diabetes en overgewicht.